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Jkokol - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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I was on a jailbreak server as a jail man. I was told to Kill an unusual Heavy who was wearing and unusual. When trying to kill him i accidentally shot a crocket at a crowd of people, killing them instantly. I was then banned from blu. It was an accident, and I apologize for any damage i may have done

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I honestly think it was a mistake but i had to take action since it was mass freekill, but you did seem generally sorry and i know it was not your intention to kill a good 7 people at the same time. I would be OK if his ban was shortened to like 1 or 2 weeks. Just so you know, you should read the MOTD before joining blu to avoid issues like this. -1 for immediate unban but +1 for a shortning due to it being an honest accident. (I permed teambanned out of instinct for massfreekill)

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Why would you try and kill a single guy in a crowd with rockets? =/

Lol, literally the same happened to you something like a half year ago.

You wanted to shoot a guy, aimed wrong and got a crit.

Since it was an accident, everyone was being fine with it.


+1 for the unban, if it was obviously an accident, I think, it's not even worth a ban.. More like a slay or a teamswitch.

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