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Talking about disrespect?



Calls me a faggot all the time.

You can see the proof.

You can find more of the things he said about me in chat here.

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Egossi. Seriously, stop trying to get members demoted/out of the clan. You are disrespecting literally everyone, you were also disrespecting me and made fun about my accent. -1 for protest.. forge isn't insulting people for no reason, you probably made him mad.

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What the fuck is even going on right now? All I'm see is these shitpost because you can't take a joke/"mean words". I only played with you for like half an hour and I already don't like your attitude. Ever heard of "treat others the way you wish to be treated". Plus, this is the internet. You're gunna find the occasional douche bag who calls you a name. All you have to do is ignore and brush it off your shoulder.

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-1Wow, you complain about being reported for disrespect by Bach and then you make a thread about @FoRgE complaining about him being disrespectful.

Talk about being a hypocrite.

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-1 I haven't really played with you Egossi, but Forge wouldn't call anyone a fag without a purpose. Even if he did he wouldn't mean it <3

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ffs, we have a section of the forums called "ban request" for a reason. If someone disrespects you on one occasion, it is absolutely nowhere near an offense significant enough to warrant a removal of their membership. On the other hand, it may be enough to warrant a ban. However, if you can provide proof that a member of xG is repeatedly disrespecting/trolling on a regular basis and it gets to the point of which they are poorly representing xG, then there may be a reason to remove someone's membership. Disrespect towards one person would only be cause to remove one's membership in the most extreme of situations, (ex: calling SWAT team on the person or threatening someone's family irl) and last time I checked calling someone a fag a couple of times isn't exactly on the same tier as those situations. Giving a link to his chat logs and essentially saying "hey there should be more bad stuff in here but you'll have to find it yourself" does not count as proper proof. Unless you can provide proof that Forge's disrespect is on a much wider scale than you're making it out to be (based on your evidence), I'm going to move this "member protest" into ban request, since it does not belong in this section of the forums.



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