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Regarding GMOD Division

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Alright after much harassment from serbian we will be bringing back the GMOD division but Charrax will NOT be division leader of it and here is why:


The reason we put Charrax as division leader of the GMOD division in the first place was because he promised he could code, which was a fabrication. Over the past 8 months, little custom content has been added to the servers making them extremely stale and generic vanilla installations that nobody would want to play on. Charrax defended stating that he hates when servers have custom content and reinvent game-modes to give them a more unique and diverse feel so they can stand out from other servers. Also, the fact that he is unable to fix plugins that are broken for months on end and the fact that he ignores leadership has also played into account for his demotion.


Also there was controversy over the fact that he was receiving funding from the MOTD (which I approved of) but there was a bit of a twist on that since he was unwilling to fund the development of his own server and keep the funds for himself (no other division does this so) and the fact that he asked me for money for the development of GMOD addons when he had money made from the hard work of active players in the GMOD division was outright disgusting. While this is mostly my fault the fact that it wasn't even a consideration on his part ultimately made this a factor of his demotion.


There was also the fact that I was getting complaints of his poor behavior on the servers and the fact that he didn't enforce rules, abused while on the server, and held personal grudges against people to the point where he would ban them if he simply didn't like them was a major issue. His bigotry also extended towards his infamous 'anti-brony' rule where any player with anything brony related would be banned on the spot. I had to pester the hell out of him in order to get this revoked but the fact that someone would put this into effect in the first place shows their lack of maturity and bias towards someone who doesn't believe in his core beliefs.


We need someone more mature to run the division and most of the current management does not match the criteria. Also we were DDoS'd 30 minutes after the demotion of Charrax and since causation doesn't necessarily correlation, this event should be brought up in the event that someone has any evidence to tell us what person did this. I received zero threats and the only significant event that happened last night was Charrax's demotion. Again, it doesn't mean he did it but unless someone can tell us who did it, it makes this awfully suspicious especially the size of the attack since it was one of the largest we have ever received.


Overall, if the GMOD division is to return, new leadership is required.



Duckii was not responsible for his demotion and any harassment towards her will be dealt with accordingly.

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I am speechless

Words can't explain my frustration right now.

Can I receive an explanation as too why this was removed other than duckii's word when you had a whole fucking communities word complaining about the WarZ division and yet that still existed for longer than it should have.

So why just delete the div at just a blink of an eye?

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I am speechless

Words can't explain my frustration right now.

Can I receive an explanation as too why this was removed other than duckii's word when you had a whole fucking communities word complaining about the WarZ division and yet that still existed for longer than it should have.

So why just delete the div at just a blink of an eye?

Again, it's not definitive, more info about what we will do is going to be posted tomorrow.

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Again, it's not definitive, more info about what we will do is going to be posted tomorrow.

It's stupid why wasn't the situation discussed? Most of us were there, no abuse was going on.


The DarkRP server was actually good for once and now that's out the window.

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what the fuck? im sure you are tired of people bitching about why you did what you did, but seriously...gmod was a great devision so why take it down? it dosnt make sense to me mabe because im a little high bu thats not the point. so many people started to play dark rp recently. getting rid of it is complet ebullshit. i know that it costs money for servers to be put up and shit so you should find a way for people to donate to xG so you can fund gmod. promote charrax 2013

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