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ZevoAnonReal last won the day on September 11 2017

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  1. segal shouldn't have been mod RIP xeno
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    2. Bone


      He doesn't seem to be accusing him of anything, just stating his opinion, albeit in an unnecessary way...
    3. Kypari


      No I know exactly what this is about. Segal muted him for immature voices (doing a yoda voice) and he completely left xG because of it and is leaving comments like this. It doesn't bring anything good and is just all-around negative for no good reason other than to just be rude :/
    4. Bone


      So if he left xG completely, and you know the situation, and that he's just trying to get a rise out of people to start drama... Why are you falling for it? Ignore him, or if it's such a big deal, inform someone higher up or use the "report" button on his post. You know, to actively stop drama from happening instead of adding to it?
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