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-1 on the premise of you arguing with just about all the higher-ups minus Silence, over stupid shit. I was considering +1ing you just because I was curious if you could handle the responsibility, but from what i've seen of you in the several months i've played with you, you cannot. It's a shame too, you seem to study the rules almost obsessively.

I think you believe that if you can catch a mod screwing up, and get him/her demoted, it will make you look like a more legitimate member of the clan, and finally score you mod, and you'll go pretty much any length to do so. Spite or Jealousy, I don't know, but either way it's just bad news.

If a mod can't take a joke, there's a massive chance that mod will be abusive.

P.S. : Pulling the seniority card doesn't work if you do it literally every day.

Maturity: 4/10

Activity: 8/10

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He has had mod in the past, lost it for ab00se. I think I'm the one who posted the admin abuse that got him on probation? :$

Either way, you disrespect, & trash talk a lot. I don't know what the other's said to you here Xeno Gamers - Search but, from what I see it's ignorant & disrespectful. Plus, wtf are you talking about with Aegean? He's left fully like once.. the other times were him on vacation & trips.. You sir, have NO idea what you're talking about.


EDIT: I forgot. -1.


A: 7/10

M: 2/10


Good luck if you get mod, but in my opinion, until you learn how to manage yourself, you shouldn't get it.

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This clan is becoming a joke, half the players in the clan with mod care nothing about the server they only care that they can have final say.


As for Jake you comment, I dont give 2 shits about having mod i applied to help out during late nights. I however dont give 2 shits about mods that act like you, and threaten players as warden that you will use mod abilities to slay them if they didnt bend over and let you ass fuck them. I cant count how many times you intentionally bait and get killed giving Guns to T's as a mod and then slay other CT's for copying you doing hte exact same act 5 seconds later ( dont say you dont because ill post the video from 2 days ago proving you wrong and file abuse of you are setting a bad example just to see if it does get you demoted for fun. Half the other mods in this clan bend rules to their favor because you think you guys are untouchable, except when im around because i make it my job to monitor mods and usually when i point something out it's quite funny to see how quickly a video or a pictures makes you all mighty mods stfu and tuck your tails, because you know you break rules like everyone else you just dont like it when it's pointed out or someone without mod knows the rules and tells you to stop and you have too, then you get upset and try to punish for disrespect or some other clown reason you came up with.


Same for Drizzy you pretty much sucked his asshole the other day jake when i caught him abusing Admin, and jihad stepped in. you think because your friends are playing at xG that they can +1 -1 and save your stupidity and keep you mods when you make mistakes. just know i catch many of the same mods messing up and just because you dont see admin abuse reports here anymore to prevent your buttlove buddies from saving you doesnt mean i don't show the proof to the higher ups.


Get used to MajorB, watching you and you hating, because im not gonna stop pointing out your mistakes , many of the higherups already know how i operate and know i dont deal with you clowns trash talking, and will dish it right back at you mod or not. You will do you job, and you learn to deal with me watching. And you will see I have alot more say as a player then you do as a mod in this clan. and since I'm 1 of the few who actively watches mods and reports I'd like to think i have a steady unofficial job, and you better cross your T's and dot your i's when im on the server from now on otherwise a report will follow for your mistakes.

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This clan is becoming a joke, half the players in the clan with mod care nothing about the server they only care that they can have final say.


As for Jake you comment, I dont give 2 shits about having mod i applied to help out. I however dont give 2 shits about mods that act like you, and threaten players as warden that you will use mod abilities to slay them if they didnt bend over and let you ass fuck them. I cant count how many times you intentionally bait and get killed giving Guns to T's as a mod and then slay other CT's for copying you. WHen you set a bad example. Half the other mods in this clan band rules because you think you are untouchable, but you know im around and watching and usually i point something out it's quite funny to see how quickly video and pictures make you all mighty mods stfu and tuck your tails, worried if i post abuse on your or not.


While I don't like the manner you say this in, you do have some valid points.


Sometimes mods do kinda think themselves above the average player and don't really care when they do something, but when theres another player doing the same thing they kind of try to play off what they did and slay the guy.


I confronted somebody about this just yesterday. Being mod doesnt grant you immunity. But if you really care about helping the server you should really try to be more respectful to the clan..


But i have also seen you breaking the rules in the past and when asked about it you just disrespected me.



I would also like to add that you threatened to have me demoted bc i gagged you for nonstop disrespect.

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If you don't want to be mod, request to close this. If you don't like the community anymore, just leave. It's not so hard but you're just disrespecting and insulting everybody here who are just simply giving a -1 because we feel you shouldn't get mod.

