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Starting Playing Yesterday, Give Me Tips And Guidance!

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in short, I'm too good at league of legends so I need your guidance.

what summoners are easiest to use for beginners, what upgrades to get first, what keys to spam etc.

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The easiest champ in the game is Ryze. He teaches you how to use skills in the right order (Q,R,Q,W,E) Once you understand Ryze, play Twisted Fate. He teaches you how to look at the map (People still don't know how to do this in the damn game.) These two champs are fundamental in knowing how to play League.

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Play 450s and as soon as you can, run flash barrier. barrier will teach you how to watch your health and watch timing for when things will hit you so you can pre-empt them at the last second to save your life, while getting the most out of it. flash is a standardized summoner. everyone uses it.

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Or play Annie and just stun for dayz

Annie's love, Annie's life.






Don't feed, carry your team to LCS/Challenger, guarenteed to work 10/10 times.

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Biggest thing that people mess up on: Know your limits and don't get greedy. If a guy is running away from you it doesn't always mean he is scared of you and you could kill him. Besides that, stick with a couple champions you like to play and master them. Get to know how much damage your character can take and how much you can deal in a certain amount of time. One last thing, it's a good idea to start League by playing vs bots, but there is a small limit on how much bots can teach you. You learn a lot more playing against real players

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Biggest thing that people mess up on: Know your limits and don't get greedy. If a guy is running away from you it doesn't always mean he is scared of you and you could kill him. Besides that, stick with a couple champions you like to play and master them. Get to know how much damage your character can take and how much you can deal in a certain amount of time. One last thing, it's a good idea to start League by playing vs bots, but there is a small limit on how much bots can teach you. You learn a lot more playing against real players

^ This. Can't stress how important it is to know your limits and when not to pursue or engage in a fight. It's also important to know when to jump into a team fight and when not to. Your damage output may be substantial in winning a team fight (typically a 5v5 battle).


Remember to ward whenever you get the chance, I'd suggest looking up a 'ward-map' that outlines structural places to ward (depending on your lane). Keep in mind that this is a joint effort, not a "only the support buys wards", more map coverage = better.


For the love of god, don't just keep stacking pots throughout the game. I had a friend who was new and he bought 10 pots (5 HP and 5 MP) every single time he backed. It will result in a lot of wasted gold overall by late-game. This also includes buying the same items (IE. Amplifying Tomes) and stacking them. Keep in mind that most items "build" into stronger and better items. Clicking on an item in the shop will give a layout on the right side that shows the the "build order" for that particular item.


Find a champ who has a playstyle that works well for you. That includes finding a lane you have a preference for, or one that you excel in (Top/Mid/ADC/Support/Jungle). Once you're comfortable with that lane, then you should try the other lanes as well. I wouldn't suggest jumping into a role such as Jungle or Support though as they are a little more versatile and require more strategic thought (IE. Placement of wards, knowing when to hit a champ without K/s'ing the ADC, knowing what lanes to gank as Jungler, etc).


There are a lot of things that can be covered. My suggestion would be to find someone you know who has a good knowledge of the game, and to just play matches with them. Also (like mentioned above by others) make sure not to get too comfortable with bots. Their play-style completely differs from how actual players play. Good luck, and welcome to the League m8.

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Since you're new you'll mostly play against free week champs, and ashe. Try all of the free week champs (aram helps with this) to learn what they do so you have a better idea on how to play against them. That will simply boost your mechanics, eventually you'll figure out what every champ does and you'll be much better at the game just from that. Of course there are other mechanics but you'll learn eventually from watching better players.


You should also smartcast, if not immediately eventually you must if you ever want to climb high in the ranked system.

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