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Clarifications For Jailbreak Rules

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Hey guys, I noticed during the last time I played on the CS:GO Servers that there were a few things that stood apart as possible issues or things that could be clarified or given a deeper meaning in the rules. I'll try to keep my best to keep this basic and organized, so without further ado:



1. Gun Check Freeze

"Gun Check Freeze - This is an AFK freeze performed directly outside your cell' date=' facing away from your cell."[/quote']


There seemed to be a lot of confusion during one point where a Warden's orders were "Take a step out, face your cells and Guncheck Freeze". Ts were killed for facing their cells. The Warden stated that in the rules it says you must face away, however the Warden also specified a direction in which to face.


Now, seeing as how this is the CS:GO Division's rules, I don't know what the specifics are to this rule, but I feel like it should probably be specified IE. "This is an AFK freeze performed directly outside of your cell. Unless a direction is specified, it is implied that you must be facing away from cells" -or- "This is an AFK freeze performed directly outside of your cell. You must be facing away from cells, regardless of a direction being specified". That being said, if the latter is correct, then it would technically fall under the lines of 'tarping'.


2. Last Request

"No cheating is implied on any games' date=' including LRs."[/quote']


This particular section is about the whole "No cheating" aspect of Last Requests. It's an incredibly broad definition and doesn't really specify or mean anything in general, that is, it's hard to determine what it means exactly. My suggestion would be to add a brief explanation that reads something along the lines of "This includes having an unfair advantage at any point over the other player (excluding whoever gets the first shot in shot4shot)". This is far more definitive and draws a clear line.


That being said, it may have to be reworked to suit the other part of no cheating "on any games" which also seems to lack in definition. No cheating is implied, sure, but does that mean the T is to be killed if they cheat? May not be necessary, but I would suggest adding something like, "cheating is considered rebelling for Ts when done on map specific games".


3. Camping

"Do not camp armory or vents as T or CT."


This is an area I'm unfamiliar with as I'm relying on the late-CS:S Jailbreak's Rules, but I just wanted some clarification: Are hidden areas still considered a "vent", or are they to be treated differently? I'll give this the benefit of the doubt and assume they're one in the same (if not, disregard this section) for this particular part. Assuming they are, you may want to consider adding this to the rules. I've noticed [on multiple occassions] instances in which a T would camp out a hidden spot (practically invisible) and end up with LR due to some ridiculous reason. Of course, this isn't the only implication that can be had, but it's just a scenario I recently encountered. Whatever the case may be, you may want to include something along the lines of, "... or any [hidden] areas deemed 'cheap' by Staff"


4. Rebel Labelling

  1. You are an automatic rebel if you:

  • Do not follow warden's orders
  • Are in armory or break vents on a non-warday
  • Have a primary weapon out
  • Are shooting or aiming at CTs with a secondary weapon


Again, an area I'm unsure of, but giving it the benefit of the doubt and assuming this is to be treated similarly to the late-CS:S Jailbreak Rules (again, if not, disregard this section). With the last rule in that list, does this mean that Ts may have a secondary out as long as they do not aim or shoot at a CT with it? I'm assuming this isn't the case, so with that being said you may want to include that or do what the CS:S Jailbreak Rules had in place which is give Ts a predetermined amount of time to have a weapon out before they are labelled a Rebel. For example: "Have a primary or secondary unholstered for more than # seconds"


5. Simon Says

"Simon Says - Can only be played after 7:00' date=' as this is a tarp-related game. This is played just like the childhood game. You cannot tell Ts to Kill CTs or get guns."[/quote']


Once more, assuming this is to be treated similarly to the late-CS:S Jailbreak Rules (annnd once more, disregard if this isn't the case). Are the beginning and ending orders of (in order, start to end) "Simon says, 'we are now playing Simon Says', Simon says, 'I am Simon'." and "Simon says, 'we are no longer playing Simon Says', Simon says, 'I am no longer Simon'." still to be enacted in this way? If so, it may need to be added to the rules as no one would know the proper sequence of doing so.


I also noticed the whole "This is played just like the childhood game." part of this. Does this mean the orders in Simon Says are incremental? That is, if the first order is "jump" then the Ts jump, and then the second order is "crouch" so then the Ts will have to jump and then crouch, and so on. This is the childhood game that I'm familiar with, don't know about anyone else. Would really love an answer to this as it's pretty crucial. If this isn't how the game is supposed to be played, that whole "to be played like the childhood game" may be misleading to some. Would recommend rewording it.




