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Brian - Counter-Strike: Source

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Changing my vote to +0

Warrior convinced me to alter my position to a neutral state with Brian.


LOL "change your vote from minus one so you get unblacklisted" I guess we need to bribe people to not -1 this app... GG

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+1 Cum Back pls


Because it wont let me edit and this isnt a "valid" +1 ill re do it.


Brian used to be a Co-Leader for xG and was a good person if you were on his good side and liked him which some people obviously dont but who cares they can put there own opinion. But i think we should let him back in the clan because he clearly stated he wants to help again because its gone to shit and we need the help if someone knows how to do it we can have it so fuck it.

M: 8

A: 3

Just increase ur activity beb. k

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My legitimate opinion is a 0, while i wouldn't mind if he was given TF2 div leader back sometime down the road, what I don't want to see is him back as Co-Leader, because what he did as a co-leader was the same he would do as TF2 Div. he worked on tf2 99% of the time, and the other 1% was spent pissing me off by playing with the CSGO JB server and not even talking to me about it.

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Everyone who -1'd except for warrior


Truly lel'd. He did more than any of you did, and he's applying for TF2 division obviously since that's what he will be in control of. Unless you guys wanna run some divisions properly and fix up xG, you can't possibly -1 legitimately unless you think he'll be more negative then positive to the community. Please though if you do think that, i would love to hear your reasoning behind it.


The reason why +1's don't really need a speech or description as to why Brian should return is

A. He left on his own will, not kicked

B. He was entrusted to co-leader before he left, which means the community thought of him greatly.

C. The community is gone to shit, and he knows how to bring back up an entire division himself.


That's why when you -1, you should have a good reasoning behind it. It's not kissing ass to +1 one of the people who did the most in this clan up to date, as much as you wanna toot your own horn and think you're always right.

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Everyone who -1'd except for warrior 687474703a2f2f6779617a6f2e636f6d2f3661643766663339313837666239393638616535663732393635643034333235


Truly lel'd. He did more than any of you did, and he's applying for TF2 division obviously since that's what he will be in control of. Unless you guys wanna run some divisions properly and fix up xG, you can't possibly -1 legitimately unless you think he'll be more negative then positive to the community. Please though if you do think that, i would love to hear your reasoning behind it.


The reason why +1's don't really need a speech or description as to why Brian should return is

A. He left on his own will, not kicked

B. He was entrusted to co-leader before he left, which means the community thought of him greatly.

C. The community is gone to shit, and he knows how to bring back up an entire division himself.


That's why when you -1, you should have a good reasoning behind it. It's not kissing ass to +1 one of the people who did the most in this clan up to date, as much as you wanna toot your own horn and think you're always right.



Gyazo - 6ad7ff39187fb9968ae5f72965d04325.png Meant to post that gyazou initially but can't edit cuz forums = bad

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Everyone who -1'd except for warrior 687474703a2f2f6779617a6f2e636f6d2f3661643766663339313837666239393638616535663732393635643034333235


Truly lel'd. He did more than any of you did, and he's applying for TF2 division obviously since that's what he will be in control of. Unless you guys wanna run some divisions properly and fix up xG, you can't possibly -1 legitimately unless you think he'll be more negative then positive to the community. Please though if you do think that, i would love to hear your reasoning behind it.


The reason why +1's don't really need a speech or description as to why Brian should return is

A. He left on his own will, not kicked

B. He was entrusted to co-leader before he left, which means the community thought of him greatly.

C. The community is gone to shit, and he knows how to bring back up an entire division himself.


That's why when you -1, you should have a good reasoning behind it. It's not kissing ass to +1 one of the people who did the most in this clan up to date, as much as you wanna toot your own horn and think you're always right.



Then why didn't he put TF2 not CS:S


Just because he WAS a good person before and did a bunch to help xG doesnt mean that's still what's going to happen, all the recent stuff I have seen was just him being a twat and not anything xG needs more of.

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Then why didn't he put TF2 not CS:S


Just because he WAS a good person before and did a bunch to help xG doesnt mean that's still what's going to happen, all the recent stuff I have seen was just him being a twat and not anything xG needs more of.


Duke it out on teamspeak, not in this thread. I value your input, but this isn't exactly relating to the thread.

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Then why didn't he put TF2 not CS:S


Just because he WAS a good person before and did a bunch to help xG doesnt mean that's still what's going to happen, all the recent stuff I have seen was just him being a twat and not anything xG needs more of.


Duke it out on teamspeak, not in this thread. I value your input, but this isn't exactly relating to the thread.


LOL, how is that not related?

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