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The two new MOTD rules..

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Alright so recently these fable rules mainly "asking to go hunt rebels" has been added to motd. Along with it's period "a CT cannot renter armory."


Now, pertaining to the first rule. Rebel hunting is an essential part of jailbreak, without it Ts would win every single round. First off, it wastes time since it's not a statement but rather a question which requires a very busy warden's reply. Making the rebel easily escape. I talked to serb about this he stated it doesn't take time. When in reality, it does and I'm sure people who play CS:S jailbreak or even CS:GO daily know this. Not only that it's a hassle and something I don't want to watch over as a mod, that's extreme knit picking and unnecessary. As you guys who play daily, and have the least slightest bit of common sense would know what rebel hunting actually is. And can distinguish the derps (people getting it on at disco. someone who goes out of his way at the beginning of the round every round to "search" for rebels. 2 Ts left and warden is actively playing a game or low spraying and a guy is "hunting" for rebels at that point by a climb game.) The possibilities are endless. Bottom line it was never needed before.


Secondly the CTs cannot renter armory without seeing a T. Again another rule that was never needed and rarely happen. Personally if I hear about 6 Ts in armory flailing guns around looking for the weapon of choice to cut down a team of CTs, I'm going back in. Now, I can't being as I can't "see" them. Yet another rule that was never needed before was added. If someone was camping armory or constantly going in & out, common sense would kick in once again.


These two rules should be removed! Thoughts?


(Pretty much a +1 and -1 thread.)

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+1. Asking to hunt for rebels is just a hassle, if a CT knows that T's are rebelling, but he didn't see them actually rebel, then why should he have to ask the warden? It just takes up time, and doesn't make much sense to me (pretty much what Minecrack said). Once again, I agree with Minecrack on re-entering Armory.

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Well, if we're going to be so uptight about seeing people etc - I personally think that ct's should not be able to call "the person with the top hat" a rebel and make him KOS. You need to see their name. I also wish there was basically a way to remove the kill feed showing what T killed which CT, at least to the other ct's so that the ct's do in fact know who killed them instead of relying on the kill feed. I don't think it's possible to do that but I'd be pretty good.


But besides that I agree for the most part.

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-1 for "asking to go hunt for rebels." I feel that it is important to have this rule as to prevent things such as CTs wondering around the map saying they are "rebel hunting", and the Warden being left alone with a group of Ts. It also builds on the "CTs be with Ts at all times."


+1 for "CTs can't reenter armory". I feel that this rule should be changed so as to allow the CT to go in and grab a different gun as the situation changes. Perhaps CTs are allowed to reenter for 15 seconds per round, not including pursuing a rebel?

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-1 for "asking to go hunt for rebels." I feel that it is important to have this rule as to prevent things such as CTs wondering around the map saying they are "rebel hunting", and the Warden being left alone with a group of Ts. It also builds on the "CTs be with Ts at all times."


+1 for "CTs can't reenter armory". I feel that this rule should be changed so as to allow the CT to go in and grab a different gun as the situation changes. Perhaps CTs are allowed to reenter for 15 seconds per round, not including pursuing a rebel?

Ever heard of common sense? Get it.

Out of the months & months of me being in xG, I've never had a problem dealing with stray CTs.


It's a stupid rule and quite honestly I don't follow any of them :).


On another note I really hope you read motd. Warden can order the CT searching to come back at any time, so it shouldn't be a problem. Regardless if it builds on the rule CTs should be with Ts at all times, we're GOING TO LOOK FOR REBELS NO MATTER WHAT! It's an essential part of jailbreak which you've failed to noticed, we won't let rebels scurry around and wait for them to pick us off.

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FYI unless you SAW the T rebel you have always had to ask to go hunt them down they just put it in the MOTD finally


shouldnt have to enter armory unless you are following a rebel in there =/

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Ever heard of common sense? Get it.

Lolz, you so rude!



