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Would like to join xG

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I am able to apply mods/commands ect, with the right tools.


I am also able to make a map, but I will need an extra hand.

Not at the moment though because I need to buy the materials on this computer.


I am very active in your TF2 Freak Fortress ( Saxton Hale ) server. I would be active in your other servers, but I have yet to find the Ip for them.



I am in a group not a clan, and I own it. ( I hope that doesn't lower my chances of getting in, but we will see. )


I have a very good reputation in your TF2 Freak Fortress server, and I have never been banned or nothing like that in my entire time there.


A xG member may be able to vouche for me, but I have yet to ask him.


Yikes, after that I forgot to include the reason I am joining.


The reason is because some people do not follow the rules when there is not an active xG member/admin on there, and I know this because I see this almost every time.

The other reason is because I can make a map, and heard you needed a map maker. ( Not at the moment though because, as I said before, I need to buy the materials. )


Anyways I hope you guys accept me into xG.


Have a nice day.



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+1 He is an amazing friend and I love him <3 (no homo). He active and follows the rules, deserves my vouch :)

BTW- You can use Hammer to make maps and its free in steam, in the tools section in the library.

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I thumbed him up because he is always on the xG servers and is known by most people here. He also is calm and competent and does not rage and make the game less fun for all. He is mature and respects everyone equally even the very young players.

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I honestly havent seen you on. Too be honest i havent been on much since paper mario sticker star came out. But if i see you on later, and if you follow the rules, i will maybe vouch.

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Not many people in this community are all that active on Team Fortress 2. I see you on sometimes and I'm usually not bothering anyone or talking and I change my name a lot when joining that server so I'll make my decision now.

Decision: +1

Reason: Knows and follows the rules, has useful knowledge and skills that benefit this clan, and in my eyes could be a great staff member in the future in the Team Fortress 2 division.

Activity: 9/10

Maturity: 9/10

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