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Keep in mind before you read this: His Steam ID was very convenient to get, I just went to the bans list on DarkRP and it was right next to "Mass RDM and Misc Rules"


Alright. I have been getting evidence on Brian for a long time. He is abusive and when he was Div leader he trolled me and never stayed out of my Div.


Most recently: On my DarkRP server he joins and plays for awhile. Then, after I tell him he cannot have a gun as mayor, he takes a SWAT gun from a SWAT officer and runs around saying "I am mayor, I do what I want" while
mass rdming


Here is some evidence:



Below is proof of the time
(He does this often)
of him joining my
TeamSpeak Channel (The admin one)
without permission
to only micspam, set me to silenced in my own channel, and constantly revoke and return my channel admin.








Here is a video showing the logs of the changes he did and more:

(If it is not uploaded, check back later)



I ask that he is either demoted back to div or maybe even member. Even a Div should not act this way.

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-1 Invalid proof that shows nothing.

You banned him and that was the end of that.


The chat log between you and Brian. It is showing that he was joking. Yes he should not have silenced you all but all he did from what I can see is sit in there. Does he have to leave when asked? No. The picture of him with all the stars shows nothing. I don't see a problem with him giving himself all the stars what so ever. It is not interfering with you or anyone els what so ever. The video shows you going through the logs of him silencing you guys and yes he should have not done that. You could have waited for another co-leader to come on.


This is all going to disappear after a few days and I see NO point in demoting for 1 incident.

If he gets demoted you should also.


Why do I think its invalid?

Because the proof shows things he is allowed to do except for one thing. Him staying in your channel

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+1 He acted an a completely inappropriate manner and would have been perma ban and removed from xG most likely if he wasnt in the position he's in. I was on server and in ts for most of this and he said (mind you this isn't the exact quote)" I don't care if I get banned that was way too funny" atleast to me, this doesn't sound like something a co leader should be doing.

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+1 He acted an a completely inappropriate manner and would have been perma ban and removed from xG most likely if he wasnt in the position he's in. I was on server and in ts for most of this and he said (mind you this isn't the exact quote)" I don't care if I get banned that was way too funny" atleast to me, this doesn't sound like something a co leader should be doing.


Removed from xG? LOL

If you REALLY want I can PROVE this would not happen. Yes he shouldn't have done it but this should not result in a member protest. Just perm him from gmod if you all are honestly going to be THIS butthurt. If a non-member does this what would you do? Dos him?

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The chat log between you and Brian. It is showing that he was joking


It shows he was joking but that that it wasn't appropriate joking. As Forest had said in Charrax's member protest


What you may consider disrespect/harassment, may not be taken the same way if directed at others.


Charrax felt that he was disrespected and that as a Co-leader Brian should not be doing this action. You feel as though this was Brian being funny, whereas Charrax (the recipient of the action) feels that what Brian did was inappropriate and unwanted. It was blatant disrespect.


You could have waited for another co-leader to come on.


This is part of the issue. You've just stated that Charrax should have waited for another co-leader to come on to what? Deal with Brians behavior? That's what this thread is about. His behavior isn't appropriate for his position. That is what Charrax is getting at.


If he gets demoted you should also.


This is a radical statement that has no relevance to this thread. This thread is about Brian's actions and whether or not they deserve punishment. Charrax's membership/position was decided in his member protest by Xemnas.


Also I'm sitting in here (in here being Teamspeak) listening to you talk about how Charrax should be banned and that this thread should be closed because its "retarded". Obviously there is a problem here, and you seem to refuse to acknowledge that it exists.

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This is a radical statement that has no relevance to this thread. This thread is about Brian's actions and whether or not they deserve punishment. Charrax's membership/position was decided in his member protest by Xemnas. Also I'm sitting in here (in here being Teamspeak) listening to you talk about how Charrax should be banned and that this thread should be closed because its "retarded". Obviously there is a problem here, and you seem to refuse to acknowledge that it exists.


Yes this is a radical statement but why not bring it up? From what I have seen Charrax does alot more that is not fit for HIS position also. Way more that Brian has done.

It is stupid that he should be demoted for going into a locked room. I refuse to acknowledge that this thread exists? Why would I be posting here then? Unless you mean something els.

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-1. He abused on Teamspeak....oooooh. So bad. Who cares if he freekills on DarkRP. He was banned. He got his punishment then and there.

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