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lol I haz mod power in CSGo and didnt even applied por it

~40-50 people can say the same thing!


-Edit, it was mainly because when CSGO first came out, CSS mods/admins had admin/mod on CSGO, and new mods/admins still got it until recently (Not sure if they stopped getting it to be honest)

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This is so dumb, it was a simple request that was denied. There was no need for this arguing back and forth. Dr.Pepper is just going to have to refrain from using admin+ commands until he gets admin.

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I guess I'm reprehending serbian :cat:

But seriously, powers on more then one division hurts BOTH of the divisions! Take for example warriorsfury: MC is fucked up and he spends his time on CS:S and GMOD.

Why did you delete your message? I quoted it before you did that so it wouldn't matter lol

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Warrior has temporary admin only on darkRP because hes proven helpful. When we get more staff he'll be demoted.

Hes not even universial division admin, just helping me.

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Warrior has temporary admin only on darkRP because hes proven helpful. When we get more staff he'll be demoted.

Alright but please, push for more dedicated GMOD staff, if possible ATM!

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Weve been looking. I need to talk to xemnas about staff options. Its possible that if we step up member recruiting, we wont have to get current members to switch divs.

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I guess I'm reprehending serbian :cat:

But seriously, powers on more then one division hurts BOTH of the divisions! Take for example warriorsfury: MC is fucked up and he spends his time on CS:S and GMOD.

Why did you delete your message? I quoted it before you did that so it wouldn't matter lol


Funny how I'm apparently the only division leader. Funny how you I get threatened about demotion if I don't fix every problem. Answer my question on FTB. Can we have a FTB whitelist server?


And how is HUB going? If I may say again you work on TTT when we have xemnas or however you spell his name. So many people quit/went inactive because we have no hub and your over working on TTT when you promoted someone to DO that job.

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It's my understanding that silence pays for that fucking server so if he wants to work on it who are you to tell him he can't?

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Funny how I'm apparently the only division leader. Funny how you I get threatened about demotion if I don't fix every problem. Answer my question on FTB. Can we have a FTB whitelist server?

I have no idea what that is. No you may not. You can't even get the current servers populated, and a whitelisted server sounds like a worse idea.

And how is HUB going? If I may say again you work on TTT when we have xemnas or however you spell his name. So many people quit/went inactive because we have no hub and your over working on TTT when you promoted someone to DO that job.

If people really quit because of Hub, that is beyond sad. That's like quitting because they didn't hand out free samples at Walmart. I'm working on it but fixing stuff will always have it's priority over new stuff.

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How can you be so ignorant? People leaving cuz you not having hub isn't ANYTHING like leaving cuz of some "free samples at walmart". How many people have donated for !Hub in THIS community just to be able to use bombs, hats etc in THIS community? Getting promised it'll be out months ago and still no success while blaming other divs for the other problems in the clan doesn't mean shit. People get upset when they spend 10, 20, 30 or even more dollars just for credits on a community and find out they can't use it and they probably just wasted their money since their leader has better things to do then to let people who donated get some donated privileges (i.e Credits). You have no real promise on when Hub will be out on CS:S, let alone TF2 and CS:GO. The dumb reason of (Oh i don't wanna release it till it has 2000 things) is that a joke? If you already have these custom 500+ things already available then why don't you release it and release new things little by little?


Minecraft was successful because when they released Alpha, they did new things every friday (secret friday updates) that made the game more fun just from the sheer curiosity of finding out what else is new. They didn't make one game, never update it and say "Here is the final product" so I have no idea how you could think letting the people who have spent their money on you at least have something to use it on is a bad idea. You find problems, you remove it from hub and put in new things little by little, causing people to check Hub daily, which psychologically will cause some people to buy some shit in Hub just from looking at it so much.


But no, instead lets have them wait countless amount of months while watching all this drama mainly be caused by you and you just playing the blame game and focusing the people's problems on things other then !hub. Take some responsibility for your actions, tell your donators you fucked up, give a real date on when !Hub will be out, or don't complain on server population when you have nothing going for your servers other then good dedicated staff.


Ps. On the main point of the thread, people can be active on 2 divisions. You're not gonna find people who are only interested in 1 game, and if someone is a good staff in 1 division, chances are they will be good on another considering believe it or not people do like playing multiple games for hours and hours a day. Why limit staff to only 1 division?


Man Dr.PepperPhreak is a good staff at G-mod, but if he moderates in CS:S he's probably gonna cause WW3 because now we have 1 less staff in G-mod for a few hours. Shucks.

Chances are if they wanted to stop playing G-mod after 2-3 hours of staffing it, they won't play it any longer even if they don't have staff in another server because they get bored, but you do help them choose another game or another community's server if they don't have staff since they have no other obligations. People wanted to help in other divisions is a win-win for you, yet you're so narrow minded, you don't like listening to reason, and just BLAME BLAME BLAME BLAME BLAME.


Tl;Dr, read it if you want, it's mainly a bitch post at @autumn

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