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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean


    accepted! Please put tag on before your name and follow rules!
  2. accepted! Please put tag on before your name and follow rules!
  3. +1 accepted! Please put tag on before your name and follow rules!
  4. Sorry i've been so busy with school and my new house! I will figure something out ~closed like a bawss
  5. Aegean


    accepted! Please put tag on before your name and follow rules!
  6. I trust llama's decision to ban you, he has about 3000 hours on tf2 and his main class is heavy so yeah. I'll wait till he comments to decide if i will unban you or not.
  7. Aegean


    Rebecca black took the words out of my mouth, ~closed
  8. Congrats! You've been accepted into xG so please put a tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  9. Congrats! You've been accepted into xG so please put a tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  10. No. His voice is fine, he does get really annoying, but his voice is fine for the most part. If you don't like him, just mute him. ~Closed
  11. Aegean


    ~(apparently supposed to be something cooler then closed)
  12. LOL SORRY! I was painting and renovating my new house for the past 4 hours, posting it either within the hour, or tomorow morning!
  13. Exactly as the title, it will be posted up tonight. I will write rules on applying on the actual application, soooo yeah. STAY TUNED XENOGAMERS!
  14. Aegean

    Closing threads

    Most terrible suggestions I've ever seen. Please... kill yourselves in alphabetical order
  15. Aegean


    lol you should know your own birthday by now... i'm 1994 and my bday was last month, and I turned 17, so you are just turning 16 now.
  17. Aegean


    ^ doesn't that mean you are turning 16 in a week?
  18. Aegean


    Not only is your protest declined, but now you're banned from forums ! Hope it was worth it ! ~Closed
  19. Aegean


    Congrats! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  20. Every mod / admin / div leader has muted me, or silenced me, or kicked me from the servers... I'm sad and want to start crying
  21. Your firewall is prolly up which is restricting the search of servers. Turn off your firewall, or at least unblock CSS and steam and see what happens
  22. Dumbest thread ever! Closing nowwwwwww