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i got CT banned for accidentally gun planting

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I only threw my guns away (on a roof) because the Warden told me to; because we were playing a game. So if you could help me out I would very much apprictiate it. OH! AND the gun fell on the Terrorist because the roof was slanted. Thank You! :)

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Well. Apparently you were perm'd from CT for the reason "1440". I believe what happened here was a mishap where the mod/admin who banned you misplaced the number and put it as the reason rather then as the ban time. @@zackryz was the one who dealt it, so we'll wait on his reply and hopefully he can remember what happened.


If indeed you were un-intentionally perm'd, then I'm sure you'll be unbanned as soon as possible since you were banned on the 3rd of February, 2013. Hopefully, if that's the case, you will have learned your lesson and have read over the motd rules!


Banlist for player in case anyone wants to see: Xeno Gamers


Also, for future reference, that is not your Steam ID. You can find your Steam ID here: Steam ID Finder


- Dat guy, Forest

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We're you breaking rules leading up to this? Because if it was accidental as you say, and the first time you did something wrong, you should have only gotten a slay and maybe a teamswitch for something like that...

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Yeah, you shouldn't have been perm CT banned for one offence but I wasn't there. There must have been something else you did that warranted a perm.


Shouldn't have been banned AT ALL for a single gunplant... :(

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I would like to hear @@zackryz and what he has to say.

Im assuming that he meant to teamban for a day, and instead did something like this, I'm assuming a name would have a space in it.


/teamban name(part1) name(part 2) time reason

Player name: Dark nova123

/teamban dark nova 1440 smells

That (As far as i know) will end in a permanent teamban.

Also i dont know if @@DarkNova or @@Chrono has seen this thread yet, but if this was for a gunplant you should be unbanned by now.

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I've been sick, didn't see this thread til cookiesars pointed it out to me. Meant to be a teamban for a day, he broke plenty of rules to warrant a day tamban, the gunplant was the last straw and wasnt the first one he'd done that day. Please unban him, and I'm sorry for my mistake.

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