This is pretty much all that I've gathered from the rules. I'd like to stress that it's not my intention to sound like I'm nit-picking in any shape or form. These are all genuine concerns or questions that I have regarding the various rules covered in the CS:GO Jailbreak Rules. Thanks in advance to those who read through this entire monster of a post :coffee:

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#1: I still enforce it as "Facing away unless otherwise specified" like it used to be, and have not been corrected on this yet.


#2: Could add "No Healing(KnifeFight,S4S,etc.), no Bhopping/Rocket Tossing(Gun Toss), stuff like that.


#3: I don't let people camp hidden spots ( i.e hidden wall on blackout, Awp hole on VIP, Scout window on Razor, but I generally just warn them and give them more time than if they were in a vent.


#4: I'd be OK with "Primaries may be out for 3 seconds before being deemed a rebel, unless pointed at a CT" and I'd rather the Secondary rule stay the same.


#5: Should add examples of Tarps in Simon Says so they know what it means. I.e "Jumping is restricted. Simon says jump" *Ts who don't jump die as Simon didn't say it was restricted."

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#1 is still the same as CSS, just shortened wording, but it should be "Unless a direction is specified.


#2 No cheating is basically a broad word for dont do anything that isn't fair. seems fine to me and is up for discretion, however pretty common sense things are like Ts not specifying their rules for gun toss and saying "I didn't say you had to x y or z" which should be a little more cracked down on.


#3 hidden spots are basically vents that dont go to other areas. they just hide guns.


#4 essentially if you aren't immediately swapping off of it or dropping it as ordered/by free will then it is considered rebelling to have your primary out.


#5 by childhood game it is referring to the game you may have played in elementary school if ur le merican, where someone was simon and you told all the other kids what to do and if they didn't they lost. or a teacher would be simon and you got like candy or a soda or something. not the electronic game where you touch red, red green, red green yellow, red green yellow red, red green yellow red red.

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That being said, it may have to be reworked to suit the other part of no cheating "on any games" which also seems to lack in definition. No cheating is implied, sure, but does that mean the T is to be killed if they cheat? May not be necessary, but I would suggest adding something like, "cheating is considered rebelling for Ts when done on map specific games".

With the last rule in that list, does this mean that Ts may have a secondary out as long as they do not aim or shoot at a CT with it? I'm assuming this isn't the case, so with that being said you may want to include that or do what the CS:S Jailbreak Rules had in place which is give Ts a predetermined amount of time to have a weapon out before they are labelled a Rebel. For example: "Have a primary or secondary unholstered for more than # seconds"

Just a couple things that went unanswered that I would still like clarification on from the Higher-Ups.


To recap:

  1. What is the established 'punishment' for cheating during map specific games? With the current way it's set up, it looks like it's a slayable offence. Is this correct?
  2. How long can a secondary be out until a T is labelled a Rebel? There is nothing currently in the MotD that covers this, just that a T is considered a Rebel if they aim/shoot at a CT with a secondary. (Chrono mentioned the rules for primaries, is it the same for secondaries?)

Sorry for the questions. Like I said, I just made this as a sort of referral thread for these miscellaneous things that Staff (or players) may be unsure of since they aren't fully covered in the MotD.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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#1 no cheating is a loose sort of rule, basically if they say to do a game and you cheat, the warden can either kill you or pardon you and have you restart from beginning or restart game in whole. really up to him/her.

as far as LR goes, it is a slay for either side so if a T says "off here, furthest, must jump" and then says nothing else and CT jumps and throws in mid air as was heavily implied then the T jumps off walks to wall and drops deagle in gun toss, the T would be in the wrong and should be slayed. if a CT does it because the T didn't really explain well or he is trying to troll, either slay or abort the LR and warn him/teamswap him.


#2 secondary theoretically should be swapped back to knife ASAP but with auto swap it sometimes works out a little funky and people may not realize, in general unless he is shooting/staring at you to line up a shot he should be warned and asked by name to drop the pistol and given a few seconds for mic to register and him to safely move away from any stack (also in general if a CT asks a T to drop a gun and they move forward so they don't pass it which makes them a rebel automatically even though the order was to be frozen, being asked to drop a gun takes precedence and he/she should not be killed. any "hitler" that kills a T for that should be slain and swapped immediately.)

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