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Ban suggestion (Just hear me out)

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I've already posted this in a different thread, but as a topic that I feel needs attention I am going to copy/paste what I wrote as well as add on a few things.



With the amount of people making arguments about bans I wanted to provide my personal input and what I think makes sense.


I think that we should keep perm bans PERM if they were banned for a legitimate reason and only unban if they were actually WRONGLY banned. But, seeing as this is xG we love to keep giving people second chances such as when people mass freekill (including members lately). But why do you think they do this? They do it because they know that they will be easily unbanned.


Now honestly, if they make a protest in a much later time along the road maybe it can be put into consideration. They won't necessarily be unbanned, but w/ how lenient the clan is the odds are in their favor. However at least at this point they will have already served a time.



I just don't get why these days people are considering perm bans optional. If you are permed you are permed, unless the ban itself was wrong then shouldn't any argument be done at that point?


Also, not that I am in favor of taking the say away from the community but there's something wrong when somebody who just got permed (regardless of their current position or former position in the clan) can get his friends to +1 with crap saying that "he contributed a ton to the clan". Well that sucks doesn't it? Regardless of what he did in the past, he fucked up and got perm banned. We can't just unban people we like if they broke the same rules others did and were banned for it.


What I suggest is, at least in some limited way, to limit the input on ban protests to mods, admins and divs of the respective division. Hopefully, (and i realize it will prolly just lead back to the same +1ing for friends situation) the staff will provide unbiased input in the protest and not simply unban bc they like the person but +1 if the ban was actually wrong.


Also forgive my bs grammar typed it on my new phone still getting used to it lol

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It should be a perm ban, people know the rules and they know the consequences. It's getting obnoxious now that people you were permed can be unbanned, like you said, because friends can +1 them. I know I've given quite a few people +1's when they were permed, but the second you say "a perm is a perm" people throw examples at you of other people that were unbanned.


To make it as fair as possible I think it would be best to allow those who are currently permed a deadline from protesting, say June 12th, then after that date no protests are allowed. Once that date passes, anyone who is or has already been permed will stay permed. Making it so Div leaders, DM's or any other staff member make a decision about a perm will not solve any problems. Arguments will be created because of friendships between the staff member and the permed player altering the outcome. Make it simple: A perm is a perm.

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The only reason players provide +1s to some (if not all) bans is solely because everyone else is doing the same and they don't want to lose any integrity/credibility by posting a -1 or don't want to be beaten to death for saying "No."


A perfect example of such:

but the second you say "a perm is a perm" people throw examples at you of other people that were unbanned.

Exactly. Then it ends up being either ignored or changed to a +1. I won't deny in saying that I've changed my opinion based on how everyone else was so lenient, I'll admit that. The only time I gave my valid opinion was during the time Papi was protesting a ban, in which it seemed no one else would see through the fog of "high stature" and give their unbiased opinion. From then on, I've definitely been giving a lot more slack then should be given.


The only way to enforce it properly and solidly enough so that Everyone gets the point, would be to have all the Higher-Ups establish that from this point on, no one, regardless of their previous rank/stature or whatever it is they've done for the clan will have any influence on what they mess up in. If they intentionally mass freekill, or do something related to that, then they'll be "SoL" and won't be legible for an unban.


With all that said, from this point on, I'm going back to how Ban Protests were enforced then. If someone decides to mass freekill intentionally, then I won't be providing a 1-up under any circumstances. If it was a mass freekill that was done due to carelessness or was accidental, then I'll weigh the pros and cons and then evaluate based on it and come up with a verdict of which seems fair. #Gawd4Coleader


- Dat guy, Forest

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The only reason players provide +1s to some (if not all) bans is solely because everyone else is doing the same and they don't want to lose any integrity/credibility by posting a -1 or don't want to be beaten to death for saying "No."


A perfect example of such:

but the second you say "a perm is a perm" people throw examples at you of other people that were unbanned.

Exactly. Then it ends up being either ignored or changed to a +1. I won't deny in saying that I've changed my opinion based on how everyone else was so lenient, I'll admit that. The only time I gave my valid opinion was during the time Papi was protesting a ban, in which it seemed no one else would see through the fog of "high stature" and give their unbiased opinion. From then on, I've definitely been giving a lot more slack then should be given.


The only way to enforce it properly and solidly enough so that Everyone gets the point, would be to have all the Higher-Ups establish that from this point on, no one, regardless of their previous rank/stature or whatever it is they've done for the clan will have any influence on what they mess up in. If they intentionally mass freekill, or do something related to that, then they'll be "SoL" and won't be legible for an unban.


With all that said, from this point on, I'm going back to how Ban Protests were enforced then. If someone decides to mass freekill intentionally, then I won't be providing a 1-up under any circumstances. If it was a mass freekill that was done due to carelessness or was accidental, then I'll weigh the pros and cons and then evaluate based on it and come up with a verdict of which seems fair. #Gawd4Coleader


- Dat guy, Forest



This is exactly the reason the entire ban protest process is completely screwed up. I will also admit that I have +1'd a few simply because I knew it would start a flame war if I didn't (I've even written the entire thing out, just to change it). It's pointless the way it is.

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Personally, I think perm-bans shouldn't even be warranted unless they hacked/ddos'd the server. Correct me if I'm wrong but, if you look at all the latest perm bans it's due to mass killing. It just comes to a line of judgment where people see it not as a fair punishment and a bit of biased judgments.


For me, being banned even for a week is a lot. Which I would figure a month ban would be justified rather then a perm ban. I think it would reduce all the headache if you actually give bans where they can change themselves rather then a life punishment and then complaining 3 days later. But rules are rules I guess.

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I'll be honest, didn't read this whole thread it's all TL:DR. I saw your post on the forum post in particular.


I do think that from here on out, permanent bans should stay EXACTLY THAT WAY. Unless of course it was a wrongful ban.


There really isn't much else to say on the matter, Forest probably covered all of it in his infinite wisdom.

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No one brought it up Warrior, the fact that we could just from now on keep them permed.. I just asked why you would -1 when everyone gets unbanned anyways. Probably said it in a hateful way but, yolo. I didn't mean to sound like I was mad at you.

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The only reason players provide +1s to some (if not all) bans is solely because everyone else is doing the same and they don't want to lose any integrity/credibility by posting a -1 or don't want to be beaten to death for saying "No."

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Sousei , I'm in your boat.


""Personally, I think perm-bans shouldn't even be warranted unless they hacked/ddos'd the server. ""- from above

plus fucking one


like u say, mass fk = most perm reasons

so easy to shoot 3 T's when players first join JB, can't hear warden's mic, etc.


not saying dont ban people, but like 3 months ban is enough for them to stay on T for a long ass time and learn rules/ etc/ wish they didnt get fucking permed, while maintaing server population.




intentional mass, like when they're standing in a line at cell stairs is the long/perm situation.

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I feel as if this is pointed towards me and papi. We both fucked up in a nutshell. But I'm still permed from CT on CS:S, so really I wasn't unbanned technically. And papi doesn't go on jailbreak often, and when he does he probably enjoys playing CT. How would you feel gawd, if you fucked up and wanted a second chance.


Though, second chances shouldn't be given to everyone and probation should be issued so if they are given that chance.

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