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Posts posted by james8470

  1. +1 says she has experience managing a server, good time on the server, and I've know her to be friendly and mature.

    Good luck, you'd make a fine DL, so long as you can be passionate about the work. (y)

  2. Agreeing with @CappyCappy. The server would just need to have a big clean up and a staff to tie any loose ends.

    For plugin suggestions what about:

    Citizens make spawn less empty and give it more purpose instead of having signs (1.11 support)

    Shopkeepers ^ (1.11 support)

    CustomMobs help give that extra spice to players to survive (1.11 support)

    Quests to giving players a long term goal/repeatable goal so they stay on the server(1.11 support)


    Mmmm, good plugins. :D I've used them all on my server and they function beautifully.

    However, I can also attest to the idea that we're going to need at least a few hard-working config-writers for those plugins.

    Took me years working by myself to set up all of those to the point where I wanted them.

    Also try MythicMobs, great bosses can be created, but again a lot of config involved.

  3. Thanks for doing all this giveaways! Super kind of you. (y)

    I took Monster Puzzle because it's the only mac (don't even start a flame war pls :emoji_ok_hand:) compatible one that wasn't already taken :rip:

  4. Season 2 of AOT is airing currently, highly recommended if you enjoyed the first one!



    P.S. check my siggy :p


    One Punch Man



    Fairy Tail (if you're into that??)

    Hunter x Hunter (yes please)

    Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood


    That is all I can think of that I've watched and liked so far.

    EDIT: all of them are anime


    Oh man, Fairy Tail has like what, 300 eps?

    FMA Brother is a great show, one of my favorites.


    Now, for a suggestion of my own: From the New World

    Underrated, unheard of 20 ep. anime. Absolutely amazing story. Crazy suspenseful, too.

    Read about it and see how well it rated here: Shinsekai yori


    Hope your leg heals soon :(

  5. I literally only play on the Pokemon Trade Center server due to the pokemon maps.


    Yeah, you should take up Kypari on his offer.

    There's usually at least twice as many people on TGH plus a lot more goes on there in terms of events, occasional trading, etc.

    I do most often play TGH, but I sometimes play the PTS as well. I'll see you around. :P

  6. I mean it is something you can put on a resume. You're managing users on a large website and servers by enforcing rules and checking applications on a selective basis. All the coding I've done for the website also is something I put on my resume (it's why I have a job now lol)


    At the end of the day if you put effort into something that's above and beyond it's worth putting on a resume.


    I think you completely missed my point.


    No worries, though, it's totally my fault (y).

    So, I'll try to be a little more clear and direct this time.


    The point I meant to make is that xG isn't a holy grail which will serve as the main attraction of your resumé if you're part of the 90% of xG's population (I know, it should be obvious but I had shit in my head yesterday).

    That 90% being those who are not staff, haven't particularly contributed to the community other than posting on the forums, which everyone who read that statement of Forest's does anyway.


    To be as frank as possible, my purpose for writing was to inform the reader that as great a community as xG is, it won't solve all your real-life problems (I know, it should be obvious but I had shit in my head yesterday).

    I imposed clarification on Forest's post in which he stated how his experiences on xG had helped him with a real-life application.

    However, what's critical to understand is that Forest has the experiences and prestige of the top 10% of xG's population, and those experiences of managing a community fit quite nicely on an application, while most of us have little to gain out of xG in terms of applying for a job.

    In short, which looks better on a resumé?


    "I'm part of a gaming community, I post on the forums"


    "I helped manage, run, code, and design a large gaming community"


    Hopefully that makes a little more sense. :emoji_ok_hand:

  7. Funny enough, I actually used my experience here with Xeno Gamers (as general Staff, Division Manager and Co-Leader) in my resume/cover letter when I applied at EA. During the interview, there was actually a large focus on what my responsibilities/duties entailed with Xeno Gamers. Just thought I would mention it here as a neat example that xG can actually have a real-world influence/impact :coffee:


    I hate to be pessimist here, but...

    As inspiring as that real-world application of xG is, it really is kinda difficult for others on xG to use as part of a resumé.

    I mean, it's one thing to say "I managed a relatively large gaming clan with it's own intricate governance in multiple leading positions"

    and another entirely to say "I'm a member of a relatively large gaming clan and I... post my opinions on the forums?"


    I mean, sure you can say something like "I've seen reflections of the way [whatever] is managed as compared to what's going on xG" in an application, but for Forest's specific case his situation in an application is much more versatile than 90% of xG members in terms of experiences and rank alike.


    That's not to say, however, that there may well be other real-world comparisons, contrasts, and even applications for xG we haven't already mentioned.

    But when it comes right down to it, it's not our specialty, not our focus.


