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Lol using big words to try and throw people off. This thread is getting adorable.

@@Razgrize8 if you think a little quote at the bottom of a copy-paste is "citation" then I'd love to know where you went to school. If you actually cared at all and aren't some mildly educated troll then you would have edited the rules to the "revamp" you're talking about. I fail to see the logic in anything you just posted other than you want to talk to the leaders which is fine, good luck with that. The fact that you egregiously copied the rules literally word for word and just replaced the name is a sign of complete ignorance. Regardless of how you want to spin it now, the fact that you posted the rules essentially claiming them as your own (get over the one line of text at the bottom) is ridiculous and shows a lack of respect against the clan that

Dominion, will clearly, be based of Xeno
. If you actually cared, even a tiny bit, you'd take the time to edit the rules at least somewhat before you posted them on your forums and dealt with the consequences, if any, at that point.


Im not telling you to start from scratch because in essence most jailbreaks have the same rules give or take, but to just copy paste shows the integrity of a common thief, something im hoping you do not want to be. Stop tying to be arrogant and condescending, it doesn't suit you.

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Plagiarism, perhaps. Though is not life merely a set of historical repetition? I take all of your words into account. Yes, is did say we do not like listening to complaints from other clans. who does in all honesty? None the less. i suppose you are right. Yes, we did base out setting of xG, and are working to revamp our system. Furthermore, i would like to say many clans i have seen run off similar, if not the same system. Yes, Towlie may have left the clan to create his own, Yes, we may have based certain aspect of the Dominion off of xG, but need you continuously attack us? we merely wish to create a a group of friends loving the game for what the game is, competitive or not. Clans were created to a add a touch of competitiveness to games. as well as add a system to which new friends could meet. A system based on compromise.


allow me to reply to all of you at once:


Diabeetus: Perhaps you are correct. They may be the exact same. as well as the jailbreak. we've been working to Revamp aspects of the system based on our own words and why we were founded. this means utterly destroying the current system and creating a new one. Much like the Revolutionary war, or the French Revolution.


JINGS: yes, he took your Gif and used it as his avatar, i was slightly thrown off by it for a moment.


IUDesigns: The 666th Wolven Raiders are my Diplomats, as well as the force I'm privately selecting to be my squad when we do let's plays or Clan Battles with rival clans. like i said earlier, clans were created to add competitiveness and fun to games. I believe that small to large scale battles can provide quite the entertainment needed to keep any clan alive.


Duckii: Ah, greetings once more my friend! how have you been since our last session? Yes, i suppose we did say this, and this is noted. But is it not customary to grant the condemned a final request? all i ask, is that you, listen. Towlie indeed integrated your system into the Dominion, This much is true. The culmination of the Dominion, will clearly, be based of Xeno. Towlie isn't an issue, he is clearly Rebellious towards outsiders of the inner circle and can not be helped in his Crusade to win the day. and to which i ask, how is my simple defense of the clan "idiotic?" I can come up with comparisons all day, quotes of lecture, or anything else needed to win a debate. though, i feel the use of the word "Idiotic, the complete lack or use of common sense" is miss placed. I respect you, as well as any other member of Xeno until given reason to think otherwise, so you can ban me. i hold no ill will towards anyone, i never have been able to. i may come off as ignorant, i have many a time. But admission is key. an so to you i say, Er is to human, to forgive divine.


autumn: Plagiarism, yes. clearly, i was told that towards the bottom of the list a quote was given, stating it was from xG, by none other than towlie. and as to us not being taught what plagiarism is, i do believe that the American school system is failing as to that of many other nations. any who think otherwise simply have not done the proper research. As for copyrighting, i saw no symbol for copyrights on your list of permissions, but you are correct all the same. It was...improper to take the settings, and for this we are grieving. With the aid of someone with more intelligence of diplomacy management than myself, we shall begin to work towards bettering the Dominion to all clans likings.


I suppose we owe all of xG that much, do we not?

Simply remember that a suspicious mind is a healthy mind. if you think we're acting out of character, feel free to call and criticize, But also remember that an open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded.

I want nothing more, than for the cold war of our clans to end, and believe me, that's how I've been feeling this pointless feud, nothing more than a war to which both clans would seek to out do the other, in which case, i would say at the moment you would have us beaten.


