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LQ Unban (Formal Request)

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Good evening, gentlemen, I come here to appeal my "Banning CT" many in the server know me as "LQuidador" the guy who says "asshole" every 5 seconds and I come from the most formal way possible (at least in my own way) in order to eliminate my "CT ban" whose Rason was caused by making a "LQ day" that was to remove all "terros" just the cells were open, many in the server or say I'm one of the best "wardens "(not trying to be the big guy, just try as much as possible to justify my" UNCT ban ") after my ban many say it was a mistake" CT ban "... I think that was not a mistake, I deserve it, because if we consider the magnitude of the damage, and in fact I was permanently banned from the server for 5 min, and could have been banned for life if not many of the players came out to protest, saying that he does not deserve the "Permanent Ban" so I just went "CT Bannen" with a warning, outside the "LQ days", just trying to be funny and make the server more fun and a place extrict cheerful and not the "warden" that kills anyone for the slightest mistake, I apologize for breaking the rules and promise not to do more "LQ day" no matter how much you ask people, either by an urgent need sadomasochism, im apologize for my frist post about unctban me, it was an trolling posts, and finally I apologize for my bad English, obviously not my language, Enlighs isn't my strongest, Thaks!

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@@Chrono @@TChief @@Cookiesars @@Ebic @@Shadow @@Akio @@Scub @Dontbleedpls @@AgH4 @@SwizZ @@Dravin @@CornHippo @@Spade @@serbiansnaga @@QuangTang


Anyways, I've had an extensive conversation to Lquidator regarding his CT ban, since the CT bans are disabled, we can't exactly moderate if he goes on CT or not when there are mods on. I want your honest opinions on what you think of him. We know he was banned for hosting a LQ day and he was initially permanent CT banned due to that. Just like @@Opie he was permanently CT banned because of free killing and had appealed his ban protest. I know some people may say he hasn't changed, but I want the most active players and opinions on others about this, if we should appeal his ban or not. Its a collective response and not based on 1 single player. I'll give my final opinion last if I get the chance or later on but I want to hear it from our regulars and our division staff as well.


I just want to say, when giving your opinion, I want everyone to look at the bigger picture and to see if you think he has changed for the better or if he should be given a chance. He has been banned for 2 months. Instead of just focusing on LQ day focus on him as whole.

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I think he sould be unbanned my reason is because he deserved getting banned of course because of his lq day,but he has served enough time of being banned he is a good warden and very nice i say unban.

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I'm undecided on what to do, but I'll just drop some input for consideration.


1. He has deliberately and knowingly broken rules multiple times. When admins are not on-line, he has continually come on and spammed the mic non-stop until we could finally get a mod on to mute him. It's extremely annoying when he does this and pretty much stops the game full force. We can't mute him individually because he just reconnects so that he can use his mic even when dead.

There is no reason to do this other than piss us off.


2. People don't change. Not really. If you willingly break rules for the lulz, then you've already decided that the lulz are worth it and you are willing to risk whatever punishment comes - since this has been demonstrated, my bet is that he's going to keep doing it.


I LIKE him, and I don't think he's going to fuck up on CT - but I actually would appreciate a flat out server-ban if he ever mic-spams like that again.

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*spams constantly

*is disrespectful to nearly everyone

* I constantly have to mute him (just on my end of course)

* has no respect for anyone else on the server



I vote no


Knock off the spam permanently and I'll change my opinion. I'm in game with you right now and you are spamming to much.

Let the warden talk and save your spam for a free day. No one needs to hear asshole every 5 seconds.

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It's not really even a matter of LQ days, I have no doubt he's learned his lesson and LQ days will not happen in the future, but as a whole LQ, even though I love the guy, is an extremely annoying, spammful individual.


He commonly breaks rules knowingly, and actively trolls by mass spamming the mics to the point that it's actually crashed the server. This isn't just annoying, it brings the whole came to a grinding halt because absolutely no-one can hear the warden. If it was possible to let him play with a perma-mute I'd be fine with it.


On the other hand he IS a fun guy, people do like him, and he does warden. And as a warden, LQ days aside, he actually doesn't do a bad job. I'd say give him a chance, but make it extremely clear to stop mass mic spamming, because that's the major concern really. Keep him on a short leash, so long as he doesn't mic spam, let him free, but if he mic spams again, for gods sake, perma-mute him or something, whatever it takes.

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Undecided. It is possible that he has learnt his lesson and probably won't do that again. But having said that, he doesn't really adhere to the rules as he is muted several times for mic spamming after told to stop by a mod or an admin. He is a pretty cool guy and has a good game of jailbreak, but he shows little or no respect for anyone on the server. I'm unsure whether he just hates everyone or is just having a laugh. Anyway, I'm undecided.

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ill leave this decision to the div leaders/managers of cs go and the mods and admins active on it. even though LQ did break rules and such, he was a really popular person on the cs go jailbreak and kept it full of ppl, so theres two ways to look at it. but for now, ill stay out of it cause im not as active on cs go to be able to say my opinion has just as much weight as someone who is active on cs go like nova

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My way of seeing it , he's been from wat iv read , spamming ,and disrespecting others , we don't take disrespect as a game unless we know ur playing but if u keep doing it on purpose cause u think u won't get in trouble , sorry to say it but ur wrong. And mic spamming ? that get really irritating and especially when pple tell u to plz stop spamming and u continue to do it ? yea , my opinion , i think he should stay banned for a little longer , but like serb said , it's up to CS:GO DM and D leaders.

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i want him to be unbanned so we can have fun days, he is a good person, but does stupid shit, for example, the lq day, i want him unabanned but my fear of his craziness rises.

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He is awesome and funny, he makes playing on the server a bit more fun. I wasn't around when he was banned and never knew he was banned, but every time I see him playing I have never seen him purposely freekill. He is a great warden. I think he should be unbaned.



People say he disrespects and mic spams, my comments on this are:


Neither of those have much of anything to do with whether you should be able to play CT or not....

His disrespect consists mostly of "ASSHOLE DOWN!" which is hilarious

The noise he makes on the mic doesn't continue very long and makes my day better because it is funny.... and dozens of people, including admins, have copied him and make that noise themselves.

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I agree with everyone's reasons on both sides, although I think he should be given another chance. This is a big improvement for LQ if he can come on the forums and maturely post an unban request. LQ has been on the servers before most of the mods and is considered a regular. He is also a good warden. Most of the time I actually find his "mic spamming" funny, but it can get annoying when other people start joining in. Everyone does their share of shit talking because it's a game, but he just gets the attention. Honestly, I think he just needs a serious talk about what he can fix. If he gets unbanned this will be his last chance and will need to be closely watched.

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