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Request for a new chat rule regarding keybind usage.

New chat rule banning keybinds that are not trades/services?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. New chat rule banning keybinds that are not trades/services?

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No I'm actually offended she got away with this shit with no consequences so many times. There was even a whole member protest on her with proof of her ridiculing poor people that was essentially thrown away. I'm tired of her getting away with this its been happening since summer.

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Deleted a whole lot of bullshit from this thread, Higher Ups can determine whether or not it was necessary, but for the love of god, all of you take a chill pill. I will continue deleting shit if you can't play nice. It is a valid proposal and shouldn't be taken so damn aggressively. I am for @Stickz suggestion of a plugin to be perfectly honest, seems like a great idea


For once, try your (in general) hardest to keep the thread on topic.

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I actually agree with Moosty completely. Not because I was an offender of getting banned but I don't believe it's fair how much she has been let off the hook @Community Leader

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Alright just made an plugin which automatically gags someone until map end for sending the same chat message more the set amount (sm_spamlimit, default 3) of times in an row. Enjoy ;)


Of course it's up to the tf2 div leader if this gets added, but just though I'd share this code i'll be using on the Nuclear Dawn servers.


#include <sourcemod>

new bool:g_CanUseChat[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {true,...};
new String:lastMessage[MAXPLAYERS + 1][192];
new sameMessageCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:g_cvarSpamLimit = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnPluginStart()
   AddCommandListener(Command_Say, "say");
   g_cvarSpamLimit = CreateConVar("sm_spamlimit", "3", "limit the number of same consecutive messages before gag.");

public OnMapStart()

public Action:Command_Say(client, const String:command[], argc)
   if (!g_CanUseChat[client])
       PrintToChat(client, "[xG] You cannot use chat until next map due to spamming!");
       return Plugin_Handled;
       decl String:text[192];
       GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

       if (StrContains(lastMessage[client], text, false) == 0)

           if (sameMessageCount[client] == GetConVarInt(g_cvarSpamLimit))
               g_CanUseChat[client] = false;
               PrintToChat(client, "[xG] You cannot use chat until next map due to spamming!");
               return Plugin_Handled;

           return Plugin_Continue;
           sameMessageCount[client] = 0;
           lastMessage[client] = text;
           return Plugin_Continue;

   for (new idx = 1; idx <= MaxClients; idx++)
       lastMessage[idx] = "";
       g_CanUseChat[idx] = true;

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@Forest what the hell? Shes been telling me to go to a homeless shelter for months and im over it so you delete the evidence? I called in the tf2 staff and you deleted the evidence before they could see it.

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I'm just sick of seeing people in this clan devolve threads within 3-4 posts by being as absolutely as toxic to one another about THE ABSOLUTE DUMBEST SHIT ON THE PLANET. It's a chatbind, so what? Alright, I understand it can be annoying, but is it really boiling people's piss to see a lenny face every now and then?

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And another thing, Kitty, seriously. I'm not even trying to be mean or anything, but please, just let people have a little room for doing what they think is fun, preferably without calling them the scum of the earth.

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@Moosty Don't be acting like you're no better. As with everyone else, I'm tired of the amount of instigation and flaming going on around here. If you're going to insult someone, you damn well better expect them to retaliate in some way. If you're providing evidence that is based off of something that was provoked, that is some biased evidence you are providing. @Kittylicious stop pushing it further.


This is becoming a damn daycare. Once again, +1 to what Stickz provided (see above as well as his previous suggestion on page 2)

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