And Duckii, i would like to get together with ALL of your leaders at some point and openly discuss what you would like to see of the Dominion in an organized fashion consisting of one speaker at a time. We can not act like the continental congress and agree on every little thing, it never works out, so i believe that will be the best way to go. i would like for nothing more than to have peace that all of Xeno and the few of the Dominion can agree on. I believe a contract and peace treaty is in order, one to which all can live by between that of your clan and our Guild, perhaps regular meetings, much like the United Nations, may help hear EVERYONE'S say, not just ours.


Keep true to your mindset and you shall prevail with fury of all that is holy.


With the purest of hopes, Razgrize8.



Ok please stop with the fucking diplomatic fancy shit here, it dosnt make us like you at all so please just fucking speak normal. And wtf is this shit about the American school system, don't blame the school system, if you plagiarize any fucking thing you WILL get an F on it. Quoting Autumn here "the general consensus if anything is posted on the internet it is copyrighted unless stated otherwise by the author"


Now why don't you take OUR rules and change them for YOUR clan. Please and thank-you

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I may not have much of a say here, or even the right to. But I feel as if you're trying way to hard to sound intelligent here. Your post comes off as completely arrogant to me. I almost wanted to correct every grammatical error and post the results on here. There is a time to have a business tone and a time to have a relaxed tone. This is not a business, I don't like reading some try hard trying to sound smart.


Lets get down to it though,

and as to us not being taught what plagiarism is, i do believe that the American school system is failing as to that of many other nations. any who think otherwise simply have not done the proper research.
I don't know what school you have been to but I know for damn sure that when I was in K-12 that when assigned a paper if we plagiarized we were imminently given an F for the assignment. That continues in college, except for the fact that if I were to plagiarize in college I'd be thrown out. So the comment about the American school system was way off base.


Also, with technology today most teachers can submit the paper to an online database that checks the paper across the whole internet for anything that may have been directly quoted with no credit given.


I agree with Jaybreezy here. If you honestly cared, you should have revamped the rules before putting them up. This argument wouldn't even be going on if that had happened.

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why you did not like it simply because towlie started it up?


The thing is, everyone wouldn't be so upset if it weren't for the amount of immature and arrogant behaviour that Towelie has shown during his time with xG (and more-so after that).


TL;DR - Towelie has messed up many times, and there are perfectly valid reasons as to why so many members dislike and disapprove of his "duplicating" of a community of which is roughly based off of XenoGamers.


Whenever Towelie did not get his way in something, he would immediately blow a fuse and start throwing a tantrum to get everyone's attention. He was never open minded in any conflict or arguments, and was always trying to defend himself, even when it was blatantly his fault for messing up in whatever way. He would literally Not give up until the thread was actually closed. His pride and ego were far too blown-up to the point of bursting.


Now, when Towelie decided he wanted to do something to 'help' the community, he ended up buying the Paid Moderator status. Almost immediately (A day or two) upon gaining his powers, he was demoted for abuse of his position/rank (https://xenogamers.com/showthread.php?t=13239)


Some time after this, he was banned for one hour during a scrim game for legitimate reasoning, and once again proceeded to post a thread in which he plead his blatant mistake. ([PLAIN][xG:DJ]Towlie The Wizard[/PLAIN])


A short time afterwards, he left xG with a 'Goodbye' thread in which he continued disrespecting. ([PLAIN][xG:DJ]Towlie The Wizard[/PLAIN])


This is when it went too far. Five days after his resignation, a new group surfaced with the name "Anti-xG" (Steam Community :: Group :: ANTI XG [Anti-Xg]) which to this day is still very much alive. The group owner was none other then Towelie. As you can see in the link provided, the description involves some very hostile and aggressive attitude toward our community.


A couple of weeks later, Towelie decided that he would Re-apply for membership to our community ([xG]Towlie The Wizard). Note that in the link provided, Towelie claims that if he gets back into xG he will close the Anti-xG group. This was implying that if he were not to be accepted, it would still be up; and was also being used as a sort of threat. Again, up to this day the group is still alive.


About a week later, Towelie has already joined another community with the name of "Inferno Gamers". He then proceeds to go onto our XenoGamers Teamspeak server, and advertise his new clan. Shortly after this, he is forum banned. (Hey Autum check this out.)



What I have listed so far are several "highlights" of Towelie's blunders, in which he was given much leniency and many chances. After reading all of the above, you can get an idea of why xG members would be outraged and frustrated that he would start his own clan of which is a crude "parallel" XenoGamers, and then continue to copy and paste our work to be used for his community. I am in no way intentionally being hostile toward Towelie, so much as I am describing why he is so disliked among us.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Jesus can't well just get along? D: like i said already.Everything is going to get changed slowly but surely. now please let's just drop this argument and move on and see what the future holds.

