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i know you cant say your thoughts seeing how ure the leader ;) <3


yeah oh well :/


I NEVER talked crap to anyone who hasnt said something to aggravate me.



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And not sure how my incarceration is related, but yeah, I hacked my former employer, jacked some shit up, got caught, went to prison. The relevance to this thread is...?

You call yourself mature, but get more butt hurt then everyone on this forum combined. You didn't hack shit, you made a batch script and failed to even do minimum damage.

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old people complaining about THE OLD DAYS!


Mo' fuckah, back in the old days things were the best. We only had 151 pokemon, none of this 649 pokemon bo' shitt. And our handhelds didn't have lights built in, so we could only play during the day or under a lamp. Everything's so easy for you whipper snappers. Y'ALL TAKE IT FO' GRANTED

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You call yourself mature, but get more butt hurt then everyone on this forum combined. You didn't hack shit, you made a batch script and failed to even do minimum damage.


$48,000 is what I was charged with. Had I contested it they could have charged me with more, such as lost revenue for each client site, etc. In the grand scheme of things, $48k is minimal, I agree.


You admitted in a Steam convo that I was one of the people you wanted around, and what xG needs. I'm not sure if butt hurt is the right term, but maybe it is... but I only called out the things and people that were causing problems. And for the most part you agreed.


I'm not here to argue that, you know the conversations we've had and I don't need to prove anything to anyone else.

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Mo' fuckah, back in the old days things were the best. We only had 151 pokemon, none of this 649 pokemon bo' shitt. And our handhelds didn't have lights built in, so we could only play during the day or under a lamp. Everything's so easy for you whipper snappers. Y'ALL TAKE IT FO' GRANTED

oh god i fucking love you forest. my sides are in orbit. also i'm just going to assume this is a troll thread. but if not, i hope the best of luck to you takibo. also +1 to autumn for thread name change. i love you.

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You admitted in a Steam convo that I was one of the people you wanted around, and what xG needs. I'm not sure if butt hurt is the right term, but maybe it is... but I only called out the things and people that were causing problems. And for the most part you agreed.

Yes but not as highly as you think. Why do you think we didn't promote you to co-leader?

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Because you and other staff thought I wasn't ready for it,

It was decided that it wouldn't happen since you raged hard and posted a list of users IPs publically on the forum. It was never going to happen.

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I don't understand some peoples logic. People joining a clan isn't what kills it. Just because someone joined recently makes them a bad person? To be honest, good riddance to you.


What good would a clan be if new people didn't want to join it? Some of the people who have been here longer are cool. Some of the newer members are a hell of a lot cooler than you even give credit for. Where are you finding the 13 and 15 year olds? Most of the people I know here go to college or are older, I don't understand where you are pulling those facts from.


And talking shit in your "goodbye" post is really low, and just fucking dumb.


I don't understand...

Can you not just respect his opinion instead of fighting it with your own? Your argument was null the moment you started it. He is trying to have fun the old way with loosed rules and what not like old xG was but new people come in and be all strict and what not. Now im not saying Order is a terrible thing its just there is a time and place for everything.

I might be a newfag I guess I remember playing on this server when I was about 11 or 12 (I'm 16 right now) but still I understand them completely (Atleast I hope I do) and I don't have a problem with it. Sure some of the trolling goes too far but they know when to stop.

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Yeah.. its okay guys dont fight over this thread. i just wanted to say i miss how things used to be and thats it

Ty tho warrior <3


thanks mann :D



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@@Echo off

del (patheway to system32)?

did you use that McNeo TISK TISK lmfao

btw Iv changed silence I went from Xbox to CSS to Minecraft to League of legends to Xbox again let me tell you its the people who make the community and the people who make the community play games and you can see I get around. this clan has been falling ever since I came back in like Feb after I took a break from the comp about 2 months from Dec. Got bored of jailbreak so I went to league for awhile got on/off jb alittle now I play alot BF3 on Xbox

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