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"shortened" Explanation Of Motd

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Since I'm bored as hell and there's a lot of controversy over the MotD, I felt like trying my hand at something that isn't quite an MotD, but more of a short list of definitions, clarifications, terminology, etc. It will be based off of the Updated MotD, but will be shortened and in conjunction with the Basic MotD. This is not to be mistaken for some CS:S Division action, it is not to be taken seriously or whatever. As I mentioned previously, I'm just trying my hand at something that may be helpful in devising an explanation of the Basic MotD (should that be the course of action for the CS:S Division) and I'm bored. This is also not to be mistaken as some sort of new MotD, but merely a detailed explanation of common words/days/games used. What I have done is slimmed down a lot of the current MotD by removing things that are obvious and unnecessary. Unfortunately, it will still be lengthy as we do have a lot of unique days/games (IE. Warday, CT Ninja Day, FR/LR, etc). The only way to get around this is if there was a decision made where all Wardens must explain the rules of the game/day before performing them.


CS:S Jailbreak Handbook



- Camping

  • Being within 10 feet of the same area for more than 15 seconds. CTs and Ts may not camp within a vent. Walking back and forth with no intention of leaving the vent is considered camping. CTs may camp during a Freeday (see 'Freeday') so long as the area has 2 or more entrances and is not an illegal area (IE. Armory/vents).

- Baiting

  • Being within knifing distance of any T. If a T knifes a CT who is baiting and is killed for it, it is not considered a freekill as it is an act of rebellion. CTs may be slain for baiting

- Gunplanting

  • The act of arming a T with any form of weapon. CTs may not drop weapons onto Ts (or drop them in their path). CTs may be slain for gunplanting

- Gunspam

  • The act of dropping a large amount of weapons in any location (IE. spam dropping weapons in Armory) or throwing a grenade into a large amount of weapons. CTs or Ts may be slain for gunspamming.

- Free/Team Killing

  • The act of killing a T (or team member [CT]) without any lawful justification (IE. "because I felt like it" or "because I don't like him"). CTs that freekill or teamkill will be slain.

- "AFK" Freeze

  • All actions are restricted during this order with the exception of mic/chat use. May only be used during the first "out of cell" orders.

- "Guncheck" Freeze

  • All actions are restricted during this order with the exception of mic/chat use. May only be used during the first "out of cell" orders. Unless specified, it is implied that Ts face away from their cells during this order.

- "WASD" Freeze

  • Any current movement is halted. Ts may perform any action so long as they are "WASD" frozen (No movement in any direction) unless specific actions are restricted (IE. Jumping/crouching). Any freeze after the first "out of cell" orders may only be 'wasd'.


- Tasers

  • Tasers may only be used to disarm Ts. CTs who wrongly and excessively use tasers may be slain. Tasers may not be used during Last CT

- Armory

  • CTs and Ts must leave Armory within 30 seconds of entering. This includes any area connected directly to Armory via path/vent/tunnel. Entering Armory as a T is considered a rebellious act. CTs may only re-enter Armory if in pursuit of a T.

Special Days:

- Freeday

  • A day in which Ts do not have to follow orders (aside from disarming orders) which will not result in being labelled a rebel. The Warden may restrict the freeday to a certain area so long as it is a 'Warden-called' Freeday. Ts who enter Armory/Vents are still considered rebels.

- Panda Freeday

  • A freeday in which all Ts must remain crouched at all times, with the exception of typing in chat, standing to look around, or standing/jumping in order to get to a CT that requires them to jump. A T can only right-click knife a CT and can not be killed for doing so.

- Ninja Panda Freeday

  • Same rules/regulations as a Panda Freeday, however Ts must be jumping while crouched at all times.

- Zombie Freeday

  • A freeday in which all Ts must be walking at all times. Ts may not crouch or jump unless in pursuit of a CT that requires them to crouch/jump. A T can only left-click knife a CT and can not be killed for doing so.

- Warday

  • A Warday is a skirmish between Ts and CTs. The area must have two or more entrances including any form of entering the area via vent/teleport. Once within the area, any kills are allowed regardless of a T being armed or unarmed. Any visible Ts outside of the Warday area may not be killed unless they have a gun unholstered. Ts who are not actively participating in the Warday may be slain, this includes standing visibly outside of the Warday area with guns holstered to bait a freekill. Ts must be moving towards the Warday area or be actively shooting at CTs within the Warday area to be considered participating.

- CT Ninja Day

  • A full-map Warday in which CTs may only carry and use their knives.

Stopping here for now, but I can say that there is still a number of things that need to be covered such as games like FR/LR, Simon Says, etc and the remainder of the special days. As you can see, the list is lengthy even when cut down and such, there's no way around it. Again, unless there is a plan on forcing Warden to explain a game before doing it, I don't see how a "shortened" MotD can help, when in all actuality it can't be any more shortened than what I've shown so far.

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A question about CT's going back into armory that has been a problem a few times, can CT's only go back into armory if they directly see the T go in or can they go in there if they're rebel hunting/have evidence that the T went into armory (i.e. a broken vent)?

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With tasers, wasnt it agreed that people could use them on ts that run away, even without guns? Unless people just do that anyway

@DrLee @Hidingmaster @Cristo

Like I said, things were slimmed and cut out in this and shouldn't be taken as "official" or anything of the sort. I simply altered it so that even a random could guess what the rules are regarding it. A taser is used to detain a potentially dangerous individual, so I changed it to reflect that. Could just throw it back in, but like I said, this is just me trying my hand at something to determine if its possible to even make a "shortened" MotD.


The best course of action would be to keep a basic MotD, and then a detailed explanation of terms and such (like above) that is linked to it. This is already something that is implemented, but a lot of people feel the Updated MotD is far too big

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