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We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.

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Title says it all. too many maps, some great, some bad, some horribly unoptimized. (not Hyrule that's it's own separate thing). here's a list of some maps I feel we should remove for the given reasons, to tidy up the map list and get rid of the bad stuff. here we go, in order I see them on the nominate list.


1. Mumbo's Mountain: just looks not great, small and awkward to traverse, we have way better banjo kazooie maps we don't need this just cause it's there


2. Freezeezy peak: better map, but runs absolutely horribly on a populated server


3. Rainbow Palace: ..umm for real why though? there's no land, it's too small, and you spend all you're time there falling in an existential hell. why did we add this though. plus nobody likes it


4. Blood Gulch: FOR REAL NOBODY LIKES THIS ONE. bland, weird proportions, gives off unfinished vibes


5. Aperture Science: we have a strictly better and more finished portal map. this one, kinda just sucks and doesn't get played.


6. Inkopolis: good detail, nice map, WAY too small for a server with 20+




8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): doesn't run the best and the teles to the cool spots are broken, RIP sword room


9. SCP: good map but the spawns are basically hell, doesn't really get played because of it



Those are the maps I feel like we don't need. note that these aren't maps I personally dislike, because Cyberpunk and Duketown aren't on here, those run well and get played. this list are the maps I feel are basically excess weight at this point, and I would bet the server get's better if we just straight up remove them.


@Scootaloo @BelloWaldi @Goblins @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vexx @Vixen @other TGH nerds

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Absolutely agreed, I don't get on TGH very often but when I do and play on any of these maps I just leave the server again because of how fucking terrible almost all of them are

+1 for all of them to be removed and preferably replaced with better alternatives

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Do you have any maps in mind to somewhat replace the ones we would take down if that decision is made?

But I agree with taking these down. Especially SCP. I hate the spawns, and tight feeling walking through the halls.

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Do you have any maps in mind to somewhat replace the ones we would take down if that decision is made?

But I agree with taking these down. Especially SCP. I hate the spawns, and tight feeling walking through the halls.



What about that Pokemon one.... errr Lavender Town?

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What about that Pokemon one.... errr Lavender Town?


I don't think adding a Pokemon map on TGH would be a great idea. If we added Lavender Town, what point would it be to have poketrade?


Give some links to some new maps that we could put in, and maybe we could think them over. Again, this is if we decide to take the maps down or replace them.

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Just gonna say that we have over 30 maps, do we really need that many? if we remove all of these, we'll still have over twenty and all of them will be good. the server was at it's peak at two seperate times while I've been here, one we had 1-3 maps, the other time we had 9-12. we can have a lot of maps but we need a standard of excellence. more maps doesn't mean the server is better.

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When I took CL, the complaint was that we didn't have enough maps. I personally spearheaded the task of finding as many video game maps that I could possibly get my hands on. Now there's too many?


After flooding the server with all these new maps, the complaint then shifted to "We don't ever get to play the new maps because we always go to the same 3-4 places." So we changed RTV so the same maps couldn't be picked over and over. Now we have too much variety?


I wish you guys would make up your mind. I get it that some of our maps aren't the greatest, but it's literally all we have to pick from. I have scoured all reaches of the internet looking for any and all gaming-related maps. What we have is it.


The purpose of TGH is to provide unique nostalgic experiences pertaining to gaming. Are some of the maps small? Sure. Are some of them buggy? Sure. But do they capture the goal of trying to house unique gaming experiences on our servers? I certainly hope they do.


And to address the point of maintaining quality maps: The maps we have are NOT bad maps. They may have a few intrinsic issues, but their designs aren't in any way broken or shitty. I mean hell, look at our map list now and compare it to when we had maps like Peach's Castle or Rogueport, then try and argue that our maps currently are bad.


I even went so far as to completely redesign the capture point plugin just so we could reintroduce all of the CP and KOTH maps we used to use, but couldn't because the plugin broke. And now the complaint is that there's too much? Really? After all that work? =/


And the argument can be made that some of the maps don't pertain well enough to meet that goal. Someone once made that argument about SCP, stating that it isn't really a video game based map but a Creepypasta based map. That argument is solid, but it is very reminiscent of SCP-138, which is an excellent game.


