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Going Inactive

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Well, I'm going to stay away from tf2 for a bit because of what happened. Link: I Got Scammed Out Of My Hat. It really sucks. I don't know when I'm going to get back on but I'm probably not going to play for a while.

I'm probably just going to play undertale and fo4 a lot. Maybe I'll try SMITE. Still going to be on the forums.


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Shitty events, man. Hate to see this happen to someone who definitely doesn't deserve it.


Take it as a learning experience. Yes, what happened sucks. But now, guaranteed, it'll never happen again now that you have experienced it.


Take some time off. Enjoy other titles. When you're ready, you can rebuild and start anew. There's much worse things in life than losing a digital item. =)

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I know how you feel man, back in 2012 I got scammed for my 20 keys thinking i would get money in return

(back when valve didn't start warning you everwhere in a trade like "WARNIN YOU AINT GETTING MONEY IN RETURN DUMBASS CANCEL THE TRADE NOW")

but looking on the bright side I've never been scammed after that, ever

good luck with getting your item(s) back

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