    Anyways, congrats on how useful xG was to you in that interview Forest! (y)

    I can imagine how exciting that must've been, as far as interviews go.

  8. All these are nice, but if u don't get any player in the server, then no outsider will draw attention to a zero people playing on a server. Servers are meant to play with other people as hence Multi-Player. If Xg can get a decent amount of regular at least 4-10 then I think then you should add mini games and such. No point of playing hunger games (or other mini games) with just 1 or 2 people.


    Good point, but if that's the case what game(s) should we start out with?

    also that -1 screw up :p

  9. Oooo, I like plants

    Here's an old picture of my garden from the winter


    Right now, I've got native varieties of corn, squash, and beans growing in that bed plus some chiltipins, which are these little super-hot peppers. They're also the ancestor of all peppers.

    Yah you triggered my plant fascination. Also I've grown little-finger carrots before, or as I like to call them, :finger:-carrots.


    Oh, also see if you can guess which desert I live in based on the plants behind the fence. ;)

  10. Good luck m8, fuck em up! :sneaky: >:)


    Also listen to @Aegean, make them all defect to xG. :sneaky: >:) Oh, maybe don't use the word "defect" it sounds negative.

    Tell them to be... "saved" by the xG servers. Trust me, it works every time. (y)(y)(y)

  11. or we could be ordinary and have minigames but where's the fun in that unless we're building everything which i would enjoy doing


    Right, which is why I suggested a fusion of mini games and long-term games involving building.

    Quick fun to get new players interested, and long-term games to keep the players interested and to actually stay on the server.

  12. +1 Now, I've never once actually played this map.

    How is this possible? Seeing as we are constantly RTVing to go there?

    I can't download/join it. Map has always been glitched for me and I've never once played it.


    Now, I wouldn't put in my vote just because of my personal problem alone (unless anyone else has this bug?).

    A couple xG friends who I've asked what the map is like basically say it can be abusing to the eyes and ears and trollers often take advantage of this.


    Oh, and all the people in this thread who are saying it's buggy combined with the fact I can't even join the darn map doesn't improve my impression of it either.

  13. What about having a modded server. If we could have a second server for mods.* For example Pixilmon or ftb (Feed The Beast) packs?


    Oooooh, that'd be fun.

    Only question is if we can afford a second server like that, as you pointed out.

    Also, how do you envision this?

    1) As a stand-alone server also run by xG

    2) Bungeed together with another single-game xG server

    3) Part of a much larger network of bungeed servers with all kinds of games

    4) Another idea?


    No pressure to answer this, just curious what you think.

  14. I ran a minecraft server for a couple of years, and I'd like to see a "hub" server, but it is contains both long-term games (Towny/Factions/Creative) and mini games (Kit PvP) plus maybe some tournament games (HG, Bridges/Walls).

    I have purchased the following plugins and would be happy to share them with xG:


    Now, here's why I suggested the set up afore mentioned, since we're just starting off in Minecraft and need players, the mini-games will provide quick fun and get people hooked with all the cool abilities and what-not, and the long-term games where there's always more to do will keep people playing after they've first become attached to the server via the mini-games.


    If you want any help writing config files, building maps, or even writing some basic plugins don't hesitate to ask. (y)

  15. I hate to -1 but...

    Like others have said, my main reason is that while you're SUPER active which is great and all, you seem a little oblivious and misunderstanding of whatever is going on, and that my friend is essential to being a mod. If you read YeEternalTuna's comment, he has a good point, too.

    Don't take this the wrong way, you're a great guy and all, but I just don't think you're equipped for mod right now.


    Oh, and no mini-rant here ;), I don't think not having 50 forum posts should discount you from even being considered provided you have other qualities to run off of.

  16. Because we already have the latest version.


    dm_mariokart3_v1 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA




    Also that entire area, with the minigames and microphone, is already on Abstract



    Ohhh, I was mistaken


    No it's not really like MassCC, just has a minigame where you jump on the squares and also there's a disco on world 1-2 too. Here's a video of the minigame from a long time ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XiifxvJRoM


    Oh that's the mini game :derp:

    Well you know, it's not "from a long time ago", it's still in latest ver.


    I'd -1 this then, seeing as we have latest version.

    As far as multiple versions go, there's a difference between a map which has been updated, and a "festive" version w/ spells (minecraft).

  17. Why weren't you this eloquent in your repeated one-sentence ban protests and member app?

    It's like I'm reading a thread written by a completely new person... o_O


    Regardless of your... low approval-rating, I checked it out and I d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶u̶p̶d̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶i̶o̶K̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶p̶.̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶i̶g̶a̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶f̶u̶n̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶C̶C̶ ̶I̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶s̶u̶m̶e̶?̶


    *EDIT: See my new reply for rating & explanation