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New Ways To Handle Micspammers?

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so I was thinking about this and was wondering instead of banning someone and kicking for mic spam, we just use the timing system in the mutes and do different timed mutes for people. Just a little example


Some guy comes on and starts spamming Isis. Instead of warning, kick, ban. We just do different timed mutes like warning, 5 minute mute then a day mute if he keeps spamming. Suicide threats could be auto perm silences or telling people to kill them selves is a perm silence.


The reason i believe it will help more than bans is that it teaches the person that spamming is not allowed but you can still use our server, just can't use your mic. It seems silly that we ban someone for playing a song over mic instead of just disabling there access to mics for any set time.


Higher ups: @Ohstopyou @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Rhododendron


Sorry for bad spelling, on a iPad

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Way I see it, if they aren't mature enough to handle access to a mic, then they aren't mature enough to be hanging out on xG Servers.


I personally don't see a reason to add more times for Staff to memorize when handling these sorts of cases when it can simply be remedied by the usual procedure of warning, mute, kick, ban. It's more taxing to Staff to have to determine what form of mic spam it is, and then having to determine the appropriate procedure for that particular mic spam in my opinion.

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Well we give warnings first if they mic spam then if they do it again it's a mute. Also people who are known to mic spammed should be muted as soon as they spam, and avoiding the mute should be given a 30 minute ban or a day at max for avoiding punishment.

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Well we give warnings first if they mic spam then if they do it again it's a mute. Also people who are known to mic spammed should be muted as soon as they spam, and avoiding the mute should be given a 30 minute ban or a day at max for avoiding punishment.

The way the communication mutes and gags are setup i believe keeps them gagged for that duration of time and after 30 minutes after it was issued then it expires. Basically they can attempt to avoid but they cannot fully escape it.

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That's like making it so that people who building-block won't be able to play Engineer. I'd rather them not be able to play the game. Not really fond of the idea honestly.

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I like the original plan. Warning to stop the mic threats or spam, then mute. If they continue after they are unmuted, it's a kick. If they evade the mute, it's a ban.

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so I was thinking about this and was wondering instead of banning someone and kicking for mic spam, we just use the timing system in the mutes and do different timed mutes for people. Just a little example


Some guy comes on and starts spamming Isis. Instead of warning, kick, ban. We just do different timed mutes like warning, 5 minute mute then a day mute if he keeps spamming. sedoku threats could be auto perm silences or telling people to kill them selves is a perm silence.


The reason i believe it will help more than bans is that it teaches the person that spamming is not allowed but you can still use our server, just can't use your mic. It seems silly that we ban someone for playing a song over mic instead of just disabling there access to mics for any set time.


If someone is bumsore, you should perm mute him regardless. Comparing that to someone who just gets on and tells people to kill themselves. It's similar words coming out of their mouths with very similar meanings. One isn't justified over the other. "Go kill yourself" = "Commit seduku" = other various ways to say "go kill yourself".


In my opinion, it should go: warn, mute for a short period, kick, mute for a longer period, perm mute.


But yes, Dethman is right about the bans for micspamming. Shouldn't go that far for punishment over something that doesn't really require a ban (keeping in mind that this regards an average micspammer who just comes on and opens mic and lets it rip). That's just my two cents on this whole topic.

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