I thought I did us all a favor by upping the map count, but I guess I was wrong. If you guys all want certain maps to NOT be on the server, I guess I'll remove them. I don't understand why we would do that, as the complaints that are so heavily made against these maps are all done for the more popular maps on the server. Why are people voting to go to a specific place if the map is broken/horrible? I honestly don't understand it, and I'm the one who personally tested, uploaded, and approved every map on the server. So it's not like I am not aware of the issues or anything. (At least they aren't all shitfests like Rogueport or Frantic Factory. Sometimes I think people forget how bad it actually used to be.)


I honestly feel like if the only real complaint about the server is "There's too many map options", that reeeeealllly isn't a complaint. >.>

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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So, to address each map individually, here are my responses:


1. Mumbo's Mountain: The complaint lodged is that it "looks weird"? I don't understand this one. It was literally ported from the N64 rom. That's how it always looked. Then it's claimed that we have "Better Banjo Kazooie Maps" yet one of the two other maps is also on the chopping block. Are we honestly just going to keep ONLY Rusty Bucket Bay? T.T


2. Freezeezy peak: See above. AFAIK Freezeezy has never caused a server crash. Many people are quick to dislike it because of the low gravity, but the map doesn't really have any huge issues.


3. Rainbow Palace: Bomberman 64 was a huge N64 game. It has a giant cult following and is very iconic. The map is the same, but I can understand wanting to nix it. The free falling for ages is daunting. If I had to agree with any to be removed, this is probably it.


4. Blood Gulch: Calling to remove Blood Gulch but not Delfino Airstrip? .............. C'mon. Halo was arguably WAAAY more popular than Super Mario Sunshine was, and probably way more impactful too. But both are sniper camp-fests. So why is one okay but not the other?


5. Aperture Science: I actually agree on this one. Another that I would be okay with removing.


6. Inkopolis: I'm iffy on Inkopolis. It's very well designed, but the spawncamping is becoming a real issue, similar to the bodyblocking problems we had with Rogueport. It seems like half of the time we go there, I have to get onto someone for Spawncamping the tele out.


On one hand it's a beautiful map, on the other there are design flaws. I'm impartial to removing this one. I can do it if everyone decides to nix it, but it seems pretty popular.


7. Morbias: I completely forgot we added this one. I did it one evening with every intention of removing it after an hour. My bad. Add it to the block.


8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): AFAIK, again, no issues with the server crashing while on the Castle. It's a great design and the only issue is the broken teleport, which REALLY doesn't change much. It's very often rolled to, so I am not sure killing it is the best.


9. SCP: People love this map. They hate getting camped. But that's what !friendly is for. I say people can suck it up and use the plugin if they don't want to be camped and we keep it until there is literally no desire to ever go there, which doesn't seem like it will happen soon.




So, my tl;dr version is this: Nix Rainbow Palace, Aperture Science, Inkopolis (Maybe, depends on you guys) and Morbias. I'm okay with these cuts. The rest, I honestly think they need to stay because they are at least semi-popular.

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Why are people voting to go to a specific place if the map is broken/horrible? I honestly don't understand it


not really related to the thread, but as for this, it's trolls. people who know the maps are bad, yet purposely nominate them first so they can trick newbs into hitting 1, then laugh at them when they realize they chose a laggy map. they did it 100% to ruin the experience for others. and if we have maps that can ruin the experience for players, why?

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So, to address each map individually, here are my responses:


1. Mumbo's Mountain: The complaint lodged is that it "looks weird"? I don't understand this one. It was literally ported from the N64 rom. That's how it always looked. Then it's claimed that we have "Better Banjo Kazooie Maps" yet one of the two other maps is also on the chopping block. Are we honestly just going to keep ONLY Rusty Bucket Bay? T.T


2. Freezeezy peak: See above. AFAIK Freezeezy has never caused a server crash. Many people are quick to dislike it because of the low gravity, but the map doesn't really have any huge issues.


3. Rainbow Palace: Bomberman 64 was a huge N64 game. It has a giant cult following and is very iconic. The map is the same, but I can understand wanting to nix it. The free falling for ages is daunting. If I had to agree with any to be removed, this is probably it.


