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*mod. Also plenty of admins explain it in game. Honestly they should be slain for fucking staring into the vent cell with an AWP. It's kind of gay.

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Technically I mean, if you're scoped in staring at it, it's teleport camping. This is taken STRAIGHT FROM THE MOTD. "A CT or T cannot camp a teleport (neither the entrance nor the arival spot)." And that includes the typo in the MOTD. lololololol.


It IS a teleport because of what it does. It is not a vent. Even though a T must knife the wall and break it to work.

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This whole thing is getting silly. I myself honestly do not see how distance, in this case, makes a difference. You could be across the map and still have the same chance of killing anyone who runs for the cell with an AWP then being directly outside of it with a shotgun. Point being, what is the difference?


I'm curious to know, what exactly is the reasoning being that a CT is allowed to have their scope glued to a vent/tele and not have it count as 'vent camping'? @@Warriorsfury

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I still don't quite understand the reasoning. Is it because the chances of getting through the vent/tele are higher if the 'campee' is scoped in rather then being directly outside of it with an automatic?

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I think the "THIS IS NOT CAMPING" photo is and should be considered camping.


1. He has an awp and is at a level angle so he can kill many t's before they enter the vent. Especially with multiple people.

2. The t's cannot knife him from that distance

3. On teamspeak you said "Take the rule for camping and apply it to vents." He's not moving more than 10 feet in 10 seconds and he's staring at the vent scoped in.

4. He's still camping a vent, the teleporter behind him.

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4. He's still camping a vent, the teleporter behind him.


I lol'd at the last part, but it is true, the fact that he has an awp right next to a teleporter right behind him makes him teleport camping because well..its only 2 steps away from it, even though the t's are no where near the teleporter, it still is camping due to the fact that if the warden was dead, and the cts were autistic (like usual) a t could randomly go for that teleporter (I have no idea why, must be autistic too) The ct camping in that corner would probably kill him for trying to run into the teleporter before the freeday of warden being dead of 15 seconds of orders still standing of doing whatever.

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He is teleport camping and any non autistic player would be able to hit a T trying to rebel by going through vent from that far and where he is so it should be considered vent camping and if not then he is teleport camping which is the same. gg

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All of those pictures are vent camping, and nobody notices how im the one who really started enforcing the staring at the cell rule from a distance instead of just being inside of it, distance has no difference you're preventing ts the chance of getting in.

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