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This poses a great argument. Where are the limitations?

Player Votes Redux

  • Voteban resilience
    • Tired of griefers and hackers evading voteban by disconnecting and reconnecting while voting is underway? Players Votes now makes it hard for those scoundrels to get away with it.

    [*]SourceBans notification

    • If Players Votes is running alongside SourceBans, it will notify and let SB handle the banning.

    [*]Ban reasons

    • Optionally make players specify a reason for votebanning someone. The most-selected reason is then logged when the ban takes effect.


    • Admins can be excluded from votekick, ban, and mute by configurable immunity levels or group membership:

    [*]Configurable votemap list

    • Votemap uses the map cycle by default. Server admins may optionally specify a different maplist by adding a playersvotes section to maplists.cfg:



    [*]Team-restricted voting

    • When enabled, this restricts voting to within teams, and ratios are affected. A votekick ratio of 0.5 will mean "half of all players within the team" as opposed to "half of players in the whole server."
      • Please note this can cause undesired side-effects. If this is enabled, someone is hacking, and their team doesn't do anything about it, then the other team is helpless to kick/ban them. Use at your own risk.

    [*]Menu integration

    • Votes and admin settings are now integrated into one menu with back buttons for easy accessibility between votes.

    [*]Vote overrides

    • Introduced admin flag overrides so you can decide who votes and can change settings. (See Overrides section below)

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