4. Blood Gulch: Calling to remove Blood Gulch but not Delfino Airstrip? .............. C'mon. Halo was arguably WAAAY more popular than Super Mario Sunshine was, and probably way more impactful too. But both are sniper camp-fests. So why is one okay but not the other?


5. Aperture Science: I actually agree on this one. Another that I would be okay with removing.


6. Inkopolis: I'm iffy on Inkopolis. It's very well designed, but the spawncamping is becoming a real issue, similar to the bodyblocking problems we had with Rogueport. It seems like half of the time we go there, I have to get onto someone for Spawncamping the tele out.


On one hand it's a beautiful map, on the other there are design flaws. I'm impartial to removing this one. I can do it if everyone decides to nix it, but it seems pretty popular.


7. Morbias: I completely forgot we added this one. I did it one evening with every intention of removing it after an hour. My bad. Add it to the block.


8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): AFAIK, again, no issues with the server crashing while on the Castle. It's a great design and the only issue is the broken teleport, which REALLY doesn't change much. It's very often rolled to, so I am not sure killing it is the best.


9. SCP: People love this map. They hate getting camped. But that's what !friendly is for. I say people can suck it up and use the plugin if they don't want to be camped and we keep it until there is literally no desire to ever go there, which doesn't seem like it will happen soon.




So, my tl;dr version is this: Nix Rainbow Palace, Aperture Science, Inkopolis (Maybe, depends on you guys) and Morbias. I'm okay with these cuts. The rest, I honestly think they need to stay because they are at least semi-popular.

we actually have four banjo maps. freezeezy, click clock, rusty bucket, and mumbo's. im suggesting to remove two


Mate blood gulch isn't finished and has bad proportions. airstrip is finished and doesn't. please you know they aren't comparable.


legit, it happened today, people only roll to hyrule castle because they think it's OoT hyrule. a troll convinced the server that it was and laughed in their face after they switched.


homie when I said the words "what map should we remove" on a server of 24, 8 people in quick succession in the chat "oh god scp plz" it isn't well liked

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and the reason freezeezy is on here isn't because it crashes the server, it doesn't. it's not the low grav, because people don't complain as much as they do on click clock. it's not just your character moving awkwardly, the whole server get's stuttery, way more than just the character stuttering a bit with low grav on clickclock. play clickclock with 20+ and then play freezeezy with 20+ one is clearly optimized, the other clearly isn't. I don't doubt it tested fine but testing it doesn't mean it will run the same way when the servers working it's hardest. because it demonstrably doesn't run as well as clickclock.

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I'm mostly in the same boat as Vexx where I don't think many need to be removed, but I'll give personal opinions just because I feel like typing and let others decide on what stays and what goes.


1. Mumbo's Mountain: I've never been big on any of the BK maps to be honest, and this one is just far too open for me to enjoy. That's personal gripes though.


2. Freezeezy peak: Yeah, similar to Click Clock this map gets pretty bad when the amount of players goes above 20+ or so.


3. Rainbow Palace: Oddly enough I sort of like this map for reasons, though I don't like the floatiness- I don't like floaty jumps on any map.


4. Blood Gulch: Never cared for this map really, though I know there's some people that want to go to it here and there. Not often though.


5. Aperture Science: I don't really have much of an opinion on this one, I don't see it much.


6. Inkopolis: Map actually has a good few areas, it's bigger than some others, just they're sort of out of the way and hard to get to among the spawn chaos. Plus I think a jump pad was broken among other things since it was still in its early stages or something.


7. Morbias: This map was really fun before spawn protection and in older days, but it seems more like a map that could be thrown on once and a while just for people to go crazy or something on for some event. As it stands no one is going to willingly pick it over others.


8. Don't have much to say on this, smallish but it is liked by some people.


9. SCP: Spawns on this map are really jacked up, though oddly enough the map is semi-popular. However, wouldn't miss this one if it was axed.


There has been quite a few people requesting Rogueport again and Frantic, though I know why they were removed in the first place- at least Frantic. I do wish something could be done about Frantic's problems, that map was fun.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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