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Let it Out

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i hate ohio state my town is so gloomy becuase ohio state is bad this year (btw im sorry spider and duckiijr but its true they do suck)


I live in Ohio & hate Ohio State lol

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---------- Post added at 06:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------


[/color]Also, I've literally never had a mod take any action to a freekill i've reported in admin chat. Over jb. Not once. I'm considering buying minecraft and just becoming a hermit on it.


We can't do anything unless we saw it :(


Like, anyone could lie and say "ShakeNBake freekilled me I had no gun" but you couldn't prove he had a gun or not. I'm sorry that's how it works, but we can't take people's word on it. If I get more then 2 complaints about a CT I spectate them for 4 rounds, more or less.

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I hate being a girl on the internet because most people either just love me or hate me ;) there's not many people who just think of me as just a human being. :3 Maybe I should just start pretending to be a guy again.


D8 No! We don't want to be a sausage fest :(


In all seriousness, I think it may just take some people to come around. What Carrissimi said also applies with some people. And I think of you as a human being! :D

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Everyone hates twilight and says it's the worst movie ever, although most people haven't seen it. They benchmark it to ♥♥♥ movies anyway like Inception or Surrogates. Compare it to The Happening or The Room.


I thought it was mediocre at best. I only kinda like it because it's so underated due to the mass of retarded sheeple who've seen it.

Oh...and Ashley Greene




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Pizza as a Vegetable? Congress Proposes New School Lunch Bill[/url]


Only freaking America...


WTF only the dumbest ♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥♥ in america >.<

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