I'm having trouble finding these new rules. But if these rules are there, then what this discussion seems to be coming down to is if a CT needs to see a T rebel in order to pursue him. I would be in favor of allowing CTs to periodically check any map area under the suspicion of there being rebels present. It might even be interesting to remove the "be with Ts at all times" rule altogether to see how it might contribute/detract from the teamwork on the CT team.


So, in that sense, +1 for the removal of both of these rules mentioned in the original post.

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Lolz, you so rude!



I'm having trouble finding these new rules. But if these rules are there, then what this discussion seems to be coming down to is if a CT needs to see a T rebel in order to pursue him. I would be in favor of allowing CTs to periodically check any map area under the suspicion of there being rebels present. It might even be interesting to remove the "be with Ts at all times" rule altogether to see how it might contribute/detract from the teamwork on the CT team.


So, in that sense, +1 for the removal of both of these rules mentioned in the original post.

It would sound rude no matter what. "Get common sense."

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Get rid of both of those rules, or change it. CT's going to armory to change guns or just to double check that T's aren't there should be a given, and CT's shouldn't bother the Warden to check for rebels, especially if it is obvious that there are people missing, which can be easily done during a (stack shoulder to shoulder) or stuff like that.



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+1 If a CT ask to go rebel hunting to the warden , than that just gives more time for the Rebels to be ready for Cts to come look for them and to be ready for the Cts since they know that someone will come looking for them. It's like If I was a T and I have to ask for the permission from another T if I can rebel and then having me do it just to have the Cts be ready for me to rebel and kill me. It just makes it harder on the Cts and is just a plain stupid rule to begin with. It also waste the time of a warden when they try to to give orders and have to take care of Cts wanting to leave to go rebel hunting.

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Off topic.



The following maps need to be removed ASAP! It's not over personal favortism but how it's not compatible with server rules. But generally really bad if you ask me. Server tend to empty as well..

Sunnycity- Too small, nothing to do, no warday areas, impossible to rebel, generally bad and was removed before.

Underwater- Too small, impossible to rebel with I believe no way back into armory, if so very few guns. No place to have a warday.

Italia- Too big, has a few things to do and is a hassle to navigate. I think it should be removed for as of right now.

Redone- Ehh cells auto close every few seconds. Kind of dull. Regular electric razer should be back, it should be in every JB server regardless of how unoriginal it is. One of the most fun maps ever created.


Fixes that you could possibly do or remove them..

iplay- It has a door right by armory that leads to iso, though makes a lot of noise and lasts for 10 seconds. Other than that it's great and a unique/compact map.

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Off topic.



Regular electric razer should be back, it should be in every JB server regardless of how unoriginal it is. One of the most fun maps ever created.


Fixes that you could possibly do or remove them..

iplay- It has a door right by armory that leads to iso, though makes a lot of noise and lasts for 10 seconds. Other than that it's great and a unique/compact map.


Agreeing 100% with both said statements.


However, back to the topic at hand, I'm torn between +1 or -1 for asking permission to search for rebels. I honestly agree with the fact that the CT should get permission in order to hunt for a rebel rather then just straying away from the CT group. It makes it much easier to acknowledge the fact that they are indeed rebel hunting rather then just dicking around (sometimes it's Obvious when they're not searching, and other times it isn't). Although; I don't see why this should be added to the motd rules, it's a rather small item to even be bothered with.


As for re-entering Armory as a CT, if they witnessed a T break a vent and head through (of course this only pertains to maps such as jb_avalanche, etc) it's kind of obvious they should chase the rebel as it is their job as a CT. On the other hand, a CT should Not be allowed to re-enter armory if just for a switch of weapons. They have 30 seconds to do that at the beginning of the round. If they decided to do whatever the ***k else they can do in armory for 30 seconds instead, then that's their own fault.


In conclusion, a +0 for the asking of permission to hunt rebels (doesn't need to be in motd HOWEVER; should still be practised among CTs to prevent any confusion and freeslays at the hands of derp mods who aren't paying attention) and a +1 for CTs being Able to re-enter armory (if in pursuit of a rebelling T)


Yet another wall of text, hurrah.


- Dat guy, Forest

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