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Toxicity Reform

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I've dealt with a lot of harassment on Nuclear Dawn in the past (at-least 10 to 15 separate players) and to this date have zero (harassment related) permanent bans and no repetition (this year) beyond three times (in some cases it's not possible to repeat #permsilence) from previous offenders. Here's that I think about this...


Would like to congratulate @diabeetus for casting two week bans for the first time. These are actually going to move things forward faster, than those one day bans and demotions which just pat people on the back and say "don't do that".


From my perspective two things can be done better when it comes to permanents.

  1. The consideration of silencing over casting a server ban when it comes to harassment.
  2. Gradually increasing the sentence on a week, month then permanent basis. Instead of just waiting for things to get out of control and casting a permanent. (jumping the gun) The goal being to try and correct the issue before jailing it.

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but keep in mind even if 3 people say Vector shouldn't be tier 1, there must have been quite more that said he should have

From every post I've read so far, this is what I've deduced from how the process went:

1. They asked people privately, whether it be through steam or teamspeak, to give them names.


2. After receiving the names, the 12 higher ups involved checked through the list to see who would stay in the list


3. After checking the list, they decided what tier the remaining members would fall into.


So basically, if you put my name there, they would see if I belonged there. If I did, they would decide which tier I fall in, and act accordingly.

So only a small group of higher ups have voted on which tier the member should go in, not us. Not to mention a lot of people(more than 3) have said they disagree with the placement of certain people.

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