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Death Threats

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Alright since many people are dumb and don't know the difference between a threat and an insult.


Someone saying "kill urself" isn't a threat, it's massive disrespect. I swear if i see one more person say "HURRR DEATH THREAT" i'm gonna blow a blood vessel. Out right perming people for this act is ludacris and should be delt with as massive disrespect and shouldn't be a 1 warning thing.


death threat (dɛθ θrɛt)



  1. a threat to kill someone ⇒ A police guard was placed on her house after she received death threats.




noun: threat; plural noun: threats

  1. 1.
    a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
    "members of her family have received death threats"
    synonyms: threatening remark, warning, ultimatum
    "Maggie ignored his threats"
    • LAW
      a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person's freedom of action.


a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.

"hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities"

  • the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin.
    "the company faces the threat of bankruptcy"
    synonyms: danger, peril, hazard, menace, risk More

I'm of course talking to @Diamonde @Flareon @Ohstopyou @Scootaloo. The fact that this rule is "being discussed" is obvious that something so simple is not being discussed. 9/10 saying such horrible things is because of someone being upset and i'm not saying jrulez8 deserves an unban, he broke multiple rules. and @Matsi at one point we DID have admin disrespect as rule but was changed to be a global disrespect rule. If you wish to take a stronger action against such disrespect make it a 3 day ban or something BUT after following protocol (verbal/text warning, mute/kick, ban). and if he comes back then increase to a week and then a perm. To out right perm people for saying this is ludacris and eventually will start throwing perms around like candy. for example.



this person was permed with the reason "death threat" mentioned before it's more than likely not a death threat. and this person hasn't been banned before so why the perm? (i'm not blaming any mods or admins for following the so called 'rule'). Even with THREATS we gave each individual multiple chances especially with more serious suicide threats by individuals i won't name unless told to.





and before you say "but there is no difference" yes, there is a massive difference between kill urself and i'm going to murder you. Kill urself is just edgy teenagers who found the internet and think being le epic maymay troler makes their e-penis hard, while actual threats are of obvious anger issues.


Also @ChickenPanda Death threats against ANYONE is equally concerning. Staff aren't higher than others. An immediate perm is ludicrous and isn't fair, regardless of how the player acts. jrulez was indeed right in the situation however again i'm not saying you guys should unban him because his reaction in the thread alone confirms he's a total edge-lord.


also @Diamonde next time please provide a screen shot of the chat logs and do NOT copy and paste, copying and pasting makes your evidence invalid. Someone didn't point this out to you so i'm trying to help you out for future reference.


If half of this sounds retarded and or doesn't make sense or i'm repeating myself, it's because i'm tired and only saw the thread and wanted to make something before i forgot. good luck admining.

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Also @ChickenPanda Death threats against ANYONE is equally concerning.

Yessir. I agree with you 100%. I just mentioned the "death threat" was against a staff member AND a regular on our servers.


I would like to elaborate on this, however. I'd like to see how we handle this.

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I agree with you completely, its not my rule to decide though, I just did what I was supposed to, I think the rule needs some editing tbh, but whatever.

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Let me go ahead and give an officiated statement regarding this matter so that we can move on and clarify how it's to be handled henceforth.


There is a difference between someone making a genuine death threat and someone telling someone else to "Kill themselves." I don't think that there is any hard-to-see discrepancies between the two and they can be differentiated, and they are simple enough to see are completely different things altogether. But, for moderation purposes, these have been lumped into one category for simplicity.


So, with this being a taboo point, (And I do mean that, not to be directed at @Vector because he made the thread, but because I hear it a LOT on the servers), I want to clarify exactly where we stand on this particular issue. Death threats are a serious issue, but so are threats of suicide and implied wishes of suicide from other players. To keep things simple, we have in the past lumped all of these three different offences together in the "Death Threat" category. Is Player A telling Player B to kill themselves TECHNICALLY a Death Threat? No it isn't, but that's the category of offense we would have classified it as because they are all lumped together.


@Rhododendron has made it VERY clear to the DMs that these types of threats, insults, and conversations about self-harm are NOT to be tolerated any further in the future, hence why we have cracked down so hard recently on the offending parties who choose to use this kind of language to our patrons. Sure, the majority of them are just angsty teenagers trying to sound tough, but that's the kind of attitude we are aiming to eradicate in our servers.


We have had multiple problems with this kind of issue in the past, and the LAST thing we want is some sort of liability because we actively allow such language in our servers. If someone tells a kid that they should kill themselves, and they ACTUALLY go through with it, it'd be horrendous. I don't think that would ever actually happen, but it is a possibility, and it is something we are aiming to mitigate.


So, I will discuss this at length with the other DMs (@Ohstopyou, @Moosty, @Rejects, @kbraszzz ) and we will deliberate on whether or not this needs to be changed.


In this DMs honest opinion, I have no issues continuing to lump these types of offenses together in a "Death Threat" category, as they all fit snugly as it is, but if it is the wishes of the other DMs to relabel it, we shall do so. At the very least, we can clarify the rule about "Death Threats" to include telling others to commit suicide, as to levitate any confusion.

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And just so that it is on the record, breaching the current standing rules involving Death Threats is an immediate permanent ban. That's how serious we are expected to crack down on this particular issue. (That is, assuming, that things haven't been changed since the last time this issue was addressed.)

