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In-Game Name:


Active Division:

Team Fortress 2

Previously a Member in xG:





Teamspeak Account Synced:


Time Active on Servers:

13 days 6 hours



Reasons for Joining:

I have been playing for a while now and have not bothered joining until now. I enjoy the community here and I find people enjoy having me around. It just feels like I should join.

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+1 Joy has been on these servers for quite the time now since I remember him from the days when I wasnt even member yet and he's NEVER caused any problems what so ever. He would make an amazing addition to our community at XG.



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I know him perfectly well , He is in our server For a loOoOong time , the first time he came in our server was the last year in june or july (actually don´t remember, it was long time ago).He is basically the person who only wants to spend a good time doing unusual things. Launching medics with his demo charge, Be part of my JOYA CLASS(sycn-manrobics),Droping his weapons to play in civilian mode, playing medic with Regin ,Salad , Gustavo and sometimes with Nutty to make the longest chain of Uber, ETC ETC ETC , He showed us a good lesson ," Is not necessary being tryhard Or take seriously the game to get fun ". He is a nice guy, cool ,Mature,Good medic, Chill, Polite and extremly Kind ,He helped me with my English and showed our rules to new players .........SO!!!



A: 9

M: 10


Firma Oficial De Vacindak (+1)

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Another one... the surf family says that he is a long dedicated regular and seems to not break any rules or cause problems. +1

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3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


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