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State Of The Xg Union Address

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Hey everyone, Id like to take the time to address some issues here, specifically the CSGO community.


The past few weeks have brought out a decent amount of power shuffling, with management positions being reassigned and issues of inactivity being dealt with accordingly. The past 2-3 promotion cycles have brought in new mods, we've reinstated the admin rank, and so far everyone has done their job well. We completely eliminated the complaints about the server not being policed properly, and times where even a mod was unavailable are now non existent. We now face an entirely DIFFERENT problem.


Since the server went back online in August, we have only had ONE new member applications, @c0ldwinds - while he was ultimately accepted, this is hardly even in the same galaxy as growth. We have tons of potential to offer players, a fantastic and diverse map list, and as of two weeks ago, a brand new CSGO Surf Server (Thanks to @Lithium for setting that up). While we could still use a handful of newer, more original plug-ins for the JB server, what we have right now is incredibly solid. Our problem is entirely different, and it is something that can be fixed in an incredibly SIMPLE manner.




Why is the server always dead? Because weve kept it that way. Many of you look to see if someone is on, and when the player count is zero, you opt to do something else. The crew of players who are always on Teamspeak should hear me out. If as little as 3 of us go into JB and just hangout for a few, without a doubt, within 15 minutes the number of players will be ~13 or so. People see population and they join. All it involves is a bit of motivation.


Im asking my mods and admins here to maybe step it up a notch, lets make a pact to populate the server as much as possible over the next 4 weeks. I will not be doing any new promotions until we experience some growth. If we can sit in Teamspeak, we can sit on the server. If people play, and we become memorable, they will apply. If they apply, they will populate, if they populate, then we all benefit.


I am not for a second counting myself as not guilty of avoiding the server when its dead, because I have consistently. What I am asking for, is for a few of you to publicly pledge to force populate and recruit. I want every member of my staff to try their best to recruit 4 new members each over the course of the next 4 weeks- thats one a week, and if youre playing in the server, you can spark up a conversation with a pubber, and get them interested. This isnt a requirement, but I am curious to see who here wants this place to succeed, and who is willing to do this with me.


Reply to this if youre ready to change this place, and will dedicate much more of your downtime to populating and recruiting with me, I feel if we all put in an effort, we can have a constantly busy server in 30 days or less.


Lets do this guys!



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i blame @DrPepperPhreak and when i am on i usally do try to pop once a day with @SkullKing im just takin a break for personal reason atm.

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I'd like to point out that this is a serious issue I'm trying to asess. I REALLY want growth here, and I expect the help from the staff I've been vouching for. Theres no reason we cant have at a minuimum of 10 new members here in 30 days.


Otherwise what in the fuck are we wasting our time on?


I'm really putting everything ive got into this place, It would be nice to get something back, lots of you dont understand how much time i spendd around the forums, TS, and the server, constantly doing what I can to get this place kickstarted.


@Rhododendron will tell you.

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