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alright ~gentlemen~

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Alright, let me say what I'm here to say, and afterwards (as I'm sure will happen anyways) you can ban me or w/e the fuck you feel like.

First off, don't fucking blow this out of proportion and start flaming and arguing because I ain't got time for that shit.


I'd like to address the basically dead issue of GG and the shit that went down.

First off.


This bullshit -->


Since the last time I talked to all you beautiful people. Charrax had some unkind things to say regarding my administration status apart of GG. being as belligerent and Ignorant as he normally is he forgot who paid for his server and built his sites.


Effective Immediately GG no longer has any of the following

Minecraft servers

Gmod server

Teamspeak 3 Server

Clan website.



In basics GG as a whole is no longer functioning. In the exception of their steam group, they have nothing.



I hope you (xG) can forgive me for standing up for an individual who hurt you so much. I have quit GG and am now an independent gamer. I'm pretty sure there are others within gg who feel the same as my self and are not aware of the things charrax did to xG, so please do not punish them for their leader's thick-headed stupidity.




PS: if you are confused at this point please come talk to me rather than get rumors from other people. I fart around on xG's teamspeak a-lot and you can also add me on steam Audible_Savage





Is the biggest load of horse shit I have ever read in my life. As soon as he left, nothing but good arose.

I don't care what you think you heard from that subhuman, but seriously, its garbage.




I realize that giving charrax the ftp info was pretty much a shit move, but I had my reasons.

One being that I was getting at silence for not changing the password after I told him to twice, and because most of the work left on those server's was charrax's to begin with.

"but sham charrax can't code he lied -flames-" yeh thats a pretty big load of shit aswell, I've seen him do it from scratch, case closed.


"but sham you came on teamspeak and perm banned minecrack and warrior"

I'm sorry but if you negros get to ban each other as fun and games this should've been taken really fucking lightly. Its the least I could do in repayment to minecrack after his fun time with the gmod servers.


I also want to address the basic hate between xG and GG just because of charrax leaving and causing a storm of neverending shit. Nobody left because charrax left, we left because of a common ideal - the leadership needed a major re-vamp and we decided we wanted to just start all over on our own. I dont have a contract here and I dont see why forming a new community caused so much hate.

While char and I have made some shit decisions you seriously can't say to my face that you lot haven't done the same.

I realize that we've had some pretty rough relations but this internet drama needs to come to an end. I have a lot of friends in xG and it pains me to know that I can't play with em just because of some stupid shit that went down on the internet.


Basically what I'm asking is at least a partial pardon, if not full, of the players of our community.

Not asking for instant serverwide unbans but the shitstorm is settled and I think we can all put our big boy pants on and come to an understanding. Nobody in GG has any malicious intentions and any actions that are so will be dealt with.


~please keep in mind I am mainly speaking for myself and not the entire community. While the common goal of gaining an understanding between the communities is shared by all of us, the ideas reflected by myself in this thread are not necessarily the ideas of anyone else in the community.


thanks for ya time negros.







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and I hope you also know that nobody talks about GG anymore except to make fun of it?

maybe you guys are doing better after I left. good for you; however, it was not BECAUSE I left.

this is the load of bollocks that charrax feeds GG members every day "you guys didnt leave because of me" bla bla bla.

charrax was demoted for Insubordination and Loopholing + some other stuff. It aint cool. you gave charrax FTP


and didn't i do this same thing a few months ago which resulted in my kick from GG? oh yes I remember. I asked for GG members to be unbanned form xG servers and them to be pardoned for shit charrax did...


which is what you are doing now...


I'm going to go ahead and +1 for any GG member; however,


any GG leadership should remain banned and /or Harassed while on xG's servers, specifically the ones in leadership before /during my leave. -1 GFYS

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this is the load of bollocks that charrax feeds GG members every day "you guys didnt leave because of me" bla bla bla.


yeh when he read the thread he was actually angry at me for saying this, because he believes it to be untrue.


he got mad at me when I posted an apology on here. maybe we have more in common BB.

