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Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source

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"I never did anything wrong." Is a bit of an overstatement, you have done many things wrong, whether it be personal life, or your "internet life" with xG, from hacking to trolling to being a straight up nuisance, as well as the suicidal thoughts that are harmful to not just yourself but everyone around you. even if you were applying that statement to just this scenario here, it doesn't work, you did do something wrong. You had those suicidal thoughts you were warned about several times in the past to not bring up again and that if you were being troubled by something there are always professional counselors you can talk to at school, or a trustworthy friend here you can just vent frustration to, but not suicidal feelings.


[xG|DB] Duckii Jr. <3 Duckii: I NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS AT ALL IN A LONG TIME. IT WAS SOMEONE FUCKING RUMOR OMGGGGG. Where is the proof! Oh wait... you won't get any because IT WAS A RUMOR. If it weren't for it I wouldn't of been banned.

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[xG|DB] Duckii Jr. <3 Duckii: I NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS AT ALL IN A LONG TIME. IT WAS SOMEONE FUCKING RUMOR OMGGGGG. Where is the proof! Oh wait... you won't get any because IT WAS A RUMOR. If it weren't for it I wouldn't of been banned.

Buddy, it's obvious this is an alt of yours Duckiijr. If I saved the logs from our chat that we had months ago, you could see the suicide threats that you said to me. Don't forget all the shit you were actually saying to me today. I never wanted to start shit in game and you always have to be the one to do it. Stop being an attention whore, move on with your life.

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Where is the proof! Oh wait... you won't get any because IT WAS A RUMOR


Also, with that screenshot (no names shall be named)

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+1 for Unbanning, unless I see proof that he "threatened to kill himself" I don't believe that forumbanning someone that has been in xG for this long and treating him like this. if there is no proof, then this is Immature and Inappropriate. if it is true however, we should not remove him from the community, we should support him and show him that xG cares.

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+1 You are really fucking stupid how can you think that you need to pound a little bit of fucking brain into your self chrono you really think this is true? What the fuck have you gotten into crack meth dope wow.

Muffin, Hacks in css WOW I think you need to get some hacks to get better then if you're calling him a hacker?! not saying duckii sucks... but really. ( and that was along time ago he was hacking )

Minecrack, You were banned a while ago, nuff said dont forget this, You were let off easy for ddosing another clan.

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Muffin, Hacks in css WOW I think you need to get some hacks to get better then if you're calling him a hacker?! not saying duckii sucks... but really. ( and that was along time ago he was hacking )

Can you repeat that in english?

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Can you repeat that in english?

can you fucking get a brain you need to fucking let that go its been along time from when he hacked, also do you think he learned his lesson? People these days.

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can you fucking get a brain you need to fucking let that go its been along time from when he hacked, also do you think he learned his lesson? People these days.

Being a prick won't help Duckii get unbanned.

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@@StartNow Everything is taken into account for ban protests. There is never a thing called a Clean Slate in the real world, because every criminal act is logged and determines how much more severe your punishment is. The same applies here, Duckii Jr. has a lengthy list of things stacked up against him as well as the actual reason he was banned, and all of those are issues that will stick with him so long as he is around here.

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Everything can be forgot new things come up this can be forgot easy. Your just not the one helping you think this is true which is really really stupid.

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