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Plagiarism, perhaps.(INCOMPLETE SENTENCE) Though(PUT A COMMA HERE) is not (ISN'T) life merely a set of historical repetition?(UNCLEAR WHAT THIS MEANS) I take all of your words into account.(UNCLEAR WHAT THIS MEANS) Yes, is did say we do(BAD ENGLISH, REVISE) not like listening to complaints from other clans.(SHOULD BE A COMMA) who does in all honesty? None the less.(SHOULD BE A COMMA) i suppose you are right. Yes, we did base out setting of xG, and are working to revamp our system. Furthermore, i would like to say many clans i have seen run off similar, if not the same system. Yes, Towlie may have left the clan to create his own,(SHOULD BE A PERIOD) Yes, we may have based certain aspect(SHOULD BE PLURAL) of the Dominion off of xG, but need you continuously attack us?(BAD ENGLISH, REVISE) we merely wish to create a a group of friends loving the game for what the game is, competitive or not.(BAD ENGLISH, REVISE) Clans were created to a add a(UNCLEAR WHAT THIS MEANS) touch of competitiveness to games.(SHOULD BE A COMMA) as well as add a system to which(IN WHICH) new friends could meet. A system based on compromise. (INCOMPLETE SENTENCE)



allow me to reply to all of you at once:

Don't feel like correcting the rest.

0/1000 You insult the American schooling system, yet with this little *clears throat* retort, that you are a product of it.

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Jesus can't well just get along? D: like i said already.Everything is going to get changed slowly but surely. now please let's just drop this argument and move on and see what the future holds.


Why drop it when he is just going to cause problems that we have to deal with?

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This Dominion shit as a whole is getting very old, take it up in teamspeak or somewhere else besides the forums. Insulting the American school system as a whole for your stupidity is one of the most retarded things I've heard. As for the plagiarism issue. How you were "unaware" of plagiarism is unbelievable.


Instead of putting more work into this argument with Xeno Gamers than your own handbook. Speed is working on the handbook but since you claim to be a high up position in Dominion, go work on it as well instead of starting issues on the forums. Speed posted he was adressing this problem and didn't need your input.

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I hope you realized the fact that if you spent 2 minutes thinking before you typed anything or spoke out, it would have helped your case a lot more than it already is. Your responses, your defense or any rebuttals you have given are weak, don't make it more debilitating than it already is by speaking.


It's not hard to create your own rules and should have done so and most likely would be a real good idea to converse with Towlie before posting those rules, if you did, you wouldn't be dealing with this issue. I hope you aren't ignorant enough to listen or think about what I typed or too arrogant to understand, if you are, God help you.


If you're a so called leader start delegating and managing properly, don't copy paste shit or don't have others copy paste stuff from other communities. That's a deliberate cause of action of tort of negligence.

You're not following standard of care and by judging what you have written so far, you would fail to be a reasonable person.

2nd, your clan is not exercising duty of care as they've copy written material from xG.

3rd: Causation: your little scenario brought up this feud, trying to steal community members and say you're doing nothing wrong?

Lastly: Damage: You can actually be sued for this, not punitive, not special damages, I'm talking about General damages which won't be good for you.

Granted I'm just pointing out what you and your clan has done, it's up to Silences jurisdiction to take action towards this if he wants (I would go into more detail but screw it).


Reason why I wrote this is because I want you to understand what the possibilities there are and how your clan has fucked up and especially Towlie. Any Prudent person would take proper measures before copy pasting at all, no citations or references whatsoever and say our community copied rules from somewhere else? I call bullshit.


Think before you talk.


P.S. Your format, sentence structure and grammar is horrible, you sound like a 14 year old idiot or more like Towlie with that. Proof: I'm a Lit student.




$2.00 for small $3.50 for large, any buyers?


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Owner is now "Pack Leader"

Co-Owner is now "General"

Div Leader is now "Alpha"

Div Manager is now "Beta"

Tech team will remain the same

Forum Moderator

Admin is now "Delta"

Moderator is now "Gamma"

Member is now "Omega"

Guest is now "Stalker"


Like wolves much? Also, if you cared to put an ounce of effort in your clan you'd realize Gamma comes before Delta in the alphabet.

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