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I dont give 2 shits about having mod i applied to help out during late nights.



hmm so like you dont give to shits about mod but you applyed? :O


Half the other mods in this clan bend rules to their favor because you think you guys are untouchable


and as mods/admins "abusing and bending rules" not many people do that tbh some do yea i would agree "some" do.



i make it my job to monitor mods


n yea its not your job to "monitor" mods other mods/admins do that fyi



because you know you break rules like everyone else you just dont like it when it's pointed out or someone without mod knows the rules and tells you to stop and you have to you get upset.


tbh dont understand why some1 would get "upset" because a "non-mod" told us something he seen happen tbh i think its better if some1 tells me cuz its like i cant watch every1 and play at the same time.

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Turd shhh, no1 said i didnt like the community. it's just a joke to watch ppl with powers drive it into the ground. And to sit back after being part of this clan as long as i have been and sit silient is unacceptable. And i will say it loudly so those fools with mod currently know to either act right or get caught 1 way this clan will get back on track


It's a 2 way street turd if someone wants respect maybe they should learn to not bash others. maybe in return I would be more polite to them as i am to a few select others that are admins. example( serb, aegean,jihad,mcneo,cristo) just to name a few. those guys get nothing but respect because they give me the respect i request and in return i give them their respect. aegean is a prime example when he left hte clan a long time back, me and him got into it over him coming back. but no matter how much either side argued, we both dropped the issue and later agree to give each other respect and to work for the clan.

Sorry if im a bit abrasive but I REFUSE! to respect children that have yet to learn respect themselfs.



GAWD i like this comment ( Being mod doesnt grant you immunity. ) some actually think it does.

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tbh dont understand why some1 would get "upset" because a "non-mod" told us something he seen happen tbh i think its better if some1 tells me cuz its like i cant watch every1 and play at the same time.



bees i am only trying to help out you mods in game when i make a admin chat. By no means am i trying to do your job, and i know you never commented about it. but to least hear you appreciated the help thanks** as for monitoring mods everyone makes mistake and alot of times the ppl who should be there to see them aren't. So it will always be my unofficial job to monitor wether mods like it or not

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bees i am only trying to help out you mods in game when i make a admin chat. By no means am i trying to do your job, and i know you never commented about it. but to least hear you appreciated the help thanks** as for monitoring mods everyone makes mistake and alot of times the ppl who should be there to see them aren't. So it will always be my unofficial job to monitor wether mods like it or not


This, this is what will get you mod. I like how you put this.


Also, major, I want you to know, my -1 had nothing personal with you or anything that's happened between us, & I know you & I have a history, but that does NOT influence my decision. Just, I need to see a more in-game improvement from you. As for the forums, what you say here, is mostly good & true.

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This clan is becoming a joke, half the players in the clan with mod care nothing about the server they only care that they can have final say.


As for Jake you comment, I dont give 2 shits about having mod i applied to help out during late nights. I however dont give 2 shits about mods that act like you, and threaten players as warden that you will use mod abilities to slay them if they didnt bend over and let you ass fuck them. I cant count how many times you intentionally bait and get killed giving Guns to T's as a mod and then slay other CT's for copying you doing hte exact same act 5 seconds later ( dont say you dont because ill post the video from 2 days ago proving you wrong and file abuse of you are setting a bad example just to see if it does get you demoted for fun. Half the other mods in this clan bend rules to their favor because you think you guys are untouchable, except when im around because i make it my job to monitor mods and usually when i point something out it's quite funny to see how quickly a video or a pictures makes you all mighty mods stfu and tuck your tails, because you know you break rules like everyone else you just dont like it when it's pointed out or someone without mod knows the rules and tells you to stop and you have too, then you get upset and try to punish for disrespect or some other clown reason you came up with.


Same for Drizzy you pretty much sucked his asshole the other day jake when i caught him abusing Admin, and jihad stepped in. you think because your friends are playing at xG that they can +1 -1 and save your stupidity and keep you mods when you make mistakes. just know i catch many of the same mods messing up and just because you dont see admin abuse reports here anymore to prevent your buttlove buddies from saving you doesnt mean i don't show the proof to the higher ups.


Get used to MajorB, watching you and you hating, because im not gonna stop pointing out your mistakes , many of the higherups already know how i operate and know i dont deal with you clowns trash talking, and will dish it right back at you mod or not. You will do you job, and you learn to deal with me watching. And you will see I have alot more say as a player then you do as a mod in this clan. and since I'm 1 of the few who actively watches mods and reports I'd like to think i have a steady unofficial job, and you better cross your T's and dot your i's when im on the server from now on otherwise a report will follow for your mistakes.


That's the complete opposite of the truth. You yourself are a mistake, with that said you are clearly deemed an obvious troll.


It's now obvious that you are not serious and are attempting to seek arise out of the xG members.

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He is joking now, everything he says is a joke. He doesn't know motd, he never slays himself either. He constantly breaks rules and tarps. I hardly see him on also...


I can't have any other opinion, why don't you actually change without clarifying it. We will notice, we don't ignore you.

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