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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Alrighty, closing. You will be banned minimum another week, if the div leaders decide to unban you after, they can. ~Closed
  2. The thing is, even though both times you screwed up as a mod, you also had the responsibility as a member of our community to not abuse after you resigned untill we take your powers away. Your blatant disrespect for us after I gave you my trust the second time is very sad, and I don't understand why you think a perm ban isn't neccesary if you aren't representing our community well. You basically just give us a bad name, and you aren't even active. I'll talk to the div leaders first
  3. You got banned before for admin abuse, and I was even the admin who caught you before too. I trusted you with mod after a long time, and what do you do? You resign the same month cuz you were inactive (and you were being demoted that same week anyways) and then give me attitude when I ask why you would abuse once again after I trusted you. Do not tell me it's logical to unban you as you have nothing to offer for our community. All you did was show the community that we were wrong in trusting you with such responsibilities, so why would I think you would be a good member for us? You lost my trust twice now, and even said you don't care if you get banned from our servers since you don't even play on them. Like... your arrogance is so weird, your unban reason is even "Insert generic apology here" like if you aren't gonna give 2 ♥♥♥♥s to even write out a proper apology to me, no idea why you think you are getting unbanned.
  4. Aegean

    Talent Show!

    Lol i'm tan, not brown :P thanks though :D
  5. This is how my convo went with him. I asked him why he abused, he said it was OUR fault that we didn't take his powers away sooner, so he felt he could do whatever he wanted. I told him he lost his powers 4-5 months ago in the first place for abusing, so after a long time he begged for his powers and yelled at me, so I had given him another chance. He never goes on to moderate, and becomes inactive so he got demoted (he quit but just the same he shoulda lost his powers) and a month after that he figures out he didn't lose it, and slays all. I told him as a member of xG he should know better, and that he will be banned from our servers since he promised he wouldn't ♥♥♥♥ up this time. He said "because I definitly play on your servers right?"
  6. Aegean

    Talent Show!

    I have a dance for the talent show, I released a sneakpeek on my facebook that you guys can check out at www.facebook.com/aegeandiker and let me know what you think ! Thanks :D
  7. Aegean


    Dance is being posted tomorow !
  8. Aegean


    CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  9. Aegean


    CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  10. Aegean


    CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  11. CONGRATS! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  12. Exactly what he said. I might change the waiting time period for mod submissions though to 2 - 3 months starting next week. We will see though. People who deserve it do get promoted as long as the div leaders and admins agree, even if they don't put an application
  13. I woulda done exactly as Jay Breezy had done in this situation. I would not gag someone for saying the N - word once, especially if I was the only mod on at night, and there were more important things to look out for "freekillers, improper orders etc" You guys should NOT get offended unless you are actually black, and even so after you guys said stop, apparently he stopped saying it. The thing is, he is also not an xG member, so it's not like he should know better, he was just a random, and with one mod on, people do get away with things like that, and I'm sure it didn't affect your gameplay. ~Lost in the time even greater then Serbian's war
  14. It's your choice on which one you want to submit
  15. Aegean


    Will consider it :D
  16. Aegean


    Anyone dance? If so what kind of dancing? I myself dance tributes to jabbawockeez, and I dance to dubstep and electro/house. Basically I breakdance lols. I might post a vid of me dancing lataa, but anyways yeahhh. Tell me if you do or nottt
  17. LOL i mean random, darn i'm bad
  18. Moving to general in a bit, jerksss
  19. Yeah you need 100 posts :) Please don't spam the forums hahaha ~Closedd
  20. THISTHISTHIS ^ ummm haha if you wanna be a mod, follow our format and don't ask for it unless you are applying in the correct area thanks :)
  21. Agreed, this is ~Closed
  22. Aegean


    1000 posts !!!! I'm a big kid nowwww! Just wanted to say this has been an amazing 10 months in this clan, and the community is just getting bigger and (for the most part) better ! A couple things about our clan that I would like to address: 1. The MOTD will be more carefully looked at by me, so if you guys post threads about the MOTD please give all the reasonings behind any changes you guys want and be as discreet as you can, so I can approve/disapprove properly. 2. The Staff of xG is now required to be on teamspeak more often, so if you haven't already installed teamspeak 3, go download it at www.teamspeak.com and be more active :) If you are a xG member, or even planning to be a member, hit up our teamspeak and get to know our community as I feel like this will be a great way to help newer members feel at welcome, and for staff members to know one another. Ip: voice.xenogamers.com 3. I will start giving punishments for wrongfully posting threads on the forums (for example, a friggin ban request with no proof whatsoever... MAKES ME RAGGEEE) and yeah, this will be posted sometime this week. 4. THE PROMO/DEMO will be next week, and I will start making it every 2 weeks, so that way the promo's are more deserved to the members who get it. THAT'S ALL FOR NOW xG! Any comments / questions / hatemail?
  23. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  24. Aegean


    Agreed, but he also can't say BS based on no facts.