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Concerning Both Cs:s And Cs:go

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Hello everyone it has been a while since i've been around here posting a thread.

So i was deathmatching earlier today listening to some music by E-Dubble and i was thinking about just random stuff and what came to thought was our CS Divs. So i have a few things i want to say.

1. So our Jailbreak server is probably the most populated CS server and lately i dont know if its just me or what but i see it empty somtimes and its depressing. I dont know but i am assuming that @@Rhododendron hasn't got a hub plugin made yet. If he does great the server should get better in terms of population. If not then @@Rhododendron honestly it is either get a hub plug-in or be too lazy and let your servers die.

2. This is concerning our CS:GO Div. So back a few months ago when i was actually active within the community the CS:GO servers were always dead. I told Chrono mulitple times that in order to get a populated CS:GO server you need other stuff than just mini-games and JB. You need servers like pistol only servers, Head shot only servers, regular deathmatch servers, surf servers, and maybe you could keep JB. Again I havent been on our servers lately so i am still assuming most our servers are dead in the CS Divs. If so you guys honestly need to change to these types of servers. If you don't CS:GO as a Div might as well not exist.

3. concerning both games. I really would love like daily scrimming on our scrim servers. Everyone knows it is fun and it gets the server populated and put to use. I was thinking that we could all scrim maybe like once a day atleast or maybe a few times a week. I don't know just something to think about. And by scrimming i mean on both CSS and CSGO. Also i want to point out that we should have monthly or maybe every other month scrim tourneys. It is fun in mulitple ways. 1. you get to hang out and kick ass with some friends. 2. You get bragging rights if you win the whole thing. 3. Mabye if we can if you win the whole thing you get a prize of some sort.


Well thats all i wanted to say. hopefully some of this actually happens.


TL:DR Do things i listed = xG gets better.

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1. As far as hub goes, he had alot done from what it looked like on the test server they had up, some stuff needed fixing but if he added it the was it was removing the buggy stuff it'd be fine, hats already worked, but he basically trashed the idea of using time on hub for CSS so he could go work on TF2 since it's the "new popular division". Silence believes that since TF2 as a game in general gets more people than CSS that CSS has no chance of coming back, yet HG JailBreak still gets like 50 people(just checked, right now there are 33 people on, 8 of which are HG Members/Admins, on CS:S when we do have more than 15 people like 3 or 4 are in xG), on CSS, on JB. I've said CSS needs the work more than TF2, when that division already has a Division Leader (we have one, but at this moment he is a little inactive in-game)

2. We can't just make a bunch of servers and try and get them all populated, best to make a few (about 4) that you know people enjoy and focus on working on those.

3. I think before any of this JailBreak should be worked on first, but I agree on this. Good luck finding people in xG who will scrim on css, alot of people who scrimmed often either left or just got bored and stopped playing.

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To be honest, there are other things other than hub that can help our JB. Any original skins, adding new maps more often, or even just adding LR's once in a while - Though I'm not blaming our DL or L for not doing this much. A decent chunk of our CSS does a lot of talk, but won't give many ideas other than hub. Not everyone, just a lot of people. And saying 'add more servers' isn't exactly helping. Working on the current ones - Or removing a lot of current ones - is vastly more important. Then we can move on.

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I mean look at this, another idea. We of xenogamers, masters of complaining about but doing nothing about it. Plugins don't do shit if no one goes on. I can have thousands of great plugins with a nice scripted server, but why do a server considered vanilla gets more populated? Hello, its called having active player base. Like I said before, do something about it instead of typing about it.



To be honest, there are other things other than hub that can help our JB. Any original skins, adding new maps more often, or even just adding LR's once in a while - Though I'm not blaming our DL or L for not doing this much. A decent chunk of our CSS does a lot of talk, but won't give many ideas other than hub. Not everyone, just a lot of people. And saying 'add more servers' isn't exactly helping. Working on the current ones - Or removing a lot of current ones - is vastly more important. Then we can move on.


Not only that but they expect the hub would magically bring everyone back.

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The main problem ours servers are dwindling is that we have no originality. Eventually, it gets boring and repetitive because others servers have the same exact thing.

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If you don't have active and dedicated regulars on a Server, nothing will be achieved. Nothing.

Hub won't change that

More Servers won't change that

Consistent threads from Members or Players regarding this won't change that


Like DrLee mentioned:

A decent chunk of our CSS does a lot of talk, but won't give many ideas other than hub.


Ingenuity. Creativity. Patience. Dedication. Four requirements of a happy Server that I am sorry to say are lacking in most of our playerbase. Concentrate on one thing, and work at it.


