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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean

    mod request

    He's been on the forums longer, not in the clan lol
  2. @smoker being warden has nothing to do with being a member of our community... I don't understand why people think that
  3. Definitly not lol. This contradicts the rule of no giving guns to T's for starters, not only that, as previously mentionned this game will just be stupid if staff members aren't on. It's just as bad if staff members never heard of this game and and they go on a slaying spree since it looks like everyone is breaking rules. I like the creativity, but atm the answer is no.
  4. Your ban apparently already expired, I'll keep this open for rabid to comment
  5. ~Sealed away in a time that's better then Serbian's.
  6. Aegean


    CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  7. Actually he was a staff member of this entire gaming community, and we do own these forums too. You definitely said something that was out of line, and I agree you should stop trying to instigate, and watch what you say, he was a higher up compared to you.
  8. Aegean

    mod request

    hahahahah [ATTACH=CONFIG]808[/ATTACH]
  9. He's out of our community for good. ~closed
  10. Free-killers The every now-and-then accident will only result in a slay. If a person comes on the server and free-kills a few, that is a team-bannable offence for 1440 minutes exactly. If the person performs a mass freekill and doesn't leave, that is a team ban for a week. Anyone who comes on to the server and freekills more then 2 and leaves right after, is a perm ban. Changed it now
  11. Counter Strike - Source Promotions RussianNinja from member to Moderator Jihad from member to Moderator Noobdestroyer from member to Moderator Sakurai from member to Moderator Tarin from member to Moderator Nivek Relyk from member to Moderator Minecraft Promotions Pyro from member (on minecraft) to Moderator AdmiralSnackBar from member (on minecraft) to Moderator Nighty from Moderator to Admin Alrighty! Please post your STEAM ID or your in-game name if you are promoted :)
  12. That actually sounds so cool, i'm jelly. I wish we had stuff like that in Ottawa
  13. CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  14. Aegean


    Lol what's with everyone talking about bypassing these days, we have no rules against it. You can cuss on the forums, just not to an extent or to another person in an insulting way. F U C K . That is all :)
  15. Aegean


    Silence, the div leaders, me, and a few mods and admins were on, and we were discussing about how someone unbanned you for no reason, even though you deserved to be banned for a while. Not abuse and not getting unbanned. ~Closed
  16. HAI GUISE! First off, promo-demo will be up today, so keep your pants on... ALRIGHT so some of the changes that are going in affect as of now: 1. You can not apply for mod unless you have been in the clan for 2 months AND have 100 posts on the forums (This rule does not go into affect for the people who have already applied before this announcement) 2. All mods, admins, and div-leaders are required to go on teamspeak every week, if not every day if they can, just to get to know the community better, and get themselves known as well. I would like members to try to be active on teamspeak, that way they can be recognized by our staff, and this will definitly improve their chances on being promoted to mod. Edit/ 3. PROMO DEMO WILL BE BI-WEEKLY :) Now I will explain one of the things that has been bugging me alot lately and that is about how the vouches work in member submissions and mod applications. As you guys know, I approve / disapprove them, and when I look at the vouches, I don't just derp the vouches and not even consider the reasoning behind them. If someone -1's with the reason "I haven't seen you on" I don't consider it a -1 since that person definitely does not play 24 hours a day to state something as blatant as that. Another thing, stop vouching down people who are younger then 16, I don't take it into consideration either BECAUSE we have further rules towards younger people anyways, and unless you played with them and found they are immature, age does not mean anything about maturity. Alrighty that's all for now, stay active on the forums, respect one another, and happy gaming !
  17. YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED! Please put tag on before your name, and follow our rules!
  18. You permed him... I'm reducing it to a day, no idea why you think you're on some kind of high pedestal talking down to him. That was SO MUCH disrespect just for him leaving on his own free will. Doesn't even seem like he's trolling, and spamming chat does lead to a gag which you did, but when he types in admin chat you kicked? Another thing, WHO THOUGHT OF THE STUPID IDEA OF "bypassing mute" ? Admin chat is meant for admining and explaining situations or asking for help to mods and up. Stop banning people perm for the dumbest reasons, this is like the third time i had to undo one of your perm bans. ~CLOSED ---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 PM ---------- /Edit : Why would you make one of the reasons on your ban, "relatively ugly"... stupid.
  19. He's officially forum banned! ~Closed
  20. Denied for trolling and just recently got banned from servers for a week, please try to re-apply in a few weeks if you believe you have changed. ~Closed
  21. Obviously denied, banned from servers and forums anyways. ~Closed
  22. Alrighty he is banned for a week. ~Closed
  23. You are so stupid. Not only do you ONCE AGAIN post a disrespectful post towards a staff member, but you are insulting his mentality, and even saying he might be my brother which is the only reason he is in our community. If he was my brother, I would never let you off with just a forum ban, let me tell you. ~Closed