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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Congrats! Your admin abuse thread has been looked at, and now we will throw stones at him and slash his tires!
  2. Congrats! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  3. Aegean


    Post something stupid and you'll get forum banned next time. ~Closed
  4. Alrighty Rexx is hearby on probation from the forums, if he starts disrespecting people to a serious extent again, I will forum ban. I want everyone to stop being a-holes to each other... seriously. ~Closed
  5. Sorry but you have been declined to join xG! Please wait a couple weeks and re-apply when you feel like you have a chance to get in. Ps. If i see any huge disrespect like that from people again, I will forum ban (you know who you are) ~Closed
  6. Congrats! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  8. Lol I can't +1 cuz of the conditions, but I can +1 cuz I do want you back. I'll explain why. The admin system silence is using is bugged, to the point where div leaders can target all and can't be targetted, mods can target all (including silence), admins can target all, and co-leader (THAT'S MEE) can't target div leaders, and can get silenced by mods anytime. Until the creator of the admin plugin fixes his ♥♥♥♥, we can't give you immunity. Another thing, a free hat pack is something that's completely up to silence.
  9. Please bring proof next time ~shotyme outt
  10. Congrats you've been accepted into xG! Please follow our rules and put the tag on before your name! ~Closed
  11. Aegean

    Noshave November

    You're like 12 kid, come at me
  12. Aegean


    Not gonna ban if he had tag on before... if he gets on our servers with the tag again, then he can be dealt from mods/admins during that time. So many people think after they join the steam group, that they are in the clan, it's not a big deal lol just a common mistake... ~closed
  13. Not a rule in MOTD from what I know, I shall double check ---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ---------- Yeah just checked, not a rule in MOTD to repeat, it is a courtesy. It always has been haha, people who say "you have to" is because in other JB servers you do have to repeat
  14. I've said it before when I first became a mod in xG, I will never slay someone without proof even if an entire server tells me what ____ did wrong. Always investigate with disputes (this includes messaging both parties and hearing both stories) and in the end do w.e you think is right.
  15. You are unbanned! Please follow our rules and don't get banned again! ~Closed
  16. Lol I promote based on what the div leaders and admins tell me, if people are not ready with the responsibility of mod, they would lose it. Jailbreak gets about 50+ everyday, minigames and surf is also populated now in CSS everyday which is great haha. In TF2 all our servers are populated during the day, and we are getting new members from tf2 now, not just CSS which is a good change of pace. I won't disagree though that the clan was much closer before, but at the same time we had all the veterans before, including you, shik, edison, etc etc, but it's still okay overall. What have you been up to?
  17. LOL you know me all too well, and jay breeze is mad that he's bad
  18. Just saw the above post ^ Lol whoops i'ma baddy ~Closed
  19. I hate you. You should come back though, I missed yelling at you
  20. Aegean


    @Aegeandiker Follow me yeeeee Post your twitter name if you want some more followersss!
  21. Really old app, whoooppss ! ~Closed
  22. Community majority says no, and since Silence banned you, only he has the choice to unban you from our servers. Sorry buddy ~Closed
  23. Promotions Smoker from member to CSS Moderator Nighty from member to CSS Moderator JustinBieber from member to CSS Moderator Yayanation from member to CSS Moderator Fullmetal from member to TF2 Moderator Jazzman from member to TF2 Moderator Otherworldly from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Llama from TF2 Moderator to TF2 Admin Demotions Selby from Moderator to Member (Inactive) Please post your steam ID if you've been promoted thanks :)
  24. Aegean


    accepted! Please put tag on before your name and follow rules!