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-and before you flip shit and argue with everything I put in this thread, i wont be reading any of that, so save yourself the trouble.-


You have no idea what you're spouting in this thread, mainly involving why you were kicked out and hated by the leadership in the first place.

Stop making this about yourself.



oh wait, he did reply. But I thought Sham never lies though!

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I dont believe saying "alright faggots" was the best was to approach the situation.

>implying faggot is still a valid insult.

I am very mad just because the sole reason that I dont agree with Charrax. That is all. Hurrrr durrr madmadmadmadmad.

he got mad at me when I posted an apology [full of lies which misrepresented the whole clan except for myself.] on here. maybe we have more in common BB.



Re-read the op. Sham added that it is his own opinions and not the communities. He is representing himself. I dont want to revive old shit from the past and I am perfectly happy with the relationship of xG to GG. I still talk to many members of xG.


Audible's post was just sad in the past. He even told me he was lying. Lol why would I leave my own clan. Silly shit. He didnt even leave a dent in GG, as it got so much better after he left. Also my GMod servers have had more population than the xG ones in the past week and a half, so I am fine with the current standings of xG. Especially when the xG's server cap is higher yet mine has more.


Also take a picture of this because Silence will probably edit this.



I never had a problem with Silence, and I still dont. In fact if Silence wants to add me on steam I have something that can even HELP xG involving NFO. He had tons with me and would never tell me what they were so I couldnt fix them. That is probably the worst "Dealing with people" strategy I have ever heard of. Either way I dont care.


Either way I like to unban myself from Teamspeak to talk to my old xG friends so this doesnt affect me as I am unbanned anyway lololololol.


But 4srs, if this post goes through and GG members are unbanned. I am indifferent. I dwell in GMod anyway so I dont see why I would leave my own server to play another TTT server.

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Before this thread I doubt anyone had been thinking "oh man I hate GG!"

I doubt many xG players dislike the community, and I don't see any current major problems with them at the moment to hold any kind of grudge.


Its mainly people like audible that affiliate themselves with us and spout straight up lies that cause the hate.

I jus wan muh sexy people back yo

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TL;DR on my post up there.


-I would like to talk to Silence about something that can benefit him.

-This is Charrax.



-Penis penis pennnnis

-Audible is too mad for the absolute nothing that we did or didnt do to him.

-Fuzz 4 xG Leader

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I dont believe saying "alright faggots" was the best was to approach the situation.

>implying faggot is still a valid insult.

I am very mad just because the sole reason that I dont agree with Charrax. That is all. Hurrrr durrr madmadmadmadmad.

he got mad at me when I posted an apology [full of lies which misrepresented the whole clan except for myself.] on here. maybe we have more in common BB.



Re-read the op. Sham added that it is his own opinions and not the communities. He is representing himself. I dont want to revive old shit from the past and I am perfectly happy with the relationship of xG to GG. I still talk to many members of xG.


Audible's post was just sad in the past. He even told me he was lying. Lol why would I leave my own clan. Silly shit. He didnt even leave a dent in GG, as it got so much better after he left. Also my GMod servers have had more population than the xG ones in the past week and a half, so I am fine with the current standings of xG. Especially when the xG's server cap is higher yet mine has more.


Also take a picture of this because Silence will probably edit this.



I never had a problem with Silence, and I still dont. In fact if Silence wants to add me on steam I have something that can even HELP xG involving NFO. He had tons with me and would never tell me what they were so I couldnt fix them. That is probably the worst "Dealing with people" strategy I have ever heard of. Either way I dont care.


Either way I like to unban myself from Teamspeak to talk to my old xG friends so this doesnt affect me as I am unbanned anyway lololololol.


But 4srs, if this post goes through and GG members are unbanned. I am indifferent. I dwell in GMod anyway so I dont see why I would leave my own server to play another TTT server.




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