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George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

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WE live in America where the girl who threw flour on Kim Kardashian was arrested on site. BUT the man who killed Trayvon Martin still walks free.

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prius, the legal system is built upon the fact that you are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, you cant justifiably call zimmerman a murderer if he was never convicted for it, and when u put it in black and white like that than it would be an open and shut case but like all law cases theres always other factors to consider like whether or not he killed him in self defence, point of what im saying is george zimmerman is innocent

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One thing I heard on the radio right after the trial made me laugh. Some person called into the station with a deep accent saying "I dhink that this zimmer guy got away with merdar and I dink he even paid off the judge since its an old white guy who is retired" Radio host hung up on her LOL.

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prius, the legal system is built upon the fact that you are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, you cant justifiably call zimmerman a murderer if he was never convicted for it, and when u put it in black and white like that than it would be an open and shut case but like all law cases theres always other factors to consider like whether or not he killed him in self defence, point of what im saying is george zimmerman is innocent


Whenever I hear "innocent proven guilty" I just think of BS. How much do you need to lie to make yourself guilty? Is that boston bomber innocent till proven guilty? Is the Colorado shooter innocent till proven guilty? Everybody knows what they did and holding them in cells is pointless.


The whole "innocent till proven guilty" has been exploited to hell just like how people exploit XG rules. How many people do you need to murder in order to be considering guilty without a court trail? It's a major flaw in America and nobody does anything about it.

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Whenever I hear "innocent proven guilty" I just think of BS. How much do you need to lie to make yourself guilty? Is that boston bomber innocent till proven guilty? Is the Colorado shooter innocent till proven guilty? Everybody knows what they did and holding them in cells is pointless.


The whole "innocent till proven guilty" has been exploited to hell just like how people exploit XG rules. How many people do you need to murder in order to be considering guilty without a court trail? It's a major flaw in America and nobody does anything about it.


the reason why they are innocent is because people can get a million people to all say the same thing about a person and have that person convicted based on sheer numbers, it creates a mob mentality and allows someone to basically choose whoever they want to be thrown in jail, this is otherwise known as a dictatorship in the making, the person can choose to throw all political opponents into jail and proclaim himself as a god if he wanted to. its not a major flaw, otherwise i could accuse u of murder and BAM you're thrown in jail just because i said so and not based on any evidence whatsoever, its also why the legal system isnt judged based on emotion cause it clouds judgement and creates an incredibly biased system that's infinitely worse

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In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. All defendants are innocent until proven guilty, either by confession, plea bargain, or trial by jury. This is one of those trials.

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Whenever I hear "innocent proven guilty" I just think of BS. How much do you need to lie to make yourself guilty? Is that boston bomber innocent till proven guilty? Is the Colorado shooter innocent till proven guilty? Everybody knows what they did and holding them in cells is pointless.


The whole "innocent till proven guilty" has been exploited to hell just like how people exploit XG rules. How many people do you need to murder in order to be considering guilty without a court trail? It's a major flaw in America and nobody does anything about it.


the reason why they are innocent is because people can get a million people to all say the same thing about a person and have that person convicted based on sheer numbers, it creates a mob mentality and allows someone to basically choose whoever they want to be thrown in jail, this is otherwise known as a dictatorship in the making, the person can choose to throw all political opponents into jail and proclaim himself as a god if he wanted to. its not a major flaw, otherwise i could accuse u of murder and BAM you're thrown in jail just because i said so and not based on any evidence whatsoever, its also why the legal system isnt judged based on emotion cause it clouds judgement and creates an incredibly biased system that's infinitely worse


My problem with this case is that George stated everything and caused a young boy's life due to his reckless actions. The fact that FL lets people practically start fights they can't win and kill them just sends the message that anybody can claim self defense even when they started the fight.


For example, he had a gun and was a grown man how much of a pussy do you need to be to shoot a 17 year old kid? It's overall pathetic and shows FL doesn't care about it's citizens. Say for example I punched you in the face and you kick my ass to the ground and punched me a bunch till a stabbed you with a knife in the neck. It's not me defending myself because I was the aggressor and I can't claim that I was defending myself when I attacked you first. Now I know nobody knows who started the fight but the fact remains if George stayed in his car none of this would've happened. He is 100% reliable for his actions and nobody would've heard about either of them. You are right about that serbian but George acted like a stalker and should be held accountable if Trayvon felt his life was in danger he had every right to defend himself to get away that's how FL's SYG law works.


Now because of this case every potential murderer and rapist can follow whoever they want and claim self defense if their victims fight back. Now nobody wants that now do they?

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The whole "innocent till proven guilty" has been exploited to hell just like how people exploit XG rules. How many people do you need to murder in order to be considering guilty without a court trail? It's a major flaw in America and nobody does anything about it.

There is nothing exploited about it.


Also what does this have to do with xG rules? It just seems like you want an argument.

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I live 15 mins from sanford/where this happened.


Same thing with the Casey Anthony case, the Florida State Prosecution "overcharged" GZimm. Look up the definition of 2nd Degree Murder and Manslaughter charges as presented by the State in a Law Dictionary.


Involuntary Manslaughter or a charge likewise would have most likely put GZ behind bars for a few years.


Regardless someone died and this media hype did not help.

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I'm happy with the outcome. Trayvon did attack him. He was stoned and had a past of drug related issues. He also owned a pistol. In Florida you must be at least 21 to own a pistol. Thus it had to have been acquired illegally.


It's actually 18 to own a LOADED firearm, they actually CAN own one if it's unloaded in their home... tho if under 18 they need a parent with them to buy it. Also he didn't have any weapons on him at the time...


It's because of crazy people like this that I always take my gun with me places, especially at night and on crazy days like July 4th when all the rednecks get drunk and shoot their guns off... lol

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I like how people justify weed to make people attack others. If Echo were still here he'll go off on Peechis saying how stupid he is for believing weed makes people aggressive.

Just because he had THC in his tox report doesnt mean he was high at the time, that stuff stays in your body for weeks...


The problem I have with this guy isn't that he's racist or wtf ever.... it's that he misused a law to get away with murder... He shouldnt have followed the kid, he should have listened to the police dispatch and gone home...


Even at the point where they were fighting... he could have ran but instead pulled a gun... (this is that stupid misuse of the law that pisses me off)


Even tho he is was found not guilty... he still is.... and he's likely never going to have a normal life now, people will be after him for a looong time... and I bet he'll be having a nice wrongful death lawsuit on his ass soon as well... he already lost his job and got expelled from his school.



TL;DL It's because of fucking idiot's like this guy that the rest of us have to continuously fight to keep our rights to own/carry weapons.

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