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Community Knight

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I know, three threads later...


Anyway, I think the time is ripe for us to have the Jailbreak community night thing that I was trying to get together. Because of the holiday week and all, I think it would be splendid to have in on Friday (July 5th) at 11PM EST.


I think it was pretty much decided that:

1) Rules on sprays are lenient (nothing that is illegal or gore, you are all big boys and know whats appropriate)

2) Staff members are given much more leeway, but again don't abuse. Don't just slay @@Gkoo every round because you can, it ruins the fun.

3) Have fun, be stupid... just have a little maturity. Don't continually do something thats going to ruin every single round.



It will be announced periodically that it is a community night, and that the rules are a little different, just to alleviate any confusion.



@@Gkoo @@diabeetus @@Nub1234 @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Sep0h @@Warriorsfury @@Forest @@daddiodoug @@Gkoo


(Don't hate if I didn't tag you, I know theres a crap ton more. I didn't put you because I love you too much)


And approval from DM's please?

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+1 The idea is great, i would like a night of hanging around, i'm usually on at night anyways.

@@Gkoo, i think you were mentioned 4 times

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You don't need approval, serbian already gave. he gave it for whatever day you want, does not have to be a specific day, as long as it is after 11pm EST. (i think it was EST) as long as you let them know hey dw freekill @@Gkoo all you want, it's cool.


stop being e-whores and banning everyone for shit, just have fun, everyday. why do you have to set a day to have fun? take it slow and do nightly fun right now. then have more fun during the day.

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this should be done daily. this isnt even a community night to be honest, its just late night jailbreak. a community night is more along the lines of everyone populating minigames, surf, or something along those lines. late night jailbreak should be a regular to semi-regular thing.

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If people were planning on doing this tonight, by all means go ahead, although I wont be on until later. I think it would be best to have it tomorrow night (I promise this wont change, Im off for once!). If nobody replies or yells at me, I will assume it will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at 11pm est

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If people were planning on doing this tonight, by all means go ahead, although I wont be on until later. I think it would be best to have it tomorrow night (I promise this wont change, Im off for once!). If nobody replies or yells at me, I will assume it will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at 11pm est

read mine and jay's posts

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