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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean


    Not unbanning. ~Closed
  2. Aegean


    It is so obvious you are just out to get him holy ♥♥♥♥ smoker. The TF2 div leader rosser, and the CSS admin/mods turtle, poncher, ducki.jr, and E.Z.kill +1'd him, so why are you saying only non mods/admins are voting for him? You are just trying to make him look bad, because of a past experience with him that seems like it could have just got resolved but for some reason you still take it to heart, and are bringing up BS about how him and other members all made their apps at the same time as some sort of plot or w.e... like really? He's more active then you on teamspeak, and as a staff member you should be on there every single day. As for Rexx, stop posting on member and mod submissions, you aren't a member, and so your 2 cents really don't matter. If you wanna join the clan again, go for it, if not, stop posting on the forums where only member's are allowed to post. That's MY 2 cents.
  3. The spray is dumb, if his spray doesn't change by the next time he's online you can ban him for a day, I agree with otherworldly, we aren't gonna be biased on which porn we allow, aaaaaaaand ~CUHLOSED (damn I've been closing ♥♥♥♥ like it's my job... oh wait)
  4. I played the alto sax, and took private piano for about 3-4 years. Now I just beatbox, and I think that's splendid.
  5. +1 CONGRATS YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  6. Aegean


    Closing, sorry but I'm not gonna ban someone who gets disrespected first, then just retaliates. I will watch him carefully, but as I see it he has no reason to be banned even though I know he can be a jerk at times. ~Pow
  7. Aegean

    Giving orders

    OKAY I shall add that in tonight or tomorow for sure :) I'm also adding that warden's must give clear understandable orders just in case of any loopholes. THANK YOU ~THE POWER OF A THOUSAND SUNS DEEMS THIS CLOSED
  8. Aegean

    Resign as mod?

    I'm co-leader, me and the div leaders agreed he was being stupid, and you did exactly what you were supposed to. We all agreed it wasn't abuse, that should be enough for ya baddy <3
  9. Aegean


    Mod = admin in training, if we think you are good, we will promote ya. Easy as that buttercup.
  10. Aegean

    Challenge Day.

    I did this in leadership camp for my province, it gets people REALLY emotionally together, it's very nice and lots of times, people realize that really bad situations in their life didn't only happen to them, but it happened to many people even around them. Just be honest, don' t tell a story that you think people will go aww too, just tell a real story from your heart that has really affected your life (good or bad) and just be ready to take in all the stories at once cuz it does get overwhelming. I had stories about abuse from their parents, brother dying to a drunk driver, drug use at the start of 12 years old, a girl even came out of the closet, like... it gets pretty intense
  11. Aegean


    Sorry but it doesn't seem like you are getting Mod. Feel free to apply again within a month if you think you have a chance. ~Closed
  12. I'll reduce the perm to a week, the racism and trolling you gave to him was completely unneccesary. He was doing his job, and you can stand up to type as long as you don't WASD move on a panda freeday. He wasn't wrong, you were, so please read rules carefully for next time. ~Closed
  13. DAMN YOU! 10charsucks
  14. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name, and follow our rules!
  15. Aegean


    CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name, and follow our rules!
  16. CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name, and follow our rules!
  17. I WANNA COMMENT TOO! ~Still closed, BAMF
  18. Aegean


    da heck? Lol this is a member submission, not mod submission. There's no way you could possibly know when he started playing on our servers
  19. Random is messed up fix itt
  20. Congrats! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name, and follow our rules!
  21. If you were being a smartass and trying to loophole the racism, he had every right to ban you. It was 30 minutes, and clearly not abuse. ~closed
  22. Congrats! You are accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  23. Aegean


    This isn't proof, I need actual pics of console or steam chat etc. You might say it's copy pasta but you could have easily changed the text. I'll leave this open for a bit for you to put viable proof here
  24. Aegean


    You're so dumb kevin, you know how things work in our clan, don't post anything without proof. I need to think of a consequence for people who post requests/protests without proof. ~Closed
  25. I kinda didn't wanna close, but FIINE! -SHOTYME OUT