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Everything posted by Aczel

  1. If there is a fixed version of it, than it could definitely be really cool I agree with squid maybe test it just to see how it goes.
  2. Although I have to admit that I am sometimes "one of them" I do agree that it makes a bunch of people leave for this reason, and although it can be an enjoyable map at times, it is more common for it to "kill" the server for a while. I remain Neutral but I see where this can be an issue.
  3. So I might be gone for like a week, again. I know its dumb.
  4. The Bar is Lit :kawaii: kawaii
  5. I mean I feel like spy can be a pretty good class if you know how to use it.
  6. Is it good or is it over-rated?
  7. For real? Didn't think this was actually a thing :llama:
  8. +1 without a doubt. Really the only reason it's played is because people don't know what they are getting into while voting.
  9. Ethics, simply undefinable.
  10. I'm ofically back online, Glad to be back
  11. Worth having to deal with the problem makers again for a bit :LOL:
  12. +1 Definitely see it being useful on the servers for observing the suspect.
  13. When it comes down to a YouTube channel of a network I would assume it's best to have a community channel where people send in gameplay on the network to the admin of the channel and it gets uploaded as such. This way there will be more of a variety of content. I imagine this like the video games channel or mlg "if they are a thing still"
  14. I agree with the majority ^^ that map has brought more chaos and headache than it's worth, glad that it's getting removed. +1
  15. I do but I mean surely he can find a little hole to hide in by the time it catches him right? :coffee:
  16. To each our own ethics.
  17. Don't Worry I think even puppies can out run a bear and hide in a hole ;)
  18. Moved places and won't have internet until Tuesday :sleep: Be back as soon as possible :llama:
  19. Going to be a bit in-active for about a week. #Moving
  20. Its amazing how much a few lies can mess up a person
  21. Guess who's back. Back again.
    1. Thorax_


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