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Scrim Servers

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Putting this in general because it won't get as noticed anywhere else unless I tag a billion people. Discussing two topics really.


1. CS:S scrim server not functional, making them mostly unenjoyable.

The CS:S scrim servers are not really functioning (plugin wise), when the config is loaded the server won't LO3. Forcing to get 10 people to cooperate at once to go into spec, then to their respectful teams. If someone screws up, it has to be redone (which takes much more than a few minutes 100% of the time).


It's much simpler to have the working plugin (which is publicly available from what I've seen since other servers have it functional without any real coders) which would save time, frustration, and the hassle of everyone.


2. CS:GO Scrim servers.

Recently CS:S hasn't been as populated which also means the scrim servers have not been used as often. A few reasons is the mass leaves of active scrimming members (Aegean/Billy+friends, and recently when gmod people left as they were active too) and school. Though, for a while, the scrim servers are barely used once a week. And when they are, only ONE server is used. With the growing CS:GO division and active members people wouldn't mind a server for inter clan competition in the CS:GO divison.


2Wa0i.png (all cs:go people)


Now, CS:GO does have match making but a lot of people play on their own, causing them to rank up. Which causes matchmaking mismatches with "play with friends" option. Higher levels playing with lower levels etc, which can make it a slaughter fest and a hostile environment. You won't have the same experience as you would on a clan's scrim server, which is more relaxed and fun since it's with people you know. Not to mention a lot of people from the CS:GO division like scrims (same thing as match making).


Point being since CS:S has two scrim server which mainly ONE is used, the other server should be transferred to the CS:GO division for everyone to enjoy.


Some benefits -

  • It would help keep the CS:GO division stay active, entertained, and alive.
  • It's a ban free game system unlike matchmaking (you can get banned easily from damage to your own team, leaving in for an example an emergency, or if the server itself loses connection).

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We do have a server, that plays with the normal "CSGO" competitive rules. the only thing with it is that it has 30 player slots.

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We do have a server, that plays with the normal "CSGO" competitive rules. the only thing with it is that it has 30 player slots.


Do you have access to it? If so can you change the settings/add the plugins for it to be a scrim server?

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We can and can't, the plugin that is used on the CSS server to give someone "scrim admin" allowing them access to running the LO3 config didn't work on CS:GO. the same one that is publicly available on CS:S. I do have access to it, it is the one i set up on a standard competitive when I was working on the scrim server, to the end of being so mad that 4/4 plugins i found were not compatible... :/

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We can and can't, the plugin that is used on the CSS server to give someone "scrim admin" allowing them access to running the LO3 config didn't work on CS:GO. the same one that is publicly available on CS:S. I do have access to it, it is the one i set up on a standard competitive when I was working on the scrim server, to the end of being so mad that 4/4 plugins i found were not compatible... :/

Add on to the cevo.cfg, make it restart the rounds.

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We can and can't, the plugin that is used on the CSS server to give someone "scrim admin" allowing them access to running the LO3 config didn't work on CS:GO. the same one that is publicly available on CS:S. I do have access to it, it is the one i set up on a standard competitive when I was working on the scrim server, to the end of being so mad that 4/4 plugins i found were not compatible... :/

Add on to the cevo.cfg, make it restart the rounds.

I just said that the plugin used to allow people to run the cevo cfg so you can get knife etc. done for captains and then restart it for the actual game DOES NOT WORK ON CSGO. i tried 4 different pug plugins. i am sufficiently mad. link me to a plugin and i will try it. will it work? doubtful but yolo.

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We can and can't, the plugin that is used on the CSS server to give someone "scrim admin" allowing them access to running the LO3 config didn't work on CS:GO. the same one that is publicly available on CS:S. I do have access to it, it is the one i set up on a standard competitive when I was working on the scrim server, to the end of being so mad that 4/4 plugins i found were not compatible... :/

Add on to the cevo.cfg, make it restart the rounds.

I just said that the plugin used to allow people to run the cevo cfg so you can get knife etc. done for captains and then restart it for the actual game DOES NOT WORK ON CSGO. i tried 4 different pug plugins. i am sufficiently mad. link me to a plugin and i will try it. will it work? doubtful but yolo.

My friend LiteSpeed might be able to make a plugin as he's a very skilled C/C++ programmer and source pawn syntax is like that. Though only if I can't find a plugin, going to study for a bit then look around.

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My friend LiteSpeed might be able to make a plugin as he's a very skilled C/C++ programmer and source pawn syntax is like that. Though only if I can't find a plugin, going to study for a bit then look around.

sounds good get me some plugin type yolo shit and we can go from there, if you want a specific cfg send it to me otherwise i'm just gonna grab the one i found a while ago.

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LO3 fixed on both scrim servers. Sorry about that but nobody has reported it on the forums until now.


Yeah can you bring back the maps we lost. Season, Tuscan, Mill and a bunch of others were lost.

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