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Moderator Application foar.... Nocturne :D

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Hi, im Nocturne :)


I've been registered roughly... a little more than 3 months?


I have never been Moderator on a CS:S server but I have been a admin/mod on Gary's Mod, TF2, and a Minecraft server (ooh a MC server, big whoop). Anyways, I'd really like to take this moderator position only because, 1. I only play on the xG RPG surf server only because it is the greatest :). If this would be my first experience towards a CS:S moderator. I've seen moderators not be on at times when they are REALLY needed. Otherwise I just make demo's and report.


xG has really gotten me going on CS:S and has what made me play CS:S. I'm pretty active most of the time and I am fairly decent at the server. I am totally not a squeaker for my age but yet I am in 8th grade. I can be mature but if certain people are on then i can change my moods.


I really have never gotten into deep trouble nor have I ever been banned from the xG community. I am a compatible player with everyone besides trolls and nothing but trolls. I am nice to the littler ones because they are pretty nice:) (but yet those voices...)


I am really never a rude person towards anyone unless someone is just being a complete dick to everybody.


I'm not so pumped about getting moderator but I am at least giving it a go because hell, why not try?

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ur a chill person and all but u need 100 forum posts if u want to post a moderator submission, however, that doesnt mean u cant get mod by being active on teamspeak and contributing ideas to the clan to better it


-sealed away in the last great time war

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