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For the difference it could be easily said as one is encouraging suicide, and the other is a threat to make someone fear their own life from bodily harm from another person.Either way in my opinion both deserve a permanent, or long term ban. There really should be no discussion about it.

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For the difference it could be easily said as one is encouraging sedoku, and the other is a threat to make someone fear their own life from bodily harm from another person.Either way in my opinion both deserve a permanent, or long term ban. There really should be no discussion about it.


If that makes it easier for people to understand, that's totally doable. We could simply still categorize "Encouraging Suicide" in the Death Threats category and handle it exactly the same as we have been handling it.

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I mean telling someone to kill themselves is obviously semantically different than a death threat. Posting the dictionary definition is irrelevant to our rules.



I think they should be handled the same way. Zero tolerance policy we don't need any of it in our servers whatsoever. I'm up for moving from a perm to a shorter ban but I think they should be treated the same way.




You bring up a good about the warn/slay/kick/ban system though. We don't really have a vetting process to determine if potential staff know the order of the actions they are supposed to take or what offenses they can forego that process for. That's obviously on us, the higher ups, for not being diligent enough, Because a whole lot of staff aren't following the system we have in place. We should test the people we promote in a private teamspeak room, just a few questions, instead of just throwing powers their way every other Monday. Who cares if they know they're going to be promoted beforehand. Lot's of issues with staff and how they deal with things, this rule in it's current form isn't an issue, staffs understanding of the rule is.


Tl;dr I've been chainsmoking Newports this probably came off as me being a dick

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@metalslug53 Why not just call it cyber bullying :P


@Vector The rule has NEVER been "admin disrespect" in the ~5 years I've been around this clan.... people just enforce it when it's against a staff member more and call it admin disrespect or mod disrespect, which is the problem that I think needs to be fixed... especially when most of those same staff members say similar things to OTHER PEOPLE.



I like that xG has been taking a stand against comments like these more recently, they should.... it's something that should not be tolerated and it's something that if ignored could have grave consequences for the clan in the event someone actually does kill themselves and an investigation leads to xG.

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I would like to comment that death threats and suicide threats should be taken serious but an immediate perm is just retarded. It should be like a mute and you tell him no more or else it is a perm (which perm is too excessive imo) I have seen mods just perm the guy the milisecond he says it. Not saying it is there fault because that is how we are told to handle it. But come on, give him a chance to calm down and warn the fucker first.


I thought i saw something where @diabeetus and you said it should be a week ban for first time offence (after the mute and kick) then if he/she comes back then a perm. This would give them a chance to calm down or warn him to stop doing it or else.


TL;DR Ban should be shortened


Sorry if this does not make any sense, in school and rushing so i don't get in trouble for being on an exterior website.

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How can you seriously justify a perm for a onetime instance of a player who doesn't have a history being a nuescense. Because someone is upset and angry because of something happening on the server and user the term "kill urself" is obviously an upset player however you SHOULD still follow the guidelines and not outright perm them. Cracking down on people saying this DOES NOT mean perming them. It means harsher punishments and discipline. Change it to a 3 day ban if the player in question continues after the alleged ban. The immediate perming isn't fair and regardless of how you feel about the player is irrelevant because we want to come off as a fair, fun server, not a server full of nazis. I'm not saying these shouldn't be taken seriously because they should but to call it something that it is not only adds confusion. And yes there is a major difference between death threats/suicide threats, and telling people to kill themselves, they aren't on the same level, but as mentioned before REGARDLESS we gave each individual who got permed MULTIPLE yes MULTIPLE chances to improve and we even gave one who to this day isn't ban. If you guys outright permed him, you would have lost another moderator. We all have bad days and make bad decisions. To outright perm people isn't fair. And no @Moosty, posting the definion is just an enhancement on what i mean, something like this should be labled as what matsi said, Cyber Bullying because the two are completely different situation and if someone sees our bans and we have hundreds of people banned for "death threats" then it's going to make our server seem a hostile, and unsafe environment. Also Mentioned before, it should be renamed to either cyber bullying, serious trolling, or ridiculous ammount of disrespect.


Silence made it clear he doesn't want this shit to go down but i don't think he ment for it to be an out right perm. He gave multiple chances to multiple people for the offense. Also if someone told another player to kill themselves and the other player did infact kill themselves, then there would need to be some thought about the individual who killed himself, it's hard to believe that the player who killed himself wouldn't have a history of depressive talks on the server and or had a discussion about suicide or such which would mean that you would have to perm him before the original action took place.

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I would like to comment that death threats and sedoku threats should be taken serious but an immediate perm is just retarded. It should be like a mute and you tell him no more or else it is a perm (which perm is too excessive imo) I have seen mods just perm the guy the milisecond he says it. Not saying it is there fault because that is how we are told to handle it. But come on, give him a chance to calm down and warn the fricker first.


I thought i saw something where @diabeetus and you said it should be a week ban for first time offence (after the mute and kick) then if he/she comes back then a perm. This would give them a chance to calm down or warn him to stop doing it or else.


TL;DR Ban should be shortened


Sorry if this does not make any sense, in school and rushing so i don't get in trouble for being on an exterior website.


I freak out every time a bunch of people in JB say "kill yourself" to the last red with LR after he gives it, expecting someone to ban them for death threats xD

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