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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Xg Member Gallery

    this is me on a daily basis
  2. 2 points

    Principles Info Sys Security

    1: farming is the best way to make money 2:evade taxes 3:dont poop in the neighbors lawn 4: give your sister a blow job(hue) 5: all of the above 6: eat 4000 calories of butter in 5 minutes 7: use a condom 8: dont steal from mexicans or they will steal from you 9: make sure that your home is heavily fortified from drunk stoners such as myself 10: and finaly...suck mah dick nigga,.
  3. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    Your eyes are beautiful
  4. 1 point

    Delta - New Member!

    Hi guys! I just wanted to introduce myself, as you will be seeing more of me on CS:S Xeno Servers! My name is Joshua Denobrega, I'm 15, and I absolutely love Counter-Strike. I've been playing CS since I was 4 (seriously) and I've had a passion for gaming ever since. I am fun to play with, but I take the game seriously as well. Anybody who doesn't play the game they way it should be played does not get my friendliness. I enforce rules, and you don't want to be in my scope when I have an AWP. I'm new to the Xeno Servers, but I guarantee you'll see more of me!
  5. 1 point

    In Regards to LostCause

    Good I don't want him stalking me in TS
  6. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    is this thread coming back to life... and now i understand why you choose chuck norris
  7. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    I....uh....I think I'm pregnant...
  8. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    @@diabeetus Waiting
  9. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    :O holy crap chuck
  10. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

    I use this picture for everything mane
  11. 1 point


    forgot about the poll part. i was damn near fucked up and still a little am but idk how to fix. You're the only person that can make me laugh over forums hahaha
  12. 1 point


    forgot about the poll part. i was damn near fucked up and still a little am but idk how to fix.
  13. 1 point


    Keep all flame aside, all I want is criticism and what you think needs to be done! Recently it has seemed from my point of view that there can be a lot of things that make people unhappy and make this clan look bad, or maybe even things that can make the clan look really good and are really simple to do but no one will do it. So what I want to picture is a growing clan with a lot of happy members, with staff that are HAPPY to see each other and not say "Oh my god not this kid hes going to start problems". So why not take the initiative to change all this? Why am I even making this thread? Why am I trying? This clan has so much potential, with silence (FUCKING FINALLY) working on hub for tf2, css, and cs:go it seems like things can turn around because that was a big thing that people wanted. Why am I trying? I want to see this clan grow, I want to see the members happy. So why not just give it a try and attempt (and hopefully get the objective) to fix the problems? "Well Warrior, since you made the thread what do you think are problems?" I for one see cs:s staff as a problem, and disrespect as a problem. Some of you may not know the story as to why I was demoted, let me tell you here (THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT MY DEMOTION) Sometime in late May I was demoted for abusing my powers. "What did you do to get demoted you idiot?" A active member of the jailbreak community made a mistake and decided to call a WSAD frozen freeday (Cannot move or you die) Most of the t's rebelled and got killed instantly (because if you move you die!) There were 4 t's left along with about 8+ cts. There were a few people complaining in admin chat and all the dead people were either complaining of their death, the type of day they were given, or that the round is taking a long time (3 minutes passed when I took action with 4 minutes left). So I decided to do something. Sadly though my actions were (apparently (kind of angry about this too)) were not justified at all. I took the liberty of typing in to chat "!smite @all". Sadly though that was not the end of it. After smiting at all I made the stupid as fuck mistake of making up a TOTAL bullshit excuse of (And yes I said all of these in mic in order) "My cat did it", "My cat bound !smite @all guys im sorry". If im correct I don't even think I gave a reason as to why I did it. (Stupid me) I then went and told Serbian and he decided to demote AND ban me for 3 months. I complained and then got the ban down to 3 weeks. Right after that he and darkwolf went and changed the rule so my !smite @all would have been COMPLETELY justified. I then went on the next day and complained to Poncher and he made it so I was NOT banned but I was still demoted. I COMPLETELY understand the demotion and I am not going to and I will not fight it. I understand as to why some of you hate that I was not banned. I tried talking to some of the people and it seemed to have resolved the situation a little bit. Some people though seem to take their staff powers for granted at times (Not saying they DO it just seems like it from my point of view) and they seem to think that sometimes the rules do not apply to them at all or they have a (FUCKING LOT) of leeway. (I am once again stating what I am seeing and do not mean to offend ANYONE in ANY WAY) For example, just recently (I will NOT be giving any names what so ever and for who ever DOES call ANYONE out, I will see to the editing of their post to take out their name) one staff member wrongfully freekilled enough people to be considered mass freekill. The staff member was told by two other admins and a mod that they were freekills but he/she refused to see to the punishment of themself. (even through all the complaints in admin chat). That SAME staff member (3 or so days later) decided to do the wrong again. It was a warday in a soccer arena and the staff member then shoots the soccer ball killing one person, he then declined to slay himself (for teamkilling) and took the time to kill another person (which happened to be me). He was not punished at the time and is still not punished to this day. I am naming what happened from ONE person, I am not trying to focus out this one person I am trying to fix this from happening overall. I understand that staff need time to relax but breaking the rules causing problems for other people is not the way. That is what I want to fix. Just today I saw a thread created from MineCrack, about his disrespect and how he is sorry for what he has done and how he wants to become a better member. This is one of the things that should be happening. Recognize what you have done that is wrong and apologize. It is not hard and trust me it makes it all the better to have people who like having you around rather then just waiting for you to leave so that they can talk shit behind your back. So lets keep this thread serious without trolling or flaming. Yes you can vent and mention names but do not argue. Keep it friendly. My question is, how do you think xG can become a better community? What do you think we can change so that the next person to find xG can say "Wow this looks like a real friendly community, I can't wait to join!"? TL;DR What should be changed so everyone is not butthurt about eachother and make the community better/more fun. P.S Yes I know its another one of "Those" threads P.S.S What do to stop staff disrespect/abuse? What do to make better community?
  14. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers YouTube

    need user submissions of people twerking then eating a bottle of ranch. Get on dat real shit
  15. 1 point

    Real Talk

    almost everyone disrespects in cs go nobody going to give a fuck. Bleed just says kill yourself so we all just go home and rub nutella on our upper thighs and try to lick it off. I don't think anyone has been banned for disrespect, not enough rolo. Just give everyone Filipino food @@PiNoYPsYcHo and there will be no more disrespect. also include some of that sweet corn on the cob for m town and everyone will be happy, and no more disrespect /lyfe.
  16. 1 point

    LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source

    Not sure why warrior gets a fuckin free pass and this guy doesnt. GG xenogamers.
  17. 0 points
    I did not GET another chance, I was punished. I did not "slide" through my punishment either. Based on what I did I was punished accordingly.
  18. 0 points

    I am demoted lololol

  19. -1 points

    Inquiry: Re-Admission?

    He's lying, I am DM
  20. -1 points


    I actually try at this shit. Kind of hard when no one els will fucking do it.
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