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I'm sorry my little rexxy, :C


Yes, that clearly makes up for no explanation of blocking and deleting me of steam for 4 months, a sorry, oh wait! you did the same thing to me on facebook and skype, I really don't want to flame so I'm just going to say I'm not forgiving you and leave it at that, any response from you I will ignore to avoid flaming. -Rexxthg

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I'm gonna go with -1 on this one. Rexx, should we unban netex, soiarn, and daz while were at it? You used to be one of the funniest kids in xG, then you just became a COMPLETE dick to everyone. You were chill as hell until you started being a dick to everyone who was kind to you...

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fine be that way, You were trolling me non stop and I was about to kill myself, thanks though! :D


What did you say? I was trolling you? Buddy, I was treating you like my in-real-life friends, I never once insulted you or flame with you once since I met you, and you're gonna say I was trolling you? Really? If I ever trolled you why did you ever add me on facebook, why did you ever add me on skype, why did you ever tell me that secret? And why would I talk to you with my real voice? I left xG once because of you man. I don't even know how you can even say that.


---------- Post added 02-29-2012 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-28-2012 at 11:57 PM ----------


I'm gonna go with -1 on this one. Rexx, should we unban netex, soiarn, and daz while were at it? You used to be one of the funniest kids in xG, then you just became a COMPLETE dick to everyone. You were chill as hell until you started being a dick to everyone who was kind to you...


Poncher, I'm glad you at least posted. Poncher the only person who was kind to me and I turned dick on him was DuckiiJr; and I'm still regretting that. Its been 4 month by the way, I don't know how you would know if I had changed or not.

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You guys mut have the fucking downz.... Not to be a dick but WHY THE FUCK ARE WE TRYING TO UNBAN ALL THE FUCKING TROLLS? they have been banned for a reason countless times and keep crawling back with the same bullshit excuse " oh, i swear ive changed hurrr hurr hurrr" and yet we seem to keep unbanning them, I understand unbanning once MAYBE twice but after that shit just gets out of hand. Its not that i dont like you rexx, i do, its just all the complaints we CONSTANTLY hear from everybody about how much of a douche you are (not saying specifically you, the other trolls too) Most of you guys are pretty cool but the whining from kids who come in here and say "OH YEA LETS BRING HIM BACK!!!" then not even a week later turn around and say " WTF IS THIS GUY DOING BACK!!!!" I understand you wanting to come back and i belive you should but im leaving my vote at a 0.

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Poncher, I'm glad you at least posted. Poncher the only person who was kind to me and I turned dick on him was DuckiiJr; and I'm still regretting that. Its been 4 month by the way, I don't know how you would know if I had changed or not.


I +1ed you for mod, I vouched for u in game and out of game, and I showed nothing but kindness, and then you pretty much spat in my face...to be brutally honest, I couldn't care less if you've changed. You can't take back what you've done in the past. What happened to "never coming back"?

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I +1ed you for mod, I vouched for u in game and out of game, and I showed nothing but kindness, and then you pretty much spat in my face...to be brutally honest, I couldn't care less if you've changed. You can't take back what you've done in the past. What happened to "never coming back"?


I never acted rudely towards you poncher, I flamed with kids but I don't recall doing it with you.

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I never acted rudely towards you poncher, I flamed with kids but I don't recall doing it with you.


You flamed at me when I told you to not go onto other jailbreak servers with the xG tag on and troll. Which you ended up doing anyways...

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You flamed at me when I told you to not go onto other jailbreak servers with the xG tag on and troll. Which you ended up doing anyways...


What? When did I go on other jb servers and troll? I think you talking about carl,charco, and drank JR becuase I never did that.

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but theres one problem.http://www.team3k.info/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=393&sid=7664d510fe76e1f0d563a43eb752aa7c

I checked the leaving thread, and no posts with your name appeared. Believe me rexx, i want you back in this clan just as much as the next guy. Also, we can see a little word from our new moderator buddy, skyler (who use to be elmer j fapp) (i think)

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Kevin, don't even make accusations when you don't know.


Either way, everyone needs to simmer the fuck down. I've said this in every ban protest that trolls/rule breakers have made, DO WE TRUST THEM ENOUGH?


I for one, think rexx can be trusted, he just needs to be put under careful watch..


But, I'm not +1ing or -1ing yet. He still needs to show some more maturity.

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Let's unban everyone!



It's a permanent ban and the way I see it, it was well-deserved. That's my opinion, just make sure you know the facts, and that you're not jumping on bandwagons. Don't let someone else speak for you, but if you're +1 or -1, do it on your own ground.


-1 for me anyways, sorry but it is how it is.

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you got banned for trolling some1. doesnt matter if it was a co-leader or not u were trolling members. You got perm banned accept it and walk away.




also to people +1ing this wtf is wrong with you got banned for a legit reason why the fuck would you want a troll back. i doudt hes changed.

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