Server too boring? Start getting more enthusiastic and spontaneous. Do things that are out of the "norm". Who cares if you end up dying more, it makes it a much more enjoyable experience for players to see someone having a good time who emanates a sense of "fun".


Repetitive Wardens? Do something about it by calling Warden. Have some fun, do things that may end up with your CTs demise (I know, it isn't your job to get them killed). Doing so will get the T side more actively involved and they'll be more likely to have more fun. Don't do votes to see what they want to do as that kills the creativity.


Too quiet? Not enough action going on? Liven things up. Mock the Warden, mention some fun things to do, make our players feel welcome to the Server by actively talking or saying things like "This guy (random player) is my best friend now, and if he dies, so help me god I'll avenge him". Chances are that player will feel more welcomed to the Server.


Little to no people on the Servers? If you aren't busy and have nothing planned early the next day, why not grab a couple friends and mess around on Jailbreak or RPG surf, or have at you. Dedicate 1-2 hours of your time every day at a certain time frame (Morning, Afternoon, Evening). This is called dedication. There are times where if you have the right attitude and are enthusiastic, you can have the Server grow from just two people to 14 in the middle of the night. (I have done this many times, it takes effort and patience.)


All in all, the only way to make a difference is to do it yourself. Don't wait on others to do it for you. If you want to make improvements to the Server, you can do it by changing your outlook on everything and doing something. This applies to anyone in general, not anyone specifically.

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To be honest, its kind of hard for people to want to be active on a server that offers nothing. I get the whole "populate the server and randoms will come" but theres no incentive to be on our servers when they're basically all vanilla. Now granted I don't play too much anymore and im mostly just gathering all this from the repeated (x500000) posts on the forums. It seems like both the leadership and player base aren't listening to each other and both repeating the same failed ideas. Leadership wants activity. Playerbase want's customization. These two things are both going ignored because theres no compromise at all. You cant demand people be active on servers and when the servers offer nothing. There needs to be some kind of middle ground reached to quell is discourse.

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To be honest, its kind of hard for people to want to be active on a server that offers nothing. I get the whole "populate the server and randoms will come" but theres no incentive to be on our servers when they're basically all vanilla. Now granted I don't play too much anymore and im mostly just gathering all this from the repeated (x500000) posts on the forums. It seems like both the leadership and player base aren't listening to each other and both repeating the same failed ideas. Leadership wants activity. Playerbase want's customization. These two things are both going ignored because theres no compromise at all. You cant demand people be active on servers and when the servers offer nothing. There needs to be some kind of middle ground reached to quell is discourse.

This exactly, silence wont work on CSS because he says people wont play It, yet its because it isnt worked on that they wont play it. All CSS is asking for from him is hub, but he cant even do that.

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Yeah, a decent chunk of our staff and player base is semi-active/inactive because they just want hub. But they won't realize a server can have new, out of the ordinary things without it. - Granted, they'd still have to be added. Whether it's just skins, new maps, or even tracers on the gun could make our server Stand out. If our DL thinks hub would take too long, I can understand that. But adding /some/ stuff - Like the trails were added - could just improve the server and xG's population for CSS.



TLDR: Hub =/= insta-active servers. And we don't need hub, just some simple stuff to make our server stand out.

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To be honest, there are other things other than hub that can help our JB. Any original skins, adding new maps more often, or even just adding LR's once in a while - Though I'm not blaming our DL or L for not doing this much. A decent chunk of our CSS does a lot of talk, but won't give many ideas other than hub. Not everyone, just a lot of people. And saying 'add more servers' isn't exactly helping. Working on the current ones - Or removing a lot of current ones - is vastly more important. Then we can move on.



Agreed, CSS needs more than just hub. Hub was great an all, but we don't need it to make CSS JB fun again. We need to have something to make ours stand out that make people want to say "I can't wait to come back here tomorrow!" yadda yadda yadda.

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The main problem ours servers are dwindling is that we have no originality. Eventually, it gets boring and repetitive because others servers have the same exact thing.


That and our server has nothing to offer at all.


Objective objective objective,

All of the servers I have been to have something COOL that you need to WORK for that can take DAYS on end. But it is really cool too!

Hub would populate it quite a bit

Skins would be awesome and I might start playing again, until then, hg crackhouse has been massive amounts of fun.


But hub is never coming so gg cs:s

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That and our server has nothing to offer at all.


Objective objective objective,

All of the servers I have been to have something COOL that you need to WORK for that can take DAYS on end. But it is really cool too!

Hub would populate it quite a bit

Skins would be awesome and I might start playing again, until then, hg crackhouse has been massive amounts of fun.


But hub is never coming so gg cs:s

Dont worry Warrior. My Abortion will come eventually.

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