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George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

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I like how people justify weed to make people attack others. If Echo were still here he'll go off on Peechis saying how stupid he is for believing weed makes people aggressive.

never said it makes him aggressive asshat, stop puting fucking words in my mouth. Im not gonna sit here and agrue with some gay douche who sits and gets off over internet conflicts. Oh and about raitings, if you ask me to do something then do the exact same thing back to me, and then i undo it, why the fuck do you think its ok to not retract yours like i did mine? So fuck you and have a nice day

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I like how people justify weed to make people attack others. If Echo were still here he'll go off on Peechis saying how stupid he is for believing weed makes people aggressive.

never said it makes him aggressive asshat, stop puting fucking words in my mouth. Im not gonna sit here and agrue with some gay douche who sits and gets off over internet conflicts. Oh and about raitings, if you ask me to do something then do the exact same thing back to me, and then i undo it, why the fuck do you think its ok to not retract yours like i did mine? So fuck you and have a nice day



In short: "I am acting like a butthurt ass who wants to start a flame war because I got nothing else better to do."


If you get this anal about people disagreeing with you then why get on the internet in the first place? Don't act like a baby if you can't handle someone calling you stupid, an idiot, a dumbass, etc. When you go making a post somebody isn't going to always agree with you and looked what happened. I thought we stopped this about week ago but here you are starting it up again, it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that I'm the one who gets off getting people mad when you been doing the exact same thing attacking me when I haven't even posted on this thread in few days. To sum it all up. Suck it up, you're being a pansy. Grow up.


Oh and just for that. I won't undo my ratings since your recent childish attack by literally rating all my posts as negative. Seriously grow a pair.

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Only two people know what actually happened: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin and he's dead. There was no one to witness the entire event and of course those put on stand would say that the scream on the call belong to their son. You CANNOT say for a fact that George is innocent or guilty (though in the court of law all persons are assumed innocent). I personally am going to say that he is innocent until any possible further information comes through. @@MrSaturday "it's clear he's lying about his side of the story as he lied about everything else." That is a biased statement. I seriously doubt you can do better at telling if he was lying than the professionals who did all sorts of analytics on his speech and mental state and so on. The trials were fair. The jury chose the verdict they thought was best. Can't flim flam the zim zam



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@@Black_Rock "That is a biased statement. "


How the hell is it biased? He was completely calm after killing a kid whom he provoked and he told multiple stories about what happened. He lied about his finances, lied about knowing SYG, and lied about going to the store with no wallet or credit card. So next time you wanna call me out on something black rock I would advise you to actually look at everything in the case and not shoot your mouth off like an idiot and a gullible jackass just because the law or the jury said so. Just because it's written in there doesn't mean it's non-exploitable.


Just look at any rules and see how people find loopholes to abuse them. Your blinded ignorance is a good example of how blind on how most people look at this case.

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requesting a close @@serbiansnaga @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052, this thread is just diving into a full-on shitstorm/flame war, I'm surprised that it wasn't closed earlier.

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@@Black_Rock "That is a biased statement. "


How the hell is it biased? He was completely calm after killing a kid whom he provoked and he told multiple stories about what happened. He lied about his finances, lied about knowing SYG, and lied about going to the store with no wallet or credit card. So next time you wanna call me out on something black rock I would advise you to actually look at everything in the case and not shoot your mouth off like an idiot and a gullible jackass just because the law or the jury said so. Just because it's written in there doesn't mean it's non-exploitable.


Just look at any rules and see how people find loopholes to abuse them. Your blinded ignorance is a good example of how blind on how most people look at this case.

1.)That's called a poker face. You cannot tell what kind of emotional turmoil is going as the case went on. He might as well have felt like the greatest man on earth or the shittiest scum ever.

2.) finances is irrelevant to the shooting case.

3.) Calling me an idiot and gullible does not help your argument.

4.) What was exploited? What are you talking about "just because it's written..."?

5.) I am calling you out on your opinion that he was lying. Almost everything in your response is irrelevant.

6.) "blinded ignorance" seems kind of redundant. If you are uniformed of a topic or discussion of course you are blinded of the truth or what is fact.

7.) Your arguments are that of a seemingly butthurt ( and brash?) person .

8.) Yes, you are biased. You are (unfairly) being prejudiced against George.

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1) You have no idea what he is thinking so don't try and pretend you do

2) If he can lie about that what makes you think he can't lie about the rest? It's called credibility.

3) Actually my point on calling you an idiot is because you obviously didn't look at everything in the case and only watched the trail. They didn't post all the evidence and if you listened to the 9-1-1 calls and Zimmerman's statements it's clear he profiled Trayvon as a criminal when he was doing nothing wrong. So who was being bias again?

4) If you can't figure that out on your own then I don't see why I would bother explain it to you. The laws you derp

5) And I am calling you out on your hypocrisy saying how I am bias yet you are doing the exact same thing defending a guy who needs a gun to fight a kid when he had a history of assaulting people.

6) Yes blinded ignorance. You are defending a guy whom you didn't even bother to check his past charges or anything else. Just looked at the trail and said "Oh they said he's innocent so that's ok!" Did you say the same thing for OJ or Casey Anthony?

7) I was done with this thread but you and peeches jr had to relight the fire that was well on its way out. You are doing no favors by starting a flame war.

8) Pot calling the kettle black. Look at what you are doing and re read "4" again. You are just blindly protecting a loser pansy boy who decided to play cop and shoot a kid for just defending himself against a stranger. Your sympathy for guys like Zimmerman just show you don't care about moral justice and just do what the law says even though most people would agree that it's wrong.


As I said before you and Peeches Jr are doing nothing but starting another flame war which shouldn't have happened in the first place. The fire was well on its way out but all you two did was pour more fuel into it. Drop it. I stand by my opinion saying that Zimmerman should have never called the cops on someone doing nothing and he should have just drive away and there! No murder or nothing just a harassment charge.

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7) I was done with this thread but you and peeches jr had to relight the fire that was well on its way out. You are doing no favors by starting a flame war.

You aren't helping the situation. If you were truly done then you couldn't possibly have bothered your self to reply to a tags to this thread.

I also don't understand why people call George out for being a 'cop-wannabe'. I think that shows that he actually cared for the safety of the neighborhood.

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Same with you. Like I said you and peeches started this again so drop it. If Zimmerman cared so much for his neighborhood then why would he go around harassing people and falsely accuse them of doing nothing wrong? Why would he ignore NBW rules which say to DONT FOLLOW PEOPLE and DONT CARRY A GUN! What ignorance you have black rock you truly don't know anything. He is a wanna be cop because he was a loser nobody who acted like law enforcement when he was not. Someone who cares about the community wouldn't go harassing people or overreacting to the smallest things like calling the police on a neighbors group of friends waiting for her to open the gate or a group of kids playing on the road.


Like I said you are an idiot. He did nothing but cause problems and question blacks walking on the street. Who is he to go around and pretending to be authority? We have actually police who do that. This isn't the Wild West anymore black rock, he tried to get into the police department and was rejected for his aggressive behavior don't believe me? Google it yourself.


Anyway this is the final time I'm talking about this since you nimrods want to start a fight so fucking bad.

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Anyway this is the final time I'm talking about this since you nimrods want to start a fight so fucking bad.

This is kind of a debate thread. I don't see why you're calling people nimrods because they don't agree with you.

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