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Dream Job

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What is your dream job? be realistic, something you could literally do... so don't put pro sports, i doubt any of us could do that. and then, what de-motivates you from doing it?


My dream job is to be a chef, and own my very own restaurant, where I could serve some of the meals I grew up on, as well as traditional italian-american cuisine.


What de-motivates me? In order to make it anywhere in the upper class/field of cooking, (work in a fine dining restaurant as a chef/sous chef/saucier (i think that is the spelling) you must have major connections, or you have to work your way up.. meaning you start low end like olive garden etc. where in the kitchen, it is line cooking, which IMO is not real cooking, you get a more realistic cooking experience as a fry cook at fast food as you prepare whole meals not just do one portion of it. and that is IMO a major turn of to trying to pursue a career in restaurants, however I am still going to give it a shot, and try to stand to it.

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My dream job is to be a chef, and own my very own restaurant, where I could serve some of the meals I grew up on, as well as traditional italian-american cuisine.

I would be a psychic, and I see your future! I SEE IT! I SEE YOUR RESTAURANT!


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Even food trucks are a better real cooking experience than chain restaurants, and they actually make bank. i wouldn't mind owning one starting out,although then i would stick to the family recipe fried meals i always had growing up. maybe one or two fried meats in a creamy pink sauce pasta as well, served in a to-go box.

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A writer. Films, games, all that.


The thing that de-motivates me is I'm stuck in school for the next couple of years.

I could be writing stories but I'm stuck learning Math and Science I don't need.

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A writer. Films, games, all that.


The thing that de-motivates me is I'm stuck in school for the next couple of years.

I could be writing stories but I'm stuck learning Math and Science I don't need.

You would need math and science for games. to write story for games, that use physics engines, you would need to be able to know how far things go, the effect of gravity etc. to take those into consideration for objects and people in your games story.

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Just to be working in a gaming industry. i like so many others. Anything such as writing, directing, etc. a lot of kids have this goal of being a real game designer but usually fall through. something to be so passionate about. i really wouldn't give two shits if i made so much money or not. i would even love to be apart of game i couldn't give two shits about for example my little pony blow me adventures 9 the vidya gawm.


what demotivates me is the fact it is a very competitive field and i'm a huge fucking faggot. it's also a growing industry so many people join everyday. there are many other problems that i can't think of right now.

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including me. no offense to me lel. But i'm too stupid and need to learn more.

All you guys need to learn is math and be really really good at it and after that just find a really good college *cough* full sail university *cough* and they will teach you the rest.


But for my self I want to eventually become a motion artist/graphic designer and to start my own design company.


Nothing really demotivates me right now seeing how I am half way through my college for my bachelors degree in Digital Art & Design but the only problem would be competition out there for digital designers.

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I want to start a gaming community that is a big failure and causes another 9/11!

Not talking about this one.... sorta.


Well you're halfway there...

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