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Tf2 Rage Thread

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Got this idea from reddit

Okay I made this thread so we can discuss dislikes for TF2. To me, it is funny to listen to people's problems with the game. It could be about a time you were playing, something you dislike about the community, trading, economy, gameplay, etc.


My own examples:

playing on a jump server, never been good at rocket jumping so i decided i should practice. i got to course 3 out of 5, so i thought i was doing good for a newbie. then this guy spectates me and says, "wow you suck lol." i told him that this was my first time ever practicing rocket jumping, and surprisingly, i was beating most people on the server. he then said, "i can beat you lol." and i told him i didnt really care. he then beats me and i ask him how long he has practiced rocket jumping. he says around 60 hours. i'm like well no fucking shit i'm bad, i have been practicing for an hour in total you douche. you have devoted almost 3 days of practicing. some of the self-proclaimed "TF2 pros" can be douchebags because they think they are mlg at everything. it pisses me off.


this pisses me off the most. so everyday i go on outpost, DESPERATELY trying to sell my 7 bud unusual. i see a trade and awe in glory, as the guy has 30+ buds and wants unusual offers. i click the trade and, "QUICKSELLS ONLY. QUICKSELL IS 50% OF THE ACTUAL PRICE. IF U DON'T DO QUICKSELL OFFERS I REPORT YOU SO GTFO" i'm like you greedy shit you have 30+ buds.. this ruins the economy in TF2. its okay if the guy only has like 1 bud, BUT IF HE HAS LIKE 30 BUDS HE SHOULDN'T BE QUICKBUYING.


now comment below

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I hate and I mean hate when the hits don't register and also when my screen gets shakey while walking it pisses me off. But TF2 is still a beautiful game

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I go on a jump server. The map is for demoman so I get demo with loose cannon and sticky jumper. I start playing and in the chat somebody asks what jump we are all on. I say 6 or whichever one I was on. Then I get called a cheater for using the loose cannon because it "requires no skill" and is "a disgrace to all jumpers". Then they began to brag about being the best jumpers and are so much better than me. Why are they trying so hard in something that isn't even meant to be competitive? It pisses me off because part of the point the loose cannon was made so you could have a reliable way to jump with a primary. The funniest part was the admin agreed with them and also insulted people who did that. He was even going to kick/ban people who used it. It doesn't even affect them, so they shouldn't care.

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I hate when little kids get on to talk over people and insult them and then I mute them, and then they relog to remove the mute and ask why they got banned and harass Vector, saying they never were talking at all.

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well in the TF2 community I dont like


random crits

rage spectators to remove dominations

op weapons




those who don't know prices but believe they do

those who get Australium weapons on the 1st tour in MvM also stupidly lucky people.

noobs on my friends list that spam trade requests for no reason and then spam me with messages when I don't accept the trade

dishonest people

2 faced people

elitist try hards

those who go !friendly on trade gaming history and run around spamming voice emotes in front of you

that guy who picks sniper on attack/defence attacking team when theres already 3 snipers.

f2p's using the free ticket in MvM and ruining it for people who paid.

those who don't listen to advice and just ignore you (mainly f2p's in MvM)

those who have a problem with me because of my age and gender.

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well in the TF2 community I dont like


random crits

rage spectators to remove dominations

op weapons




those who don't know prices but believe they do

those who get Australium weapons on the 1st tour in MvM also stupidly lucky people.

noobs on my friends list that spam trade requests for no reason and then spam me with messages when I don't accept the trade

dishonest people

2 faced people

elitist try hards

those who go !friendly on trade gaming history and run around spamming voice emotes in front of you

that guy who picks sniper on attack/defence attacking team when theres already 3 snipers.

f2p's using the free ticket in MvM and ruining it for people who paid.

those who don't listen to advice and just ignore you (mainly f2p's in MvM)

those who have a problem with me because of my age and gender.

:c especially scamming

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I hate people who think they are good

and people who send me fishing links

and what what @Kittylicious said


those who get Australium weapons on the 1st tour in MvM also stupidly lucky people.

~ u mad bro ?

noobs on my friends list that spam trade requests for no reason and then spam me with messages when I don't accept the trade

~ remove them

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