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Is there anything that can be done about how the ranks are set up?

I am supposed to have powers in CSS and Gmod.

I am SUPPOSED mod in CSS and admin in Gmod, but right now I have admin in both.

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I am SUPPOSED mod in CSS and admin in Gmod, but right now I have admin in both.

No that can't be changed. Honestly you shouldn't have powers in divisions to begin with.

What do you mean?

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anyways, that is the issue, see we earned our ranks, and we are active in more than one game server, so why should our powers be stripped because we want to help with admining elsewhere too? why should we be restricted from where we can and can't get admin because of which game we joined off of?

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There are many many many many many many people in this clan who have earned powers in multiple divisions that they are active in, and all of these divisions need all the staff they can get. If you make everybody choose a division then all divisions will lack the staff it needs.

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Well as stated, I have DM and Admin in two different divisions. However, the only problem with DrPepper is that he has admin rank in CS:S and he shouldn't. Not that I doubt his ability, he just shouldn't have the admin things because he isn't an admin...


Edit: @@daddiodoug You have to remember, mines for MC though. It's a little bit different than him having source powers.

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No, the fact is that it's totally unfair to the people who are active in their specified division if someone from another can just waltz in and get mod or admin. I want it so we shouldn't do that and I'm going to reprehend those who do it.

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I didnt just waltz in and ask for it. I have been an admin in gmod for a while now and I also started to become active in css. Once the whole Charrax thing happened I started playing even more css and I earned mod. Then when the gmod division was restored I recieved admin back so it wasn't just handed to me.

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i didnt ask for mod or admin in Gmod. it was given to me. i play on moth servers and people love the shit out of me in both of them (i am the one and only Brown Man on Gmod for the faggots who didnt know yet) and i feel that because CSS is my primaryd div it will saty my primary div. but Gmod is my second home. it is kind of like a bathroom. sometimes it is great to be in there and other times it is like "why the fuck is this happeneing to me". i love both divs and i love admining in them both and i dont want that taken away.

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No, the fact is that it's totally unfair to the people who are active in their specified division if someone from another can just waltz in and get mod or admin. I want it so we shouldn't do that and I'm going to reprehend those who do it.


You are linking the servers are you not? Why not just keep them all separate so we can do what we want in whatever division and still be able to help and moderate/administrate whatever division? It is SO stupid how you want to divide it all. And if you are going to make us focus on one division I am sure people will have no interest in being staff unless they like ONE game alot.

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