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Updates to motd

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Alright first of all, I edited the CS:S MotD without anyone's permission. Mind you, nothing major or substantial, I was just tired of the clutter and terribad grammar that has plagued it for months. I also removed sections that were either outdated (such as "Firedrill Freedays) or repetitive in that they were already mentioned previously in the MotD. Should you want to revert it, you can always do so. Second, after going through it all, there is one thing that I would like to bring up in hopes that it may be altered, removed, elaborated, etc. Also, so long as no one is against it, I'm looking at possibly fixing the formatting (at some point) as well, as it is just painful to look at and to go through as it is. That is, unless someone else is willing to do it, which would be great.


Mic Policy:


Your microphone must meet xG's quality specifications, such as: little to no feedback, being a tolerable volume, having a mature voice, understandable diction, and little background noise. There must be 1 CT with a mic per every 4 Ts. If someone with a mic that is able to Warden wants a spot on the CT team a CT without a mic will be swapped. A T can spam their mic to rebel so long as they are within view of the CTs at the time of spamming (unless it is incoherent and pointless yelling), however; if they are excessively using their mic to talk over Warden while out of view, they can be muted for the good of the server. If people are complaining about the voice of a player they can request to have an admin make a vote to determine whether or not the player can use their mic. If an admin is not on to make the vote a moderator can make the decision.

I took the liberty of bolding the section I think should be altered. Personally I think it is unfair to bar possible Wardens/CTs due to the tone/pitch of their voice. I mean, if it is that bad anyway and the Server hates it, there is already the option of having a Vote as to whether or not they can use their mic. Think this should be changed simply by just removing the bolded line. That, or edit it so that it reads "must be mature when using their mic".


Mind you, it's 2:30 in the morning here for me, so there may be other things that slipped my mind that I may add. Going to tag people who first come to mind in reference to this kind of shiz too. @Hidingmaster @Gawd @ThePenguin @diabeetus @Chrono (;)) @DCook @Cristo

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I agree with the mic policy. I've already added something to the Admin Handbook so that Mods+ won't mute kids who are being mature. I'm still planning on doing a reboot on the motd so ideas/help is welcome. I've just been busy with school but once this week is over I